The bus was driving on the streets of Lyon.

Along the way, the yellow and red and white flashed outside the window, adding bright colors to this ancient city. The players quietly looked at the familiar and unfamiliar figures outside the window, waving flags and singing songs.

No one spoke.

When the bus drove into the Lyon Olympic Stadium, Wei Le took a deep breath. Tonight, their battle will start here.


When Wei Le spoke, the locker room was quiet. The time for the game to start was getting closer and closer, and the camera was already aimed at the door of the locker room, not wanting to miss the wonderful moment when the players walked out of the locker room.

The players were ready to go, just like paratroopers who were about to jump off the plane checking whether their parachute bags were safe, they once again checked whether their shin guards were inserted and whether their shoelaces were tied.

"We still have some time before we go on the court." Wei Le looked around, taking everyone's reactions into consideration. "At this time, I should say something inspiring to cheer you up."

"But, at least today, I don't want my words to be your source of motivation."

"Let me show you a video."

After that, Wei Le gestured with his hand, and Celars immediately connected the computer to the screen in the locker room and clicked on a video.

The beginning of the video was dark.

Then, the screen lit up, and it seemed to be a hospital. Several players recognized it at once. Because this was the hospital where Ekmay had surgery!

As the door of the ward was pushed open, the camera's perspective was like a friend visiting a patient, and walked into the ward leisurely. The person sitting on the bed was none other than their teammate, Ekmay, who had been with them day and night!

"Oh my God..." Edwards exclaimed in a low voice, "I didn't expect..."

Ekmay seemed to have noticed the arrival of the camera a long time ago, and he stretched out his hand and smiled and greeted the camera.

"Hello, brothers!" His hearty voice reached everyone in the locker room through the video.

"When you see this video, you will probably only have a few minutes to play in the Europa League final. I extend my sincere blessings to you here, and wish you good luck and victory!"

"The boss gave me this precious time for the pre-match speech, so let me say a few words first."

"Then, let me tell you what I have done this year."

"Brothers, first of all, I am almost well!" Ekmai showed a cheerful smile on his face, "You don't have to worry, my surgery was very successful, and I have started recovery training recently."

"Maybe, I will see you again soon."

After saying this, Ekmai sat up directly from the bed and stood on the ground. He opened his arms to prove that he was as good as new.

"It's a pity that I can't personally participate in this crucial game with you. During this year, I watched you fight, and I also fought myself."

"Fighting for my life."

"Everything happened so suddenly. The day before, I was still preparing for the new season of the Premier League, but the next day, I was diagnosed with acute leukemia." When he said this, Alkma's voice was very calm. Almost a year has passed, and he can now face it calmly.

But the players heard Alkma's calm statement, as if it was telling someone else's story.

They all knew how difficult it was to accept the gap from the football field to the hospital bed.

What's more, Alkma's condition may even lead to his early death.

"The pain has been haunting me."

"Fortunately, my surgery was very successful. With the help of doctors, I am out of danger."

"But this is not the end of everything. My body was still very fragile at the time. In order to recover as soon as possible, I had to take medicine all day, and the injections made me numb."

"When I couldn't sleep in the middle of the night because of the pain, I actually thought: either forget it, or just let it go."

"With conservative treatment, there shouldn't be anything else, maybe just a few years less of life."

"But I finally woke up and said to myself, 'Karl, what the hell are you thinking?!'"

"I chose to keep fighting; even though I knew that I needed to work harder and suffer more to return to the court; I still chose to keep fighting."

"Brothers, whenever I want to give up, I will think of you."

"I know you are waiting for me. "

"I will think of my family, my parents and my children, they are all waiting for me."

"I will think of my life so far. If I give up, I will be very disappointed as a child."

After saying all this in one breath, Ekma took a deep breath. He looked deeply at the camera, and his eyes seemed to penetrate the screen directly. The players even had some illusion at this moment - they were not watching the video at this time, but really listening to Ekma in front of them.

"Brothers, when you stand on the court, you will feel different from the usual games."

"You may be excited, or you may be so nervous that your legs are weak, or you may be very angry, or you may be very sad."

"Under the pressure, your feelings will be infinitely magnified."

"But, brothers."

"If you really reach a desperate situation and think of giving up, please think about the road you have walked at this time, the people who are waiting for you and trusting you, and think about me. ”

“You are never fighting alone. I am always by your side, your teammates are standing by your side, the fans who have come from afar are cheering and shouting for your every move, and your family is watching the game. ”

“They love you and support you.”

“So, don’t give up, keep running and fighting.”

“Believe me, fate will not let you down.”

Aikmai walked towards the camera, and he opened his arms again, as if he wanted to hug everyone.

“Brothers, it’s up to you!”

“Come on!”

Aikmai’s figure was frozen here, and the video also stopped at this second.

The locker room was silent.

Then, I don’t know who was the first to applaud.

The silence was broken instantly.

In an instant, the applause was thunderous.

Wei Le reappeared in the center of the locker room, and he waited for the applause to dissipate.

“Brothers. "

Wei Le's voice sounded again, and this time, some players heard a slight tremor in his voice.

"We have been preparing for this moment for a long time."

"The media is not optimistic about our championship. They think Atletico will definitely win; they think we have no experience and that I don't know how to coach at all; they think you are all cowards, all here to travel, just going through the motions, and then like a star chaser, asking for a few Atletico jerseys. "

"For this moment, we have come a long way."

"Think back, brothers, we defeated Southampton together and got the chance to play in the Europa League; we defeated many opponents who are more famous than us; we lost the game, but we also completed a big comeback from 2-0 to 4-1; we were treated unfairly, but we used our strength to tell them who is the winner-"


"Next, go to the court. Then tell everyone in the world that we will never give up; tell them that we will never be afraid of powerful enemies; tell them that we have the strength to stand on the top of the world; tell them that we are young and full of vitality! "

Wei Le took a deep breath.

He could feel that the atmosphere in the locker room had changed. At this moment, it was as if the clouds were colliding with each other, thunder was rolling, lightning was flashing, and the wind was rushing!

The storm is about to take shape!


"Let them remember our names!"

Wei Le waved his arms, like a conductor raising the climax of the whole movement, and in his voice, the players stood up one after another. Everyone's voice gradually became heavier, and at this moment, they seemed to be able to hear each other's heartbeats!

Everyone is waiting for that moment.

"We are-"


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