Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 73 Failed Recruitment (2-in-1)

Above the inland sea of ​​the Atlantic Ocean, three figures cut through the originally calm sea one after another, creating waves and ripples.

"Seal it here!" A sharp sword appeared in the hand of one of the steel armors. The tip of the sword was pointed at the very strange-looking kitten squatting on the bird in the front. A card accompanied it. Ripples appeared in the air between the two.

"Mi~" But just when the driving card was about to be sealed into the card, the sole of its foot slightly tapped the Xiang card under its feet.

The Xiangpai spread its broad wings, and with the resistance brought by the connection between the air and the wings, it stayed in the air along with the Qipai.

But Su Heng and the steel armor behind him continued to fly forward driven by kinetic energy. Su Heng was inside the armor and watched helplessly as his sword got farther and farther away from the driving card. The condensed cards also dissipated at this moment.

"Jarvis!" Tony's voice came from another armor.

"Reaction power drive begins." At Tony's signal, a powerful stream of flames ignited behind the two armors, stopping their forward momentum and turning back again.

"Mi~" But Qupai had no intention of staying in place. After it lay on Xiangpai's body, Xiangpai, who was originally stagnant and flapping its wings, fluttered towards the sky and flew towards the sea. A very strong sonic boom was left on the plane, and then it turned into blue light and disappeared into the clouds.

"Sir, the target has been lost." Tony looked at the message on the battle armor's display screen, stayed in the air again, opened his mask and complained to Su Heng in another battle armor: "These two little guys are really too big. It’s hard to catch.”

"This armor of yours is too difficult to control." Su Heng's face also appeared from another armor, and he said helplessly: "If I hadn't made a mistake in controlling it just now, I should have had a chance to seal those two armors. A little guy’s.”

"After all, this is my backup armor." Tony shrugged: "How about I make you an exclusive armor next time?"

"Forget it, it feels awkward to wear it." Su Heng said with some discomfort: "Don't you feel like you are tied up by something?"

"That's because you haven't gotten used to it yet."


While the two were talking, a buzzing sound came from the distance.

"Sir, the yacht is already arriving." Jarvis's voice rang in the ears of Tony and Su Heng.

"Let's go back to the yacht to rest." Tony closed the steel mask and said to Su Heng.

"Yes." Su Heng nodded and followed Tony towards the yacht in the distance.

This was a hasty arrest plan. This morning, Su Heng learned from the news that Xiangpai and Qupai were still racing with various airplanes happily. Tony, who happened to come to the store to taste desserts, also took advantage of the situation. I heard it on the news.

He casually told Su Heng that he happened to meet these two little guys when the steel armor was first built and conducted flight tests.

Su Heng looked at Tony's interested expression. He didn't hide much about himself in front of Tony, who already knew his true identity. He tentatively asked Tony if he could help him catch Xiangpai and Qupai together. Two little guys.

Tony had matured a lot after experiencing the events in the Middle East, but he still had a bit of a playful streak in his heart. Facing Su Heng's request, he naturally wanted to meet the two little guys again.

So the two hit it off immediately, and Tony prepared two battle armors, as well as a yacht and plane to take care of them, to see if they could catch these two little guys on the sea or in the sky.

But unfortunately, it is not easy to succeed if you make a last-minute idea.

"Huh -" On the yacht, Tony took off his armor with the help of the robot. He picked up a glass of champagne on the table and drank it in one gulp.

"This is really not your style." Su Heng also broke away from the suit, looked at the empty scene on the yacht, and said to Tony with some surprise: "I thought there would be people standing on this yacht. There’s a swimsuit model waiting for you.”

"If you want, I can call you twenty or thirty in half an hour." Tony raised his eyebrows and said towards Su Heng: "As for me? Recently, I won't give myself any money at the most critical time. Feeling uncomfortable."

"The most critical moment?" Su Heng touched his chin: "Is it Ms. Pepper?"

"Hmm." Tony nodded proudly: "She obviously doesn't want me to find those cover models."

