Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 92 The Majesty of the Elders

The appearance of a woman who pleases her may be more indicative of Ms. Carter’s current state. After all, who would want the one they love to see themselves aging and losing sex?

Speaking of which, SHIELD's trouble this time is really too big.

S.H.I.E.L.D. is originally a special organization of the International Security Council dedicated to dealing with various bizarre incidents. Although S.H.I.E.L.D. seems to be a secretive organization, and during normal missions, it borrows identities such as the FBI and CIA to handle mission incidents, but It is obvious that this kind of borrowing can only be realized with the permission of various senior leaders of the United States.

But even such an important international organization has been riddled with holes by Hydra. Especially when the current director is missing and the previous director is an undercover agent of Hydra, there are really too few people that the Security Council can trust.

Coupled with SHIELD's special intelligence, if we don't find someone who can solve the problem earlier, I'm afraid SHIELD will sooner or later lead to intelligence leaks or even disintegration due to disengagement, and then be cannibalized by other intelligence organizations. All.

Among the current S.H.I.E.L.D., the only one who can be trusted by the top executives of the Security Council, who is familiar with the various structures of S.H.I.E.L.D., and who is trusted by all S.H.I.E.L.D. agents is the last surviving founder of S.H.I.E.L.D. ——Peggy Carter.

The Security Council would not have considered Ms. Carter, who is approaching 90 years old, if it had not been forced to do so.

Ms. Carter, who originally wanted to die quietly, understood the current situation of SHIELD and decisively took over the current burden of SHIELD on the hospital bed.

But after all, Captain has now awakened from his slumber, and since Ms. Carter has taken over the management of SHIELD, contact with Rogers is absolutely essential.

It is absolutely impossible for Ms. Carter to be willing to face Rogers with her current old appearance.

Fortunately, science and technology are now advanced. Although there are no longevity medicines on the market today that can prolong life, youth medicines that restore youth are not difficult to find.

But although she has regained her youthfulness on the surface, in fact, Ms. Carter still has the physical functions of a ninety-year-old. This is why Rogers was so nervous when he saw Ms. Carter coming out to greet Su Heng.

"Actually, there is no other meaning in inviting Mr. Su Heng to come to SHIELD this time." In the conference room, Ms. Carter sat on the main chair, and Rogers stood beside her like a guard.

"I just want to express SHIELD's goodwill and friendship to you." With a gentle smile on her face, Ms. Carter continued to say to Su Heng: "I can promise you that in normal times, SHIELD will never Go to that dessert shop and disturb your peaceful life."

"If you encounter some problems that need help from SHIELD, as long as you ask, SHIELD will unconditionally use its overall strength to help you solve your problems."

"Of course, when SHIELD encounters difficult problems, you are still one of SHIELD's help targets, but whether you are willing to help us depends entirely on yourself. We at SHIELD do not force it. If you can come, , we will be very grateful. If you can’t come, we won’t have any objections.”

"Look, how about this?"

Ms. Carter asked Su Heng.

Su Heng sat on the chair, looked at Ms. Carter with a sincere face, and nodded slightly: "Of course."

Ms. Carter's request can be said to have reached the maximum level of sincerity.

If Su Heng was a shameless guy, he could just be a parasite living on SHIELD, absent when he was busy and sucking blood when he was free.

But it's also possible that S.H.I.E.L.D. knew about Su Heng's salty personality and offered such lenient conditions.

Su Heng didn't know what kind of situation this was.

In addition, Su Heng is not a Long Aotian character who wants to dominate the world. There is no reason why Su Heng cannot agree to such a loose condition.

"Thank you for your support, Mr. Su Heng." Ms. Carter smiled and nodded, then looked at the flashing camera above.

"I originally wanted to wait for you to recover from your injury before looking for you, but since you are already here, let's talk about what you said by the way, little Tony."

"!?" Everyone looked at the camera above Ms. Carter's side in shock.

"Tsk." Tony's voice sounded from a loudspeaker in the conference room.

"How did you find me? I obviously just borrowed your SHIELD's surveillance route. This should not reach SHIELD's warning line."

"First of all, I have to correct you. You should say it's our SHIELD, not your SHIELD." Ms. Carter looked at the camera with a smile on her face: "After all, Fury should have told you that at the beginning. , when SHIELD was created, your father was one of the founders, so SHIELD should have your share."

"Hey, then do I have to thank my father for leaving me such a mess of an inheritance?" Tony said mockingly to himself.

"Besides, as for why I discovered you." Ms. Carter smiled, a trace of reminiscence flashed in her eyes.

"Because when the real-time monitoring function became popular, your father also liked to hide in the camera secretly and eavesdrop on various meetings and gossips. The way he secretly turned the camera is exactly the same as you are now, little Tony."

"Can you please stop calling me that, Ms. Carter." Tony's voice revealed a little discomfort.

"Is there any problem? You know, I hugged you when you were a child, little Tony~" Ms. Carter seemed to like seeing Tony deflated, and said to Tony with a malicious taste: "And according to seniority, Maybe you should call me Aunt Carter.”

"I'm already beginning to regret monitoring your conversations." Tony said a little depressed.

"Now that we are here, let's talk about it as I just said." Ms. Carter said to Tony with a smile: "Let's talk about the future development route of SHIELD."

"I don't think there's anything to talk about between us." Tony said indifferently: "After all, Nick Fury thought that I was not even worthy of being a member of your Avengers list."

"That's because you were too proud back then, so Fury wanted to suppress your character." Ms. Carter had also read the action records left by Nick Fury, and naturally knew what Nick Fury was thinking.

"Now, I think the time is ripe. Let's talk about the future of SHIELD together while everyone is free. Isn't it also an explanation of your father's achievements?"

"That's why I hate old guys who are older than me."


"Ahem, it's nothing, let's talk."

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