Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 71 Mirror Song (two in one)

"Store manager manager!!"

It's a new day. Near noon, Su Heng received a long-distance video call from Gwen from Mexico. In the video, Gwen blushed with excitement and pointed at Su Heng on her phone. Message: "Sister Jingge is coming to Zhongcheng Middle School for a concert!!!"

"Mirror Song? Who is that?" Su Heng looked at the very peaceful Asian woman on Gwen's phone in the video, and asked Gwen in confusion: "Your netizen?"

"Isn't it? You don't even know Sister Jingge?" Gwen glanced at Su Heng with disgust and explained to him: "Sister Jingge is a talented singer who has been very active around the world in these years!"

"Originally last year, Sister Jingge announced her retirement, but later she seemed unable to bear the loneliness and chose to start holding concerts around the world. I had heard that Sister Jingge would come to the United States, but I didn't expect that she would come to the United States. It just happened to be the time when I was away, and it was still at Zhongcheng Middle School!"

Su Heng looked at Gwen's annoyed expression and couldn't help but ask, "Can't you just ask for leave and come back?"

"That's right." Gwen complained murmuringly: "Professor Jane's research here happens to be at the most critical time. Dr. Eric took leave a few days ago, so the burden on Daisy and I is getting heavier and heavier now." It’s getting worse. I originally chose this subject as an intern because I thought it would be a more leisurely place and at least I could sleep in every day. But after I came here, I realized that it was not at all what I imagined. It’s not even easy to ask for leave.”

Su Heng looked at Gwen's miserable look, and a hint of schadenfreude appeared on his face: "Then tell me what this singer is doing? Do you want me to host a live broadcast for you then?"

"How is it possible? Don't I know what the organizer posted during the live broadcast?" Gwen approached the screen with a smile and said to Su Heng: "The main reason is to ask the store manager to get an autograph for me. "

"How can I get it?" Su Heng looked at Gwen speechlessly: "I'm not star-struck."

"Sister Jing Ge will have a live fan signing event before the concert." Gwen clasped her hands together: "At that time, all I need is you, the store manager, to help line up."

“Please, store manager, I will bring you New Mexico’s specialties when you come back!”

"Okay, okay." Su Heng looked at Gwen's pitiful appearance and reluctantly agreed to her request.

"Thank you, store manager! Sister Jingge's on-site fan signing will start at about nine o'clock in the morning the day after tomorrow. In order to avoid queuing, you'd better go there and queue up at five o'clock in the morning. I'll ask dad to do it tomorrow. I’ll bring you the support clothes, and then just ask Sister Jing Ge to sign your name on the clothes, and there’s more.”

Su Heng looked at Gwen who was chattering about things to pay attention to, and felt inexplicably regretful.

If I had known it was so troublesome, I wouldn't have agreed to this girl's request.


"Jingge, a free and gifted singer, is recognized by the public for his flexible and changeable voice and melodious singing voice."

After Gwen hung up the video call, Su Heng searched the Internet for the detailed information of the sister Jingge she mentioned.

"The night sky is fleeting, and the golden star is far away~~~"

Su Heng laid his head on the counter and listened to the singer's latest song on his mobile phone.

“It seems not bad”

Jingle Bell--

While Su Heng was enjoying the sweet music, the welcoming bell that sounded when the door of the dessert shop opened made Su Heng stand up.

"Welcome to Lucky Dessert, eh?" Su Heng wanted to greet the visitor as usual, but suddenly he felt the strong Culuo brand scent of the guy in front of him, and

Su Heng lowered his head, looked at the face in the song MV that was playing on his phone, and then looked at the lady who had walked up to him.

Although the woman's face was mostly obscured by the wide toad mirror, after getting closer, Su Heng could still see that this woman looked exactly like the singer in the song MV.

"Should I call you Ms. Jingge, or Jingpai? Or Gepai?" Su Heng narrowed his eyes and asked Jingge in front of him.

"It's up to you." Jingge took off his sunglasses and bowed respectfully towards Su Heng: "Master Magician, long time no see."

"Indeed, almost a year has passed since we came to this world together and you flew away directly from the magic book." Su Heng knocked on the table, and the sword card followed. Lying on the table: "So you came here specially to be conquered by me?"

