Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 80 Seeking Death (3-in-1 6k, thank you for your first order!)

Under the cover of night, Loki, whose hands and feet were bound by electronic shackles, was led by an agent to the underground interrogation room.

In the interrogation room, Pierce stood behind a silver-white steel robot and had been waiting for a long time.

"You go out first." Pierce said to the agent who brought Loki into the interrogation room.

"Yes." The agent looked at Pierce with respect in his eyes. He nodded slightly and left the interrogation room.

"So you're here to ask me for help?" Loki watched the agent leave and raised the electronic shackles in his hand towards Pierce: "Since you want my help, can you first remove the shackles on my hands and feet? Get the stuff down."

"Sorry, at least not now." Pierce shook his head towards Loki.

"Then do you have confidence that after I control that guy in black robe with the mind scepter, I won't retaliate against you guys on Earth?" Loki looked at Pierce mockingly: "After all, I am also very good. I’m jealous of that guy’s ability.”

"So I need to take some protective measures for you before that." Following Pierce's words, the silver-white robot behind him began to move.

It slowly came to Loki's side, and as the loudspeaker sounded, it revealed the appearance of the hollow cockpit inside.

"Why does this armor look so much like the one worn by Tony Stark?" Loki looked at the armor in front of him and said to Pierce in confusion: "Looking at that guy's arrogant look, I thought he was the only one with this skill. It’s unique to one person.”

"This is indeed his technology, but it is also SHIELD's technology." Pierce said slowly: "Tony Stark's father is one of the founders of SHIELD, and SHIELD has his backup key. , you can go beyond Tony Stark and view the information he has stored in the Stark Industries database."

"But your skills don't seem to be very good yet." Loki came closer to the armor and touched the slightly rough armor in front of him: "Although it looks similar from a distance, but if you look closely, it seems Not as good as the one Tony Stark wore.”

"Because Tony Stark did not put all the data of the armor he developed in the database." Pierce shrugged indifferently: "Although this armor and the energy reactor on the chest lag behind his side. About two or three versions, but we have tricks that Tony Stark doesn’t know about, and they are enough to deal with the current situation.”

"A secret trick? Then I'm very curious." Loki patted the shoulder of the armor and asked Pierce: "So you are planning to use this guy as a defense against me? Just an iron skin? You will Aren’t you looking down on me too much?”

"Of course not?" Pierce pushed Loki into the armor with the middle door wide open. In Loki's confused eyes, the armor's expansion unit sounded again, locking Loki firmly into the armor. internal.

Loki's vision went dark, and soon a screen showing the external situation of the armor began to appear in front of him.

"This feeling is really uncomfortable." Loki squeezed his hand inside the armor, and the palms on the outside of the armor began to move.

"That's more than that." Pierce clapped his hands gently, and the armor in front of him was instantly fixed in place.

"Hello, Loki." A sharper voice came from inside the helmet.

"So who are you?" Loki felt the uncontrollable armor and asked helplessly towards the voice coming from the helmet.

"You can call me Dr. Zola." On Loki's screen, a figure wearing a white coat and as short as a dwarf appeared.

"According to intelligence, your psychic spells cannot affect electronic components. So in order to prevent you from not following the plan we agreed upon after getting the psychic scepter, we specially built this armor for you."

"Let me first briefly introduce you to this armor, Hydra One. It doesn't have a large number of destructive weapons like Tony Stark's Mark armor, and it doesn't even have the function of flying. You should feel it Come out, this armor is more like a humanoid prison than a weapon."

"Since it is a cage, its function is also very simple. When you make any changes, the energy on the chest of the armor will be transmitted inward and converted into high temperatures of thousands of degrees Celsius to continue to bake you. I think even you The gods of Sgard can’t withstand being burned and roasted for a long time, right?”

"Then you think too highly of me." Loki sighed helplessly: "I guess if you really do this, I won't be able to bear it for even a second."

"So can you untie this damn iron bondage?" Loki asked Dr. Zola on the screen: "This motionless feeling is really uncomfortable."

"Of course." Dr. Zola nodded. Loki felt his body light up, and the originally stiff armor could be controlled by him again.

"Huh--" Loki sat on the ground and pulled the helmet off his head. Dr. Zola on the screen disappeared from his eyes, breathing in the fresh air outside.

"What is this Dr. Zola? Is it the artificial intelligence of your world?" Loki complained to Pierce.

