【Wolves' head coach for the new season has been confirmed to be the young Chinese coach Le WEI. WEI has no experience coaching in a professional team, this is his new start in football...】


The news about the new head coach of Wolves flashed by in the numerous transfer news. But soon, many replies accumulated under this news.

【WEI, who is that? 】

【Is it a mistake? I have never heard of this person, is he really the head coach? 】

Some people expressed their blessings to this newcomer, more people did not know who Wei Le was, and there were also several comments questioning whether Romano had made a mistake.

【Did you mistake a manager of the Chinese consortium as the new head coach? 】

【China? Does anyone there really understand football? 】

Following Romano, the Wolves official also quickly published a notice on major social media, officially announcing that Wei Le would become the "temporary" head coach. This message did not have pictures, nor did it describe in detail what was so magical about Wei Le himself.

But this has proved that Romano's news is indeed true.

Just as Guo Guangchang hoped, Wei Le was originally called "temporary head coach" instead of the official head coach. This really put many people at ease. At least the club was looking for a formal head coach, and this little character whose name had never been heard was probably just a temporary figure because the offseason was about to end and the team had not found one yet.

Wei Le found that the scene of widespread media questioning that he thought was very common in novels did not appear.

After all, Wolves is just a Championship team. It is very reasonable for a Championship team to let a young man in the coaching staff act for a period of time if it did not find a new head coach before the start of the league. What's more, Wei Le himself has basically never appeared in front of the media. The media doesn't even know who he is, so how can they create controversy about him?

Although Wolves' supporters were surprised by this, Wei Le had indeed become a member of the team's coaching staff last season, and he was not an unknown person who "popped out of a crack in the stone".

Therefore, they did not widely oppose the club's decision, but waited for the official head coach to take office.

Then, when the team announced the end of the signings and updated the information of Wei Le and the new coaching team on the official website, they realized that something was wrong.

Where is the official head coach? Why hasn't he been found yet?

Wouldn't they really let this newbie lead the team to play in the English Championship?

When it was already the beginning of August, with only a dozen days left before the start of the league, some reporters suddenly had a somewhat outrageous guess.

You know, although the word "temporary" was in front of "head coach" in the team's notice, Romano's report did not have "temporary", so is there a possibility, just a possibility...

Is Wei Le really the official head coach?

And when these reporters began to write, other media also discovered this.

21 years old, no coaching experience, just graduated, and a Chinese! Considering that Wolves had just changed a Chinese owner, and this was the first time a Chinese had entered the European football world.

"Relationship household?"

The famous Sun newspaper found an opportunity at this time.

Although The Sun has a reputation as a "toilet paper newspaper" for its football reports, when it comes to reporting gossip, The Sun is 100% credible. But the Wei Le incident is neither gossip nor football content.

Between the two, The Sun thought about it and decided to hand over the task to the office that writes for the football column. But Wolves kept it secret too tightly, and The Sun was so powerful that it couldn't find any conclusive news.

But when it comes to topics like "relationship households", there is actually no particularly conclusive evidence. The Sun feels that since there is no news, it will make it up. They are best at this - isn't it just catching wind and shadows and taking things out of context? They understand!

So, an intriguing report was born.

According to the information they could find, it briefly describes Wei Le's growth process in China, saying that Wei Le is actually Guo Guangchang's illegitimate son and is actually here to inherit the family business. The Sun is very good at writing this kind of article, especially news involving China.

They don't need to point fingers at Wei Le and say that he is incompetent. They only need to say indirectly that China has a tradition of favoritism, and the rest is left to the readers to understand.

After all, readers are more inclined to believe what they "infer" than what the report says.

When the report was published, surprisingly, this ups and downs fantasy story did not seem to attract much attention..

Perhaps because they wrote too outrageous, most people regarded their "investigation results" as a joke. Only some small media reprinted this news and threw it into the gossip area. How could anyone really believe such an article that was not true at first glance?

Therefore, the team was full of laughter and joy, and Martin was punished to do extra training because of "face-to-face mockery". Wei Le was also amused and helpless when he saw this report, but Wei Le didn't care, which didn't mean that the team management didn't care.

He was a little uneasy about the trend of public opinion.

"This time, it was because the Sun wrote too badly that not many people believed it. If they wrote better, maybe many people would believe it, and this matter would be a huge credibility crisis for our Fosun Group!"

"If we don't occupy the high ground of public opinion, then our opponents will occupy it for us. Now that they can't stand, we must take it back."

The team's executive chairman Shi Yu said firmly.

The team quickly contacted Wei Le and told Wei Le about their concerns about this matter. Wei Le thought about it. Although he didn't care, the team's credibility was not a trivial matter.

"The team plans to pick a trustworthy reporter to interview you. What do you think?"

"I don't think an interview is necessary. After all, we haven't achieved any results yet, and the interview may not be very effective. But we can hold a press conference. I'll go meet them." Wei Le thought about it and replied.


"Welcome to the press room." A reporter acted as the host and welcomed Wei Le who was sitting on the stage.

The press officer's face froze after hearing this. Who is the host of the press conference?

Wei Le smiled and said, "You are also welcome to my press conference."

"Don't be nervous for your first time!" A reporter joked from behind the crowd.

"It's okay. We will get along for a long time." Wei Le's press conference began with laughter.

At the press conference, the representative sent by Fosun Group introduced Wei Le's basic resume. Wei Le's outrageous age also caused exclamations from reporters. Wei Le took over the conversation himself, expressing his excitement about being able to serve as the head coach and saying that he was very willing to accept the new challenge.

At the same time, reporters also found that this young man who seemed to have never attended a press conference seemed to be difficult to deal with.

A reporter asked, "Last season you ranked in the middle of the league, what do you predict will be the result this year?"

Wei Le showed his signature warm smile, opened his arms and said, "I never predict future results. Maybe we will be ranked first in the end, or maybe we will still be ranked this way, but in any case, we are ready."

Reporters really couldn't find any flaws in Wei Le's watertight answer. Some reporters even asked some sharp questions, such as his relationship with the chairman, his relationship with the former head coach, etc., in order to make Wei Le reveal his flaws in his nervousness.

But this young man seemed to have no idea what nervousness was.

"I have a very good relationship with the team owner and the team chairman," said this, Wei Le suddenly paused, and the reporters' eyes lit up, asking about the taste of big news. But at this time, Wei Le smiled slyly, "Very good working relationship."

Okay, another useless one.

How can this young man be so talented? ?

He responded to questions like those old-timers who have been in the league for a long time.

Later, as soon as he showed a "warm smile", the reporters already knew what he was going to say next, so they reluctantly left their hands on the keyboard.

Wei Le sent off the last reporter with a "warm smile". He looked at the players who were gathered outside the door of the press room and were holding back their laughter to watch the fun. Seeing that there was no one around, he couldn't hold it back and laughed out loud.

"Boss, you are so awesome, teach us this trick when you go back."

"Coach! I want to learn this!" Rodri's eyes were shining with admiration. He had been tricked by the English media once when he first joined the team.

The players have experienced the strength of the English media, so they admire Wei Le who plays the media in the palm of their hands.

"Teach, teach." Wei Le comforted the laughing young people and walked out of the press room.

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