"Of course not." Jingge noticed the sword card that Su Heng placed on the table. The transparent halo that appeared on his body disappeared, and then smiled gently at Su Heng: "I want, I want to borrow something from you."

Su Heng's eyes widened, looking at Jing Ge who suddenly came in front of him and the soft feeling coming from his mouth.

"Hey, hey, what are you doing!" Su Heng quickly stretched out his hand and put it on Jing Ge's forehead, and wiped his lips in a panic with the other hand.

"It's just that I want to borrow some magic power from you, Master Magician." Jing Ge smiled and licked his lips as Su Heng put his hand on his forehead.

"Borrowing magic power?" Su Heng then realized that the magic power in his body was a little less when Jing Ge kissed him just now.

"You can do such an outrageous thing?" Su Heng pointed Jingge upright with his finger: "So what are you here for?"

Jingge was silent for a moment, then smiled at Su Heng: "So, Master Magician, are you interested in hearing the story?"


That was what happened after Ge Pai and other Clow Cards dispersed from the Clow Magic Book held by Su Heng who had just traveled through time.

After a long journey, Ge Tai came to a private retreat center in Australia and possessed a gramophone.

Every morning, with the arrival of the sun, there will always be a woman who looks very gentle and has a gentle personality. She turns on the gramophone and starts singing to the rising sun.

The singing voice is melodious, but with a bit of hoarseness that ordinary people can't detect.

But whenever the woman was singing enthusiastically, a caregiver would come to stop her from continuing.

"Ms. Jingge, you don't know how serious your illness is now, so you should sing less."

"Sorry, sorry, I will pay more attention next time." Jingge nodded apologetically towards the nurse, vowing to never do it again.

But every morning he remained unmoved, singing loudly in every corner of the sanatorium with his gramophone in hand, as if he wanted to use the gramophone to leave his best voice.

The caregivers were also aware of the persistence of this mirror-singing lady. They felt sorry for her and had no choice but to stop her from continuing to sing after she finished singing a song.

But as time went by, one morning, Ms. Jingge still held the gramophone, but she stopped singing loudly.

"Ah~" Jingge opened her mouth, but what came out of her mouth was a hoarse voice.

"I really want to have another concert." She held the gramophone in despair, sitting on the balcony and quietly watching the sun gradually rise from the east, and then hang high on the branches.

And Gepai also learned after that that there is a disease called "throat cancer" in the human world, which can destroy a person's voice and even destroy a person's life.

Since then, Jingge still chooses to quietly watch the sun rise in the place where it rises every day. However, she, who was originally quiet and lively, did not become happier because of this. Instead, she became more and more haggard. Not only because of the illness, but also because I can no longer carry out the career I love.

It’s early morning again one day.

"The sky is fleeting in the night, and the stars are golden in the distance."

Jingge looked at the gramophone that suddenly sounded in her arms. What was playing was a song she had sung before.

But the sound quality from the gramophone was exceptionally perfect, so perfect that it was even more perfect than the day she recorded the song into the gramophone.

The song ended, and in front of Jingge's surprised gaze, Gepai's figure slowly emerged from the gramophone.

"You, who are you?" Jingge looked at Gepai with his hoarse voice.

Gepai smiled and hugged Jingge, and gently rubbed Ms. Jingge's cheek with his face.

After that day, Jingge left the sanatorium and returned to the music scene with the help of singing brought by the singing card, and held her first concert.

However, the side effects of the disease on Jingge's body were too serious. He only lasted through half of the concert, and Jingge didn't even have the strength to stand.

She insisted on sitting on the stage, using the singing voice given by the music card, and sang the last half of the concert. After returning to the backstage, she sweated profusely and vomited out several mouthfuls of blood.

Ge Pai appeared from beside her. Seeing Jing Ge's extremely difficult breathing and speaking, she couldn't help but dissipate in front of Jing Ge.

Jingge looked at Gepai who disappeared in front of him, thinking that she had left him, so he could only regretfully return to her residence, returning to that haggard look.

Until that day

When Jing Ge woke up from her sleep, she found a person who looked exactly like her standing beside the bed.

