///Fuck, it's already 500 chapters, I'm really good at writing. ///

///Or I'm really good at procrastinating. ///

///But it doesn't matter, the second volume is almost over! ///、

///Also, the transfer period is coming soon, what do you think about the team's recruitment plan? I will open up the channels for everyone to speak freely, and I will accept your advice like flowing water. ///

"Today is a big day for the city of Wolverhampton."

This is the front page headline of the Wolverhampton Daily.

Just below this headline is a huge picture that occupies most of the page. This is a photo. In the photo, a modified bus slowly drives through the street, surrounded by a cheerful crowd.

And the people on the roof of the bus celebrating with the crowd are the Wolves players!

Todd is carefully cutting out the newspaper with a smile. He put down the scissors, held up the newspaper and looked at it carefully, smacked his lips and said to himself, "How cool."

Then he carefully applied glue to the clipping and pasted it on the next page of his notebook.

The notebook was stuffed with things, even under the leather cover.

This is a special notebook that Todd uses to record all the materials related to Wolves. He has three or four such notebooks at home, one of which was passed down from his grandfather's generation.

There are photos, newspaper clippings, and other miscellaneous things such as star cards. After Todd carefully confirmed that the paper was not glued crooked, he wrote the date of the clipping under the clipping in the best handwriting he could.

May 23, 2018. Europa League championship parade.

He still remembers what happened a day ago.

When Todd and his family rushed to the street where the Wolves' bus was going to pass, there were already three layers of people standing on the roadside. Todd's youngest son couldn't help complaining: "It's all your fault, Dad. You came out so late, and now we can't get a good seat."

Todd felt guilty and said in a muffled voice, "Be careful next time."

"I don't know when the next parade will be." Todd's wife said faintly. Todd's wife is also a Wolves fan. In such a "fan home", it is difficult not to be influenced to become a fan.

Before, Todd's wife often went to the stadium with Todd to watch football.

But after the birth of the two sons, Todd's wife's health is indeed not as good as before, so she can't rush to the away game to watch the Wolves' game like she did when she was in love with Todd.

However, you can still go to the football celebration at your doorstep.

"Oh." Seeing that his mother and father were about to fight again, Todd's eldest son hurried out to smooth things over, "There will definitely be opportunities in the future. Maybe we can win the championship next season."

After hearing this, Todd and Todd's wife turned their heads to look at Todd's eldest son.

The sudden gaze made Todd's eldest son a little nervous. He subconsciously took two steps back, "What, what's wrong?"

"Nothing." Todd and his wife said in unison. The two looked at each other again.

Todd's wife said, "You said it very well."

Todd nodded, "My wife is right."

Todd's youngest son looked at his parents and added, "Say more next time."

Todd looked around and wondered, "Why are there so many people? To be honest, I haven't seen so many people in this city."

"Perhaps only football can make everyone go out of the house and gather here together." His wife smiled.

Today, in order to prepare for today's parade, the city police even borrowed highway police from other neighboring cities to help maintain order. The city government's notice was issued a few days in advance.

In the notice, they even suggested that companies take a day off on this day, leaving at least an afternoon for fans to attend this once-in-a-century event.

And many companies really followed the city government's advice and took a day off on that day.

Todd's agency and the cereal factory where Todd's wife works are on holiday, and the children's school also specially arranged to leave school in advance, which is why they can gather here on a weekday.

It can be said that except for the most necessary companies that cannot be shut down, most local companies in Wolverhampton have asked their employees to stop their work. Regardless of gender, age, or even disabled people in wheelchairs, they all walked out of their homes.

Regardless of whether they usually watch Wolves' games or pay attention to football, they all put on yellow clothes, painted their faces, and walked on the streets.

Because this is not just a matter of a team, but also the honor of a city..

The children were so excited that they cheered on the roadside, and some smart shops along the street had already arranged the space on the second floor in advance, and those with terraces had cleaned the terraces. They were specially open to people who wanted to have "intimate contact" with the Wolves' bus.

Many people really bought it.

Of course, there were also smart fans who made preparations a day in advance.

With the help of some climbing equipment, the Todd family watched in amazement as a thin man jumped up from the ground, then slowly and steadily climbed up the street lamp pole, and finally fixed himself on the lamp post!

After making sure that the equipment was stable, he deliberately lowered his head and gave a thumbs up to the dumbfounded Todd and his friends, grinning, "I'm fine!"

Todd was shocked, but he still gave a thumbs up in awe, "Awesome."

People were still pouring in, blocking the originally narrow street.

But under the police's arrangement, the crowd was still orderly, and no one crossed the edge of the road and walked into the road.

The cordon had been set up, leaving a path for the Wolves and police cars to pass through.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the Wolves players boarded the bus from the training base on the outskirts of the city. Wei Le and Captain Edwards walked at the end, and they took the trophies and plates of the English Championship, League Cup and Europa League champions on the bus.


The celebration after the end of last season was just a rally in the municipal square.

There was no parade after all.

This time, it was considered to make up for last year's regret, and all three trophies were taken out for the public to see.

"Thank you for your hard work!" Wei Le smiled and greeted the driver.

This driver is the "royal" driver of the Wolves, who is responsible for transporting players.

"It's okay. Today is my happiest day!" The driver was wiping the steering wheel and replied with a smile, "It feels really different to be so close to the trophy!"

After confirming that everyone was on the bus, Wei Le waved his hand and said to the intercom with high spirits: "Let's go!"

Then, with the sound of the police car's whistle, the Wolves bus drove to the Wolves city center with the police car leading the way and the mounted police lined up.

Their parade route started from the Wolves' training base, drove through the city of Wolverhampton, passed by Molineux Stadium, and finally arrived at the Municipal Square in Wolverhampton.

"This is the first time I have seen a police car leading the way for us!" Jota looked around and noticed that two police cars surrounded the bus in the middle, and on both sides of the bus, there were two mounted police officers protecting it on the left and right.

As buildings gradually replaced the woods and farms, more people celebrated around.

The bus had to slow down, and the fans sang songs and waved to the Wolves players. When the Wolves players responded to their calls, the cheers always went up a notch.

But that was nothing.

When they could see the roof of Molineux Stadium appear on the eaves, the players were shocked!

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