"Ha, if you want to think so, there is actually no problem." Pierce chuckled, without giving Loki the exact correct answer.

"But you would actually treat my ally like this. This is really something I didn't expect." Loki smacked his lips and complained to Pierce.

"An alliance generally only exists when the strengths of both parties are equal." There was no trace of guilt on Pierce's face: "For the strong, we must show stronger skills, otherwise what awaits us will only be It’s destruction.”

"Okay, okay, no matter what, you are right." Loki shrugged: "I just hope that after I complete your request, you can do what you promised me before."

"We are not people who break our promises." Pierce glanced at the message displayed on his phone and said to Loki: "Get ready, our Mr. Night Magician is coming."

"By the way, are you sure your psychic magic can work on that guy?" Pierce asked Loki with some worry.

"Hmph." Loki snorted coldly: "Of course. I just looked through your S.H.I.E.L.D.'s files on that guy, and I almost understand why he was able to resist my mental magic before."

"Using illusions to confuse one's perception of psychic magic is indeed a novel method, but illusions are still illusions, and it is impossible to completely resist the effects of psychic magic, especially what you did to my psychic scepter in the laboratory. After receiving the increase! It’s absolutely impossible for him to be able to withstand it!”

In the staff hall of S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, Agent Hill was holding a cup of latte in both hands while drinking and admiring the not-too-round moon in the sky.

The Battle of New York has just ended, and now everyone in SHIELD has been assigned a lot of aftermath tasks by their superiors, and Agent Hill is no exception.

She had been busy until late at night since she returned to SHIELD. She had just submitted part of the report for review, so she had a chance to refresh herself with a latte.

Didi didi.

Agent Hill glanced at the text message and couldn't help but look bitter.

"The director is obviously not in the bureau, so how come the review speed is so much faster than before."

Since the mission reports of level five and above agents within S.H.I.E.L.D. need to be sent to Nick Fury for review at the end, so according to the past progress, it will take at least three or four days for Agent Hill to successfully approve the report just after he submits it. That's right, today, for the first time, the review and approval process was completed in less than ten minutes.

Just when Agent Hill was complaining about his director's sudden improvement in work efficiency, he accidentally saw Su Heng walking towards the SHIELD building with Agent Sitwell outside the window.

"Why did he come here?" Agent Hill looked at Su Heng's figure in surprise.

You must know that before the Battle of New York began, Agent Hill went to recruit Su Heng. However, Su Heng's disdainful attitude toward SHIELD at that time made it obvious that he would not be able to join SHIELD's Avengers program.

But why did Su Heng follow Agent Sitwell to S.H.I.E.L.D. after just two days?

Agent Hill raised his head, drank the latte in one gulp, and walked quickly towards the elevator.

"Is this the headquarters of SHIELD?" Su Heng stood in front of the SHIELD building, feeling the strong sea breeze coming from behind, and asked Sitwell: "So how many of your people are there here? ?”

"Our people?" Agent Sitwell's eyes flashed with confusion, and he whispered to Su Heng: "There are about half of the middle and high-level leaders within my scope of authority."

"Half of the middle and high-level leaders are okay." Su Heng was a little speechless: "What do you call SHIELD? Let's just call it Snake Shield."

While the two were talking, Su Heng and Agent Sitwell had already arrived at the elevator door.


The elevator door opened and Agent Hill appeared in the elevator.

"What a coincidence, Mr. Su Heng." Agent Hill smiled at Su Heng: "I didn't expect you to come to our SHIELD as a guest at such a late hour."

"So is she too?" Su Heng glanced at Agent Hill and asked Sitwell.

"No." The dazed look in Sitwell's eyes disappeared, and he regained consciousness. He looked at Agent Hill in front of him with some fear, and stood in front of her and Su Heng.

"Agent Hill, Mr. Su Heng is the guest I invited back. Please don't interfere too much, right?"

"Guest?" Agent Hill looked at Agent Sitwell in front of him, frowned, and whispered to Sitwell: "Sitwell, are you serious? You know this guy is not easy to deal with."

If Sitwell was really just an ordinary S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, he would have been filled with gratitude when faced with Agent Hill's warning from his colleagues.

But alas, he is not.

This also made Agent Hill's warning seem particularly ridiculous in the eyes of Agent Sitwell.

"Don't worry, Hill. Mr. Su Heng came with me voluntarily." Agent Sitwell turned around and patted Su Heng on the shoulder. He smiled and asked: "Are you right, Mr. Su Heng? "

Su Heng's face stiffened, and a trace of displeasure flashed in his eyes.

