In the 56th minute, Wolves' offensive resumed, and Van der Beck passed the ball to the retreating Haaland. Haaland took advantage of the situation and dribbled the ball horizontally, passing it to Almiron on the right. Almiron and him made a two-on-one cooperation, and Haaland then broke through to the bottom line.

Haaland chose to make a triangle pass at the bottom line, and there was indeed someone in the middle to receive it! Edwards pushed the ball into the goal after he made a forward move.

But when they began to celebrate excitedly, the referee blew the whistle. The ball was offside, and the assistant referee had already raised the flag.

"How is it possible? It was an inverted triangle back pass!" Haaland was a little anxious.

"It's not that he is offside, but that you are offside." The referee smiled helplessly.

It was when Haaland and Almiron were cooperating, the two did not have enough tacit understanding, and Haaland ran too fast, causing him to exceed his opponent by half a body when Almiron passed the ball.

That is, the assistant referee caught him at this half body position.

"Okay." Haaland sighed, accepting the referee's statement. This is not a controversial penalty. Since it is clearly offside, there is nothing to say.

Almiron raised his hand apologetically, indicating that he passed the ball too early.

"It's okay." Haaland smiled nonchalantly and walked over to hug Almiron's shoulders. "The pass is good enough. Don't take it to heart. This time it's a matter of luck."

"Luck problem...?" Almiron shook his head, "I'll pass it to you better next time."

"Okay, wait for you to pass it better next time!" Haaland did not refute, nodded, patted Almiron on the back, and walked back to his own position.

In the 60th minute, Martin, who was about to catch a cold, finally made a save. This time it was also in the counterattack stage. The opponent's long kick directly kicked the ball to the midfield. Chris Wood headed the ball to the forward midfielder Pablo Hernandez.

Hernandez faced the goalkeeper, but Martin was in a very good position and he had no chance to shoot in advance. When he reached the front of the penalty area, the Wolves' central defender who was chasing back at high speed was already in place. Hernandez gritted his teeth and tried to shoot directly.

Martin, who was standing relatively forward, leaped and hugged the ball directly in his arms. He did not lie on the ground to delay time. Now the Wolves were only one goal ahead, and it was not time to delay time.

Martinez did not kick the ball with a big foot. Now the overall formation of the Wolves was relatively loose. If he kicked the ball forward with a big foot, it would be difficult to grab the second landing point. So Martinez threw the ball to Godfrey on the left.

Godfrey passed the ball horizontally to Edwards.

Edwards pushed the ball to the right side and Almiron took the ball again. Facing the opponent's defense, Almiron did not hesitate and dribbled forward directly!

Phillips did not make any defense at all. Almiron just dribbled the ball and accelerated, leaving Phillips behind.

Facing Berardi, Almiron wisely did not continue to dribble forward, but passed the ball horizontally to Van der Beck in the middle. Van der Beck took two steps into the penalty area and was pressed by the central defender.

Central defender Bartley stretched his foot to intercept the ball, but Van der Beck first pulled the ball to the left with his right foot, then knocked forward with his left foot and avoided the fierce tackle.

Van der Beck passed the ball to Almiron again, and Almiron faced the goal again near the baseline. He made a shooting motion!

Goalkeeper Green was in a state of panic, after all, Almiron had already scored a goal in the same position. But Almiron's ankle shook and the ball was passed to the penalty area!

This time it was an inverted triangle pass, not a shot!

This time there would be no problem with the inverted triangle, Haaland pushed lightly, and the football rolled into the goal obediently!

The ball went in! ! !

2-0! ! !

"How was the pass?" Almiron asked eagerly.

"This time it was a good pass!" Haaland ran over with a big laugh and hugged Almiron. Almiron was "picked up" by Haaland, or more accurately, hugged by the waist.

With two goals in hand, it was no problem to ensure victory in this game. In the 74th minute, Leeds United center back Bart received a second yellow card for a reckless foul and sent himself off the field.

As a last resort, Leeds United replaced their lone striker Chris Wood with another center back to strengthen the defense. This also shows that Leeds United has completely given up on counterattacks.

In the 90th minute, Bowen, who was substituted on, took a corner kick and assisted Rodri to score with a header. The connection between the two substitutes changed the score to 3-0. Now, the game is completely over!

Three points toWolves are only one step away from the championship!

If Wolves do not lose the next game against Blackburn Rovers, even if they draw, they will win the league championship at Molineux Stadium in the fourth-to-last round, three rounds in advance!

Although the trophy will not be awarded until the last game, it is harmless. Who says that a champion must have a trophy to be complete?

/////The following is the author's words. There is no particularly important announcement. The author just wants to chat/////

Hello everyone!

This is the globe who officially started the vacation. Say hello to everyone.

First of all, this afternoon, I wrote the ending of my last class assignment paper, which is regarded as a complete end of everything this semester, and the first half of the freshman year is over.

I have always hoped to have a chance to chat with you all, and also to make a year-end summary, but I have never had the chance. I have been sick in December, and I started preparing for the exam in January. I have finally finished the exam now, and there is still homework to do.

As I write these words today, the total word count of this book has exceeded 500,000. I look at the 428-page document in my Word document and I am really moved. I really didn't expect that I could persist for so long.

I have never been a perseverant person. I have basically never had the experience of writing novels for a long time. If I told myself in August that my novel would continue to be updated until January, I would not believe it.

Writing novels really requires perseverance. Maybe in the beginning, my enthusiasm for "finishing this story" can support me to write books spontaneously, but when the plot gradually enters a flat period, this enthusiasm is also constantly fading. For a while, I was actually thinking, do I really want to write this novel?

The answer is yes, or it is difficult for me to separate Wei Le from my life. Now my computer input method has remembered "Wei Le", which caused me to always type "for" as "Wei Le" when I was writing a paper a few days ago. On the other hand, I really can't bear to be separated from you and my dear readers.

This is the first time I have faced this kind of communication relationship between creators and readers on both sides of the screen. I don’t know how well I handle this relationship, but I undoubtedly cherish this relationship very much. Although we met by chance, although we come from all over the world, although we may not have any communication at all, we came here because of this book. This is fate.

I started writing books in the summer vacation after the end of my senior year of high school. Now I have passed half of my freshman year and one-eighth of my college years. It is really annoying to be a freshman. There are many things to do, and the pressure of study is also quite high. Everyone is very competitive. I have never felt this kind of pressure before, so to be honest, I didn’t handle it well.

In the past few months, I have not been able to update twice in more than 20 days. I have very few manuscripts in my storage, and I don’t have much energy to save manuscripts normally, so I am really sorry for the unstable updates in December. During that time, I felt uncomfortable looking at the things I sent out, and I felt that everyone was uncomfortable reading them. At that time, the reading volume dropped the fastest since I started the book, but I didn’t have time to pay attention to the reading volume because I still had a lot of papers to write.

Anyway, thank you to everyone who is still with me. In the new year, I can't make any promises. According to the class schedule of the second semester of my freshman year, my free time should be no less than that of the first semester of my freshman year. But I will try my best to update, try to ensure stable updates, and try to bring you more satisfactory stories.

I also hope that you can communicate with me more and post more comments in the book circle. If you haven't rated it, please give me a high score (hehe)

Although it's been a long time late, I wish you all a happy new year!

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