The next person to walk to the penalty spot was Edwards.

The team captain did not hold the ball and prepare to take the penalty, but walked towards Martinez first.

"It's okay to throw one." Edwards smiled and patted Martinez on the shoulder, and Martinez also patted his shoulder.

"Captain, come on."

Edwards nodded, lifted the ball and held it in his arms. Opposite him, Hull City fans got small colored flags from nowhere, and almost all the fans who got the flags booed loudly and waved them desperately.

They thought it might interfere with the vision of the penalty shooter and make them dazzled.

But they did not consider that the Kingston Communications Stadium was not big to begin with, and even if everyone in the stands was waving flags, it would not have much visual effect.

Edwards looked quietly at the fans in the stands in front of him, and he was not disturbed at all. He walked slowly to his position until the referee asked him to prepare for the penalty as soon as possible.


David Edwards didn't have so many twists and turns when taking a penalty kick. He took a step forward and kicked the ball in the middle. The ball flew towards the goal like a cannonball!

David Edwards used the force of the long shot directly on the penalty kick, and Hull City goalkeeper Jakupovic did judge the ball path, but he had no time to react. The ball was already in his upper right corner, rubbing the bottom edge of the goal crossbar and flying into the goal!

"Beautiful!!" Todd and the others laughed. Now, in the penalty shootout, the team they supported had established a one-goal lead!

At the beginning of the third round, Livermore came up. Although he was a defensive midfielder who didn't usually appear in the camera, this player was not invisible at all throughout the game, causing a lot of trouble for the Wolves players.

But at this moment, Livermore was not as calm as he looked.

He saw with his own eyes the scene where his teammate missed the penalty kick. He could imagine that he would also face such huge pressure when standing in front of the penalty spot, and perhaps he would not do as well as him.

The closer the game gets to the end, the more penalties are taken, and the more pressure the players will have. Livermore never thought from the beginning that Wolves would be so tenacious.

Although his head coach Mike Phelan had told them over and over again how powerful and dominant Wolves were in the Championship. But if you look closely, they are only the second in the Championship, and they are still a few points behind Newcastle.

Besides, it's just the Championship, and we are Premier League players!

We are one league level lower and not the top of the league, how powerful can we be?

But Wolves slapped them in the face at the first moment of the game. Hull City only maintained the advantage for less than 20 minutes, and then Livermore and his teammates continued to bear the impact from Wolves.

And Livermore's mentality gradually changed from "they can't win" and "they are unlikely to win" to "they won't really win."

Livermore has been playing with Hull City for almost half a season and has lost so many games. In fact, he doesn't care so much about winning or losing. What he cares more about is not to blame himself.

How can I kick the ball to... score?

Livermore raised his head, but he didn't expect to meet Martinez's eyes. Martinez looked at Livermore with a scrutinizing look. And Livermore subconsciously lowered his head in an instant.

Martinez narrowed his eyes and saw Livermore's entanglement. But this is not enough, he needs to add fuel to the fire. To be honest, Wei Le taught him how to interfere with the opponent's mentality.

Before this, although Martinez has never been a serious person, he still has no experience in how to get the opponent's mentality. Once in a casual chat, Wei Le talked to him about penalty kicks.

"You have to make them panic!" Wei Le patted Martinez on the shoulder, "Don't panic, just make them confused and start to think about it."

"Then I, I scold them?" Martinez asked tentatively.

"Hey, why are you scolding them! You have to learn to interfere..." Wei Le showed a "warm" smile on his face, and then talked to Martin from beginning to end about how to judge the opponent's own emotions and how to predict what the opponent is thinking.

And how to tease the opponent efficiently.

For opponents like Snodgrass, Wei Le suggested that Martin should take care of himself, "You are asking for trouble if you interfere with them. It's useless. He won't listen to a word."

For example, in the first ball, for opponents like Mbokani who don't seem to be very smart, you have to give him a little surprise to make them fall into contemplation, but they can't figure it out. You see, this is distracting.

And nowFor players like Livermore who are very nervous, you have to add more fuel to the fire and make them feel nervous. When they are thinking "can this ball go in", they will definitely not go in.

Martin was in awe. Wei Le is really a wise man!

I didn't expect that Wei Le, who is not even older than me, has so many bad ideas in his mind. You must not go against Wei Le, otherwise he will get angry and sell you 80% of the time and coax you to help him count the money.

Martinez walked forward. Edwards was just about to go back when he saw Martinez "teasing" Livermore. Although his face was serious, he couldn't help laughing in his heart. They have seen this trick before.

Before the game, Wei Le directly arranged a training session to train penalty shootouts. And Wei Le asked Martinez to practice and use all the dirty tricks he "understood".

So Martinez let himself go for the first time. He danced in front of Jota and sang in front of Rodry. Patting shoulders with Godfrey and calling him a brother, and talking about life ideals with Edwards.

So the four collapsed players didn't score a single penalty.

At the end of that training session, the Wolves players said that no matter what storms they encountered, they could stay calm in the penalty shootout.

Wei Le was very happy, but at the same time he knew that after this day, this shy boy would never go back.

The camera was aimed at the goalkeeper, and Martin Taylor also wanted to see what tricks the goalkeeper who had just made a great contribution would do.

Martinez walked forward with a smile and put his arm around Livermore's shoulders.

"Are you nervous? I can see that you are nervous."

Livermore frowned, and he didn't want to answer.

"It's right to be nervous, you should be nervous. It's normal to be nervous when you meet me." Martinez said loudly with a smile, Livermore took a deep breath, he wanted to plug his ears now, but now Martinez and him were arm in arm, pressing his arm, which made him very uncomfortable.

"Martinez, go to your position." Referee Swarbrick came up and asked Martinez to let Livermore go.

"Okay, sir, I'll let you go." Martinez left obediently, but he didn't stop talking.

"Don't think about how to score, I see through you!" Martinez walked back, laughing loudly, "I've got you!"


"I've got you!"

Livermore didn't dare to look up, he didn't even look at where the goal was, he just wanted to end this nightmare quickly. He ran forward and swung his leg--

Martinez didn't move at all.

He raised his head and watched Livermore's shot fly high into the sky like his opening kick.

"He missed this penalty!!!"

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