"Tsk, tsk, it's rare. Is Playboy actually planning to give up?" Su Heng smacked his lips and said to Tony in a very strange way.

"After all, you have to cherish the people in front of you, right?" Tony said with some emotion: "If you almost die once, your thoughts in your heart will indeed change a lot."

"Speaking of" Tony suddenly remembered something while holding the wine glass.

"Jarvis, activate screencast mode."

"Okay, sir."

Under Tony's command, the idle armor slowly walked up to Su Heng and Tony, projecting a light from its eyes onto the wall.

"There's something I'm going to show you."

Under Tony's control, a list appeared on the light screen.

"The guys from S.H.I.E.L.D. are recruiting volunteers." Tony pointed to the dark cloaked figure dynamically displayed at the top of the list: "But it seems they haven't found your head yet?"

"Avengers plan?" Su Heng squinted his eyes and noticed the three people at the bottom of the list.

These three people are: Peter, Harry, and Gwen.

However, what is different from the list of people above is that the avatar frames of these three little guys are marked in red.

"The eyes are good." Tony watched Su Heng focus on these three little guys. While pouring champagne, he continued to say to Su Heng: "But don't worry, these three little guys are not in the recruitment plan."

"After all, even if the world is about to be destroyed, with adults like us here, how can it be possible for these children to take the turn to charge into the battle."

Tony said with a faint look.


"So Mr. Coulson, can you explain what happened to the three children at the end of this list?"

In Hammer Technology, Dr. Otto, who was wearing a white lab coat and carrying four robotic arms on his back, frowned and asked the guy in front of him who claimed to be a SHIELD agent.

“When will our country’s children go to war?”

"Don't worry, Dr. Otto, they are only on the waiting list." Colson wiped the sweat from his head and said to Dr. Otto with an apologetic smile on his face.

"Yesterday, Mr. Tony Stark already raised the same question as you. After asking the director for instructions, we have already removed these three children from the Avengers Project. It just takes a little more time to clear the files. It’s just time.”

In fact, after Tony saw the list given by Coulson last night, he directly called their Director Fury with a sullen face. Then under Coulson's gaze and Pepper's dissuasion, Tony scolded Nick Fury for half an hour.

In the end, Tony threatened Nick Fury with the entire Stark Industries. If Gwen and the three little guys were not removed from the list, Tony would not make it easy for anyone in SHIELD, even if they were both dead.

"Is that so?" After hearing what Colson said, Dr. Otto's expression softened.

"So, Dr. Otto, what do you think of our Avengers plan?" Coulson asked Dr. Otto.

"I'm sorry." Dr. Otto shook his head: "I'm just an ordinary scientific researcher, and the mechanical tentacles behind me are just tools I use to assist my experiments. I don't think I can do anything on the battlefield. How can the above help?"

"But we all saw the battle between you and Tony Stark that day. Although you were out of control at the time, your ability to disintegrate the steel armor in an instant is enough to prove your strength."

Coulson tried his best to say to Dr. Otto: "And this time, it is a matter of life and death for people around the world."

"So what kind of bureau do you want to kidnap me, the chief scientist of Hammer Industries?" Justin Hammer opened the office door with an unswerving expression and asked Coulson.

"Otto has a long-term contract with our Hammer Industries. You want him to leave with you just because you say that people around the world are about life and death?"

"Are you dreaming or am I dreaming?"

Hammer tapped Coulson's chest heavily: "Furthermore, even if it concerns the life and death of people around the world, what do the military of various countries do for food? Just with Dr. Otto and your crappy plan. Can a human being be able to settle things that even the militaries of various countries cannot handle?"

"Mr. Hammer" Colson opened his mouth and wanted to refute, but was pushed back by Hammer.

"In my opinion, your rhetoric is nothing more than official rhetoric you use to attract talents."

"Dr. Otto." Hammer asked Dr. Otto: "How many rockets or missiles do you think you can block?"

