The second half had just begun. The distraught Lazio players were the last to arrive at the stadium, while the Wolves players had been waiting for them on the field. Seeing them arrive late, some of them showed a happy look, as if the distinguished guests they had been waiting for for a long time had finally arrived.

When Wei Le saw Simone Inzaghi again in the player's tunnel, he saw that his expression was not good. He just nodded and greeted Wei Le, and then hurried out, as if he didn't want to stay here any longer.

Wei Le was not in a hurry at all. He walked out of the player's tunnel slowly and waved to the fans, which attracted cheers from everyone.

This is actually expressing an attitude, that is, the Wolves are not in a hurry now, and the pressure is all on Lazio. The cheers of the Wolves fans who cooperated with him sounded extremely harsh to the Lazio players.

"I heard that Simone Inzaghi cursed in the locker room, and the atmosphere was particularly bad." Celars walked out of the player tunnel with an expression of "I heard gossip" and said this to Wei Le as soon as he came out.

"Oh?" Wei Le raised his eyebrows, "How did you know?"

"This is Molineux Stadium. It is no exaggeration to say that their every move is under our surveillance!" Celars said, covering his mouth. He only needed to say this to Wei Le. He was afraid that the camera would capture his lip shape and let the lip reading expert analyze it.

"So weird?"

"Of course not." Celars laughed, "This news was told to me by our team's cleaner. He said that when he passed by the door of Lazio's locker room, he heard the roar of Inzaghi and the sound of Dinglinglang smashing things inside."

"He told me that the news might be useful to us."

Wei Le nodded. He used the system to scan the Lazio players at this time, but found that their morale did not rise but fell. At the end of the first half of the game, it was at least relatively calm, with a yellow horizontal arrow pointing to the right, but now they are standing on the field, but it is a red downward arrow.

Wei Le couldn't help laughing.

"What's wrong?" Celars asked curiously.

Wei Le shook his head, "Nothing."

He suddenly remembered when he played FM games before.

In the locker room training session, often if one point is not right, the players will all "lose their fighting spirit" and "be furious", and put on red faces. At that time, someone in the forum called this situation "holding a memorial service."

As soon as the memorial service started, the whole game was over.

I think Inzaghi failed to correctly grasp the emotions of the players.

Maybe everyone lacked fighting spirit and confidence, and what was needed at this time was encouragement from the head coach.

But I didn't expect Inzaghi to scold everyone right away. I guess his words were not very nice, and he probably talked about those old-fashioned "game attitude" problems.

How could everyone be in a good mood?

"So, you always say that I am soft-tempered. Then you have to know that it's not that scolding can solve all worries, and scolding everything will work." Wei Le said to Celars with a smile.

Celars nodded, it was indeed the truth.

Wei Le's lectures at any time can make everyone full of fighting spirit.

When the performance is good, Wei Le can praise everyone for every good performance for five minutes, and he really has something to say, not perfunctory.

When the performance was not good, Wei Le's criticism was also sharp. It was not just empty talk like "You didn't perform well in this game", but criticism directly targeting the problem, such as "You were too aggressive in defense in this game" and "You were too anxious in choosing a shot in this game".

This will also be recognized and responded to by the players.

What Wei Le knew was that there was a psychological theory called "Hawthorne Effect", which was proposed by a psychologist at Harvard University. It refers to the tendency of people to change their behavior when they know that they are being observed.

The pride of being noticed and valued will change behavior and have a significant promoting effect on people's enthusiasm.

To put it bluntly, when being watched, everyone will unconsciously think about being more energetic, performing well, and not losing face.

Wei Le's appropriate praise and criticism also shows that Wei Le is really paying attention to the performance of each of them in the game. In this way, they will continue to actively improve and correct their behavior out of this pride of being noticed.

"How do you know what to say to whom?" Celars asked sincerely. He really wanted to learn this aspect.

Looking at this Sheffield man with not much hair, Wei Le smiled and pointed at his head.

"Is it experience?"

Wei Le replied very pretentiously, "No, it's nature."

Cellars wanted to say something, but the referee's sharp whistle interrupted their chat.

Another person fell to the ground.

But this time it was a Wolves player.

Wei Le couldn't sit still when he saw it. It was Rodri!

No one can be missing, but Rodri!

Wei Le almost jumped up from his chair. Although he was chatting just now, he was also watching the game and clearly saw that the midfielder Lucas kicked Rodri from behind.

Dr. Matt Perry was ready and rushed up immediately after seeing the referee's gesture.

A few minutes later, Dr. Perry gave a thumbs up, and Wei Le breathed a sigh of relief, "Not bad."

Dr. Perry helped Rodri back to the sidelines.

"He can continue to play." Dr. Perry returned to Wei Le and said to Wei Le, "The previous one was a hard injury. It hit the front bone of the calf. It must be painful. But the problem is that his physical strength is not enough to support the end of the game. "

Wei Le nodded solemnly.

In order to pull the opponent's defense line, the Wolves players ran much more than the Lazio players. Now the game is in the 50th minute. It seems that some players who have consumed a lot of physical strength will not be able to hold on until the 60th minute.

Wei Le made a decision.

"You tell Rodri and let him talk to the other players." Wei Le held Doherty, "If you can't hold on, hold on for the last ten minutes. You don't need to save your energy. We will make substitutions in the 60th minute. Before that, try to overtake the score! "

Dougherty nodded firmly and ran back.

The Lazio players, who had just seen the Wolves' offensive momentum slow down, had just organized one or two threats to the front of the Wolves, but found that their pressure was immediately increasing!

51 minutes, 53 minutes.

55 minutes, 56 minutes.

Time passed by minute by minute, and Rodri's running became slower and slower.

He even began to let Dendoncker go to the front to take over the organization work. Seeing this, Wei Le quickly asked De Paul and Van der Beck to warm up.

Until the 58th minute!

The attack started from the left side of the Wolves!

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