///It’s a bit messy to pack up things after the start of the school year, so the updates are a bit unstable///

The current situation is that everyone seems to have no pursuit in football.

Some people are satisfied with the status quo. After all, although Wolves lost two games, after four games, Wolves lost two, tied one and won one, ranking in the middle of the league, which is actually acceptable.

Others are actually a bit lost. For example, Wei Le is like this.

In the final analysis, everyone is playing in the Premier League for the first time. They know that their position is probably at the upper middle level of the league, and it seems that there is no need to work hard.

Wei Le knows the reason best, because as a college student, he has a deep understanding of this.

Why do many people doubt the knowledge level of college students in recent years? Some college students feel that they have followed the routine and have not learned much after graduation.

Policy reasons are one of them, and the other part is that students are actually stuffed into college before they are ready.

People can list many differences between high school and college, such as college is freer, everyone has more time and space to do what they want to do, college (most of them) at least will not collect mobile phones, at least there will be no evening self-study, etc.

But the most essential difference is that during high school, students have clear goals.

But in college, there is no such thing.

During high school, Wei Le's life was fixed, from school to home, from home to school, and weekends at home to do homework. Fortunately, his parents respected Wei Le's choice and did not force Wei Le to go to cram school, so Wei Le still had some time to play football.

But the semester ending with exams is divided into many stages by one exam after another. There are monthly exams at the end of the month before and after the midterm exams, and there are regular tests and irregular baseline tests every week between the monthly exams.

Not to mention the "opening exam" before the start of the semester, which makes the whole holiday uneasy.

And the ultimate goal, the whole class has only one goal, that is, to get better results in the college entrance examination. This goal is consistent, and students are basically not stingy in helping each other while comparing with each other.

But when the exams in early June are over, when these senior high school students walk out of the exam hall, while they are ecstatic about the two-month vacation, they may overlook a problem.

What happens next?

After arriving at the university, many interest clubs and student organizations immediately come one after another. There are not so many exams, not so many hard homework, and even if you don’t want to go to class one day, it’s not impossible.

Without exams as a standard for evaluating ability, time passes very happily, quickly, and even more confused.

Wei Le spent his first year of high school like this, going to class step by step, playing football in his spare time, and participating in some group activities.

Then what?

Then a year passed.

What did you learn in a year? It’s definitely not that you learned nothing, but are the things Wei Le learned helpful for his future development? Is it helpful for him to better promote himself in the job market?

It seems that they can’t be connected.

This is the problem.

If you want to find a job, what kind of job should you go for? If you want to take the postgraduate entrance examination, which school should you take the postgraduate examination for, or even which professor’s postgraduate student? College students have no plans at the beginning, so of course they will be confused, and the result of confusion is to give up.

In junior high and high school, teachers' performance standards are closely related to students' grades and the level of further study, so they will of course help students set goals and encourage them to continue learning.

But in college, even if the failure rate of students is higher than 50%, the income of teachers will basically not be affected. They have no reason to help students set goals, and there is no unified goal that can adapt to all students.

The most regrettable thing is that no one will tell this group of ecstatic senior high school students in advance about this change.

Back to football, in fact, the team is the same. In the last season, the goal of the Wolves was undoubtedly to upgrade as champions, and Newcastle was chasing closely.

There are pursuers behind to force themselves to run forward. If they are not careful, they will lose their leading position in the standings. In front is the goal of being promoted to the Premier League. The players are motivated by the same, of course, full of motivation.

At the beginning of this season, Wei Le has not given a very detailed season plan, and each player has his own ideas.

Those players who think that Wolves just need to avoid relegation will certainly not spend time to improve themselves, and those who think that they are good now are lucky to complete the coach's task. Only some Wolves players with higher requirements will think about improvement.

But unfortunately, most of the team are currently in the first two situations, so those players who intend to make progress have no encouragement from the coach and support from their peers, and their efforts are limited.The enthusiasm disappeared.

"What should we do?" asked Celars.

Wei Le said firmly, "It's time to set a goal."

This problem is not difficult to solve. The main thing is to set a "main contradiction", and everyone will focus on the main contradiction, and then set stage goals according to the stage.

It's like a semester.

The team's ultimate goal is to at least enter the seventh place at the end of the season, which is the Europa League play-off zone. If possible, work hard for the fifth place, which is the first place in the Europa League.

In the Europa League, Wolves' ultimate goal is to at least enter the semi-finals.

After setting this most basic goal, the next step is to divide the league into various stages, and the focus of each stage must be an important game.

"It's time to talk to everyone." Wei Le stood in the center, and the players sat around the lounge. No other coaching staff members were present.

Wei Le said with a smile, "I chose the lounge as our place for conversation because this is our own topic. I am very happy that I can be invited to the lounge that belongs only to you players in the new season."

"It's hard to find a coach who plays FIFA better than you!" Jota said the reason. Wei Le shrugged and said, "Okay, I'm quite honored."

"Ask everyone a question. There are no eavesdropping devices here, and there will be no other people who are bored to inquire about the news. I just want to ask your opinions."

"What are your expectations for this season?" Wei Le asked, and added, "Including but not limited to expectations for league rankings and cup rankings. You don't need to answer, just think about it in your mind."

"I'll give you three minutes to discuss freely."

After that, whispers began off the court. Wei Le was not in a hurry. He pulled a chair and sat in front of a whiteboard, grabbing a whiteboard pen and playing with it in his hand. He was also observing the expressions of the players.

Some players thought it was not a serious issue at first, and their expressions were relatively relaxed, and some laughter was heard. But as they talked, everyone seemed to realize the problem and their faces became a little serious.

After five minutes, the whispers in the audience gradually stopped.

Wei Le did not urge them. Hearing that the discussion was almost over, Wei Le turned around and asked, "How is it?"

"Almost done." Captain Cody replied.

"Okay." Wei Le stood up from his chair and returned to the center of the group. "I won't ask about the results first. I'll just ask what you feel?"

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