"Mr. Hammer, please stop joking." Dr. Otto said with a wry smile: "I am just an ordinary person. How can I block a few rockets or missiles?"

"Did you hear that, Mr. Agent?" Hammer continued to reach out and tap Coulson's chest: "Don't treat us like fools!"

"Mr. Hammer, although what you said makes sense, maybe we still need to seek Dr. Otto's opinion?" Colson looked at Dr. Otto.

"Me?" Dr. Otto shook his head: "I don't agree with your idea, Mr. Colson. Scientific researchers like me and Connors will always play a greater role in the rear than on the front. This is Differences in functions.”

"Of course, if the world really needs my help, I will definitely not continue to stay behind, but obviously the situation is not that bad. After all, Mr. Colson, the world crisis you mentioned is just you. A one-sided statement."

"Okay." Colson said regretfully: "Dr. Otto, I already know what you think. It's such a pity. I originally thought there would be a chance to fight side by side."

"Ahem, since you don't agree, can you tell me the itinerary of Professor Connors?" Colson said with some embarrassment: "The previous intelligence showed that he is staying with you?"

"Mr. Colson." Dr. Otto frowned and his tone became serious: "I think I have made it very clear just now. The biggest role of scientific researchers like Connors and I should be in the rear. It's not the front line, I don't think his lizard state can withstand rockets."

"Okay, okay." Hammer clapped his hands, looked at Dr. Otto, whose face was getting more and more ugly, and directly issued an expulsion order to Colson: "Mr. Colson, you should have noticed that our Han Mo Industry does not welcome you now, please leave as soon as possible, otherwise I will call security."

Under Hammer's expulsion order, Coulson could only leave Hammer Industries in despair.

A relieved Dr. Otto and a triumphant Hammer were left behind.

"Mr. Hammer, it's a good thing you're here. Agents like Mr. Coulson are really not someone I can handle."

"Don't worry as I'm here, Dr. Otto." Hammer patted his chest: "You are now our company's future cash cow. How could I let you be deceived by an agent who doesn't know your origins?"

Since the last Stark Industries exhibition, Hammer had wanted to use the steel armor made by Ivan Vanko to steal the show at the expo and slap Tony in the face.

But because they trusted Ivan Vanke too much, the steel armors produced by Hammer Industries at the expo went out of control. If the dark night magician hadn't appeared in time, Hammer Industries would have been sued for at least dozens of lives. .

But even so, after this incident, the orders of Hammer Industries, which had skyrocketed, began to experience an avalanche of cancellations, especially orders for electronic weapons, which fell directly to zero.

After all, no one wants to lose control of their weapon and injure one of their own.

This has resulted in Hammer Industries currently being able to only take on the most basic weapons manufacturing orders.

This has also caused Hammer Industries' stock to plummet wildly. If Hammer continues to find a way to save itself, I am afraid that Hammer Industries will declare bankruptcy.

At this time, the release of new clean energy announced by Tony happened to make Hammer, who had mixed feelings, find his own way out.

Follow the trend and transform into new clean energy!

If it were anyone else, the sudden transformation would definitely cause heavy losses to the company, but Hammer Industries was different. A long time ago, long before Tony Stark announced the need for new clean energy, Hammer Industries had a new clean energy source. Energy research projects.

That's right, it's the new clean energy project that Dr. Otto has been developing.

At that time, Hammer was extremely lucky that he did not neglect Dr. Otto after recruiting Ivan Vanke, and it was not difficult for Dr. Otto to continue this research.

And according to Dr. Otto, his experiment has reached the final stage of success.

By then, whether it is before or after the new clean energy released by Tony Stark, as long as Dr. Otto really develops it, he will be able to occupy a place in the new clean energy market.

At this critical point, how could Hammer pass on Dr. Otto, a cash cow that was about to attract money, to an agent organization of unknown origin.

"Avengers list, and Captain America? Who doesn't know that Captain America is a story from childhood."

Hammer glanced at one of the most eye-catching portraits on the list and couldn't help but curl his lips.

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