Baldhead, just wait.

"Of course." Su Heng smiled at Agent Hill.

"So if there's nothing else, Hill, can you give in?" Agent Sitwell said to Agent Hill: "I asked Mr. Su Heng to come to SHIELD because there is something important to do."

"Yes." Agent Hill took a deep look at Agent Sitwell and Su Heng, and gave up his position in the elevator.

She stood quietly in front of the elevator door, watching the proud smile on Agent Sitwell's face when the elevator door closed, and Su Heng's face, although it seemed calm and relaxed, in fact it seemed that he had been suppressing it. I suddenly had a bad feeling in my heart.

Agent Hill took out his cell phone and dialed a number.

"Hello, I'm Hill, can you help me check which other units in the basement are working overtime?"

"Okay Agent Hill, please wait a moment."

Agent Hill listened to the crackling sound of typing on the keyboard through the receiver of his cell phone, and waited patiently.

But what puzzled Agent Hill was that for some reason, the sound from the keyboard had stopped long ago, but there was no sound of the service staff speaking.

"Hello? Are you still there?" Agent Hill asked towards the other end of the phone.

"Yes, Agent Hill." After a noise appeared on the phone, the service staff's emotionless, mechanical voice appeared and reached Agent Hill's ears through the phone.

"Down below, there is an energy control testing room. I think Agent Sitwell took the manager of the dessert shop to test things related to energy control." The service staff said to Agent Hill.

"!" Agent Hill was suddenly stunned, then controlled his voice and said to the other end of the phone: "Is that so? It seems like I'm overthinking it. Thank you very much."

"It doesn't matter, it's my responsibility to serve everyone." The service staff said softly.

"Yes." Agent Hill hung up the phone, took two deep breaths, kept the expression on his face unchanged, and then took the elevator and walked upstairs.

Just now, she didn't tell the service staff on the other end of the phone about Sitwell and Su Heng, but the service staff actually opened her mouth and said it.

With many years of experience as an agent, Agent Hill has already discovered the tricks.

She kept her eyes fixed on the slowly rising floor numbers above, but her hands were secretly tapping on her phone.

Agent Hill secretly breathed a sigh of relief as his mobile phone vibrated with the message being sent successfully.

This was a warning message she secretly sent to Nick Fury. She suspected that there might be changes in the agency that even her own director didn't know about.


The elevator door opened. Agent Hill looked at an agent wearing smart clothing and holding a suitcase who appeared in front of the elevator door, and gave up his position slightly.

"Thank you." The agent walked into the elevator, pressed the button for the elevator floor one level lower than Agent Hill, and then stood quietly behind Agent Hill.

As the elevator slowly closed and the elevator went up floors, bursts of muffled sounds came from the elevator shaft.


The elevator door stopped at the floor pressed by the capable agent, but at this time, apart from the capable agent, Agent Hill had disappeared without a trace in the elevator.

The agent wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, nodded towards the camera in the upper left corner of the elevator, and then dragged his suitcase towards the utility room on this floor.


On the third floor of the basement, Agent Sitwell opened the door of the laboratory and said to Su Heng: "Please come in, Mr. Su Heng."

Su Heng glanced at Agent Sitwell and slowly walked into the laboratory.

The laboratory was empty, except for Loki in front of Su Heng, there was nothing.

But the outfit Loki was wearing at this time made Su Heng almost unable to hold back his laughter.

"So is your outfit a tribute to Tony?" Su Heng looked at Loki in the steel armor in amusement.

"Is it funny?" Loki raised the spiritual scepter in his hand with a dark face, and said bitterly towards Su Heng: "I advise you to smile more when you can laugh now. Otherwise, you will become a prisoner later. After a dog is driven by a human, I am afraid I won’t be able to laugh even if I want to!”

"Interesting, so is this what you rely on?" Su Heng looked around the laboratory. Although it seemed empty, some kind of reflective metal plate was installed on the wall.

"Isn't it interesting?" The spiritual scepter in Loki's hand began to bloom with purple light, and the light instantly emerged around it, shining on the reflective metal plate on the wall.

Reflected by the metal plate, the purple light enveloped the entire laboratory in an instant.

Su Heng, who was still smiling at first, gradually became stiff under this purple light.

The light gradually dissipated, and Loki withdrew the scepter in his hand. Looking at Su Heng who was standing in front of him, the smile on his face became more and more crazier.

