In a wilderness in California, as a circle of light appeared, Su Heng's figure slowly emerged from it.

"Then I'll leave it to you, Su Heng." At the other end of the teleportation circle, Master Gu Yi sat in the dessert shop and nodded towards Su Heng.

"Leave it to me, Master Gu Yi." Su Heng looked at the three warm Culuo cards in his arms, nodded towards Master Gu Yi, and set his sights on the farm not far away.

There seemed to be some kind of funeral being held there.

As Su Heng walked towards the farm, he reviewed what Master Gu Yi had just said to him in the store.

According to the ancient mage, Harry is now bewitched physically and mentally by a lord of hell named Mephisto, and it is more likely that he has signed a demonic contract related to his soul without Harry's knowledge.

Mephisto went to such great lengths to bewitch Harry because the lords of each dimension had signed a contract with the Ancient One Master. Before the death of the Ancient One Master, the lords of each dimension could not set foot in the land. above the earth.

But here in California, Mephisto has a bad debt that has been owed for decades.

In the past few decades, Mephisto has been looking for talents he likes and sent them to California to recover the bad debt, but unfortunately he has never succeeded.

And Harry is the "talent" Mephisto found this time.

Originally, before yesterday, the Ancient One Mage did not take Harry seriously. After all, the so-called "talents" selected by Mephisto in the past few decades have never successfully helped him recover the debt.

The Ancient One mage thought that Harry would be broken up in California just like the previous one.

But last night, the Ancient One Master realized that an old friend of his in California had passed away not long after Harry arrived in California.

The old friend of the Ancient One Master is closely related to the person who paid Mephisto the bad debt.

However, for some reason, Master Gu Yi and Kama Taj's masters were inconvenient to set foot in California, so they could only entrust Su Heng to go to California to investigate.

Of course, it was impossible for the wealthy Master Gu Yi to let Su Heng work in vain. The generous Master Gu Yi led Su Heng to easily find "Ingots, Scales, and Bubbles" before Su Heng left for California. These three Clow cards.

After Su Heng conquered these three Clow Cards, he was naturally embarrassed to do nothing with them, so he came to California under the teleportation circle of Master Gu Yi.

In the farm, a priest with rosacea was speaking compassionately to the surrounding villagers about the deceased.

"He is a highly respected elder, the oldest and most handsome cowboy in California. During the years he has been alive, there is not a single villager around him who has not been helped by him."

"Even if a passerby is lost at night, he will hold up the light in his hand to dispel the confusion and illuminate the direction in his heart."

"We hope that even though he has passed away, he can still be as wild as the wind after his death, riding forward bravely and bravely in the western desert of heaven."

"Amen!" Following the priest's eulogy, everyone present bowed their heads devoutly, praying faithfully for the deceased to find peace in heaven.

As the mourning ended, a villager present also spotted Su Heng standing behind them.

"Hey stranger, are you here to attend Old Carter's funeral too?" a young man asked Su Heng.

"Old Carter? Do you mean Carter Slade?" Su Heng asked the young man doubtfully.

"Do you actually know Old Carter's full name?" The young man touched his chin. It seemed that he was also a stranger who had been helped by Old Carter? "

"Sorry, I have not received help from Mr. Carter." Su Heng said with a little regret on his face: "It's just because an elder is familiar with Mr. Carter, which is probably the reason why I appear here."

Carter Slade, this is the old friend that the Ancient One Master mentioned before.

Carter Slade, known as the "Phantom Rider".

"Well, he is actually a junior of old Carter's friend?" The young man took out a bouquet of white flowers from the wooden table nearby: "Then please go forward and present a bouquet of white flowers to old Carter."

Su Heng took the white flowers, stepped forward and put them into the coffin in front of him. An old man wearing Western cowboy clothing was lying peacefully in the coffin with his hands clasped on his chest.

But the sharp-eyed Su Heng discovered that on Carter Slade's chest, which was covered by his hands, there was a scar that penetrated the entire chest.

"Old Carter had no other relatives. Everyone in the village helped organize his funeral. It happened suddenly, so it was done in a hurry."

After Su Heng presented the white flowers, Su Heng stepped back and continued to listen to the young man in front of him.

"So how did Mr. Carter die? Do you know?" Su Heng asked the young man.

"Have you noticed?" The young man's face froze, and then he said in a depressed tone: "We don't know how Old Carter died."

"Anyway, last night, I and other young people in the village noticed a ray of fire flying into the sky from the farm where old Carter was. Following our curiosity, we came to the farm together."

"Originally we just wanted to ask Old Carter if he knew what the fire was, but when we arrived at the farm, we found that Old Carter had fallen to the ground. Blood seeped into the soil in front of him, and his whole body had long since disappeared. Breathe.”

"If I had known we had come earlier, maybe we could have caught the guy who killed old Carter!"

The young man's face was full of gloom.

Su Heng could see that Mr. Carter really had a high status in his heart.


While the two were talking, a heavy roar of motorcycles came from the street outside the farm.

"He's here!" When the young man heard this voice, his eyes lit up, and his originally depressed spirit became a little more active. He quickly pulled Su Heng towards the entrance of the funeral.

Su Heng noticed that almost all the young people around him, after hearing the roar of the motorcycle, rushed towards the entrance excitedly like this young man.

As if he wanted to greet someone.


Along with the noise of young people, Su Heng saw the person coming, a middle-aged man who looked to be in his thirties or forties.

The middle-aged man took off his sunglasses, stepped off the motorcycle, nodded to the many young people at the entrance, and walked quickly towards the coffin.

"Who is this?" Su Heng asked the young man.

"You probably don't know much about it when you just came here." The young man said with some pride: "This is old Carter's old friend, and he is also a famous Hollywood stuntman in Los Angeles - Johnny Blaze!"

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