"Hahahahaha, did you see it? This is me! The strength of Asgard's number one wizard!"

"So is this done?" Dr. Zola's voice sounded in Loki's ears.

"That's right." Loki nodded: "Next, as long as you plant a psychological hint on this guy, you can make him your dog."

"Then I'll help you again." Dr. Zola's voice continued to ring in Loki's ears: "Go and tell him that we are the sustenance of his soul and his final destination! Let him obey me and obey us. Hydra!”

"Okay." Loki walked up to Su Heng with the spiritual scepter and said sarcastically: "Puppy, did you hear that? Your future."


Su Heng, who was expressionless at first, punched Loki in the face, knocking him directly to the ground.

"Sorry, I really can't hold it back." Su Heng rubbed his fists, stepped on Loki's chest, lowered his head and asked Loki: "So why do you think that I will be harmed?" It’s the influence of your spiritual magic!”

"Impossible." Looking at Su Heng's completely unaffected look, Loki murmured in disbelief: "As long as you are human, it is absolutely impossible that you will not be affected."

The smile on Su Heng's face twitched: "Indeed, if I hadn't been prepared, I might have actually been tricked."

"So who were you talking to just now?" Su Heng asked Loki.

"Mr. Su Heng!" Agent Sitwell's somewhat annoyed voice came from the laboratory's loudspeaker: "Have you forgotten Chief Stacey who is being treated in the nursing home?"

"I advise you to cooperate well with Loki! This is just a small psychological suggestion and will not cause any physical harm to you." Agent Sitwell threatened Su Heng: "If you still don't cooperate well, be careful. What could go wrong with Sheriff Stacey in the nursing home.”

"Oh?" Su Heng sneered and closed his eyes slightly.

In a private nursing home far away in Manhattan, Su Heng stepped on the agent who had fallen into a comatose state. He looked at Sheriff Stacey and Ms. Helen who were also asleep on the hospital bed and closed his eyes slightly.

The feeling between the two parties is passed down from generation to generation.

"Did you hear that, Su Heng!" Agent Sitwell's increasingly angry voice sounded in the empty laboratory.

"Dead Baldhead, I've tolerated you for a long time!" When Su Heng opened his eyes, the sword card appeared in his hand. The sword light spread across the entire laboratory, directly cutting the wall into pieces, and then stepped through it. Looking at the hole cut by the sword card, he looked at Agent Sitwell who was so frightened that he collapsed to the ground in the observation room next to the laboratory.

He placed the sword directly across his neck.

"What I hate the most is someone threatening me!"

"Wait!" Agent Sitwell felt the killing intent in Su Heng's eyes and swallowed tremblingly: "Mr. Su Heng, do you really not care about the life and death of Chief Stacey and his family? ?”

Su Heng did not answer Agent Sitwell's stupid question.

With a flash of sword light, Agent Sitwell covered his bleeding neck and finally fell to the ground helplessly.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

With the death of Agent Sitwell, a deafening siren sounded in the SHIELD building.

"Warning! Warning! The S-class dangerous Night Magician has invaded SHIELD and deliberately killed SHIELD agents. All combatants, please prepare for battle and be sure to kill him in SHIELD."

Su Heng looked at the flashing red light in the corridor and the deafening sound of the alarm, then turned to look at Loki who had just stood up from the ground.

"No, no, no, I don't want to be your enemy." Loki quickly shook his hand.

As for Su Heng, whom he could do nothing about, Loki would choose to continue fighting Su Heng only if he had eaten the guts of a leopard or had his head squeezed by a door.

"Su Heng, right?" Even so, Loki's steel armor suddenly made a sharp sound.

"I advise you to just let it go." Dr. Zola warned Su Heng: "I admit that you do have two brushes, and you were able to hide it from us and call people to rescue George Stacey and his wife. .”

"But you have to know that SHIELD is an official agency! If you continue to persist in your obsession, the headlines on the Internet tomorrow will be the news that you killed an official agent and absconded and disappeared. By then, your peaceful life will be completely destroyed. break in!"

"Didn't I make it very clear just now?" Su Heng squinted his eyes and looked at the steel armor on Loki: "What I hate the most is someone threatening me."

"Really?" Dr. Zola said regretfully: "Then it seems that our negotiation has broken down."

As Dr. Zola's words ended, the door to the laboratory opened with a bang. Standing outside the door was a steel mecha with a silvery cold light.

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