"Hello, I'm here to help you. You can call me Jing!" Jing Pai said to Jing Ge.

Beside Jingpai, Gepai was looking at Jingge with a smile.

Since then, Mirror Song, composed of Jingpai and Gepai, has started concert tours around the world. The real Mirror Song is hiding behind the scenes, living alone at home and watching himself singing on TV.


Jingpai and Gepai received letters from far away.

"If you can, please continue singing on my behalf."

Although there is no signature, Jingpai and Gepai know who sent this letter.

I also know what this really means——

"In order to allow the world tour to proceed normally, I have no choice but to make this move." Jing Ge said apologetically to Su Heng: "Although it is a bit abrupt, I hope the magician can forgive me."

"As a negligible compensation." Jingge handed over a concert ticket: "If the magician is free the day after tomorrow, you might as well come to Miss Jingge's concert."

Jingge bowed to Su Heng again, turned around and walked towards the door of the dessert shop.

"Wait a minute." Su Heng stopped Jing Ge, walked up to her, and put his hand on Jing Ge's shoulder.

Jing Ge felt the increasingly full magic power in his body, and raised his head to look at Su Heng in surprise.

"Since you're here, let's replenish the state before leaving." Su Heng said casually towards Jing Ge: "I don't want to wait until your magic power is almost exhausted and be attacked by you again."

"But speaking of that." Su Heng suddenly remembered something. He looked at Jing Ge with a serious face and asked her.

"Can you sign a few autographs for me?"


In an old factory building in the slums of New York.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie!" With a burst of weird laughter, Harry jumped off the glider.

"What kind of monster is this!" The two groups of gangsters who were making a deal looked at Harry who appeared among them and took out their guns vigilantly.

"Monster? I am the hero of this city!!!"

Listening to the trembling voices of the gangsters, Harry's eyes became more and more crazy. He stretched out his arms and stretched out two sharp blades from his armor, killing the surrounding gangsters crazily.


Blood and white powder were accompanied by bursts of screams. Before long, corpses were everywhere in the factory.

The few remaining gangsters shot at Harry crazily with guns, but they could only leave sparks on Harry's dark green armor.

Harry walked towards these gangsters with steps.

The gangsters looked at the scary-looking weirdo in front of them, slumped on the ground and trembled in fear, shouting tremblingly: "Weird, monster!"

"Harry!!" Just when Harry was about to raise his knife to kill these gangsters, a figure broke through the window.

The visitor is Peter in a spider suit.

He looked at the scene of corpses and blood everywhere, and said to Harry: "Harry, why are you doing this! You should hand these guys over to the police!"

"Police!" Harry sneered, and slashed downwards with the raised arm blade.

Blood was flowing on Harry's Green Goblin armor. He slowly turned around, looked at Peter, and whispered: "Peter, maybe it's time for us to come to an end."

"What are you talking about? Harry?" Peter looked at Harry in shock.

"It's nothing, I just suddenly felt that this city may not need so many superheroes." Harry smiled lowly: "Kill you first, then kill Spider-Woman, Iron Man, Dark Night "Magician"

"As long as I kill you and them all, this city can only survive under my protection!"

"Are you crazy?" Peter looked at Harry who said this in surprise.

"Crazy? I'm not crazy! I feel great now!" Harry opened his hands, jumped on the glider, spread his legs and looked at Peter.

"I have decided that your death date will be the day after tomorrow, in Zhongcheng Middle School."

"It doesn't matter if you don't come. I will kill a classmate or teacher every ten minutes and wait for you to come slowly."

"Jie Jie Jie Jie!"


Accompanied by Harry's strange laughter, the glider broke the window and flew away into the sky, leaving Peter alone in annoyance.

"What happened, and why did Harry become like this?"

Well, writing this chapter was actually very difficult, because the plot of Sand Card and Sand Man was not handled well before, which resulted in the author receiving a lot of bad reviews.

In fact, after that, the author didn't really want to write a setting where Clow Cards were attached to other people's bodies.

But because the plot requires it, I took the risk and tried it again today.

If this kind of plot is indeed not to the audience's taste, the author will honestly write the plot of conquering the wild Clow cards from now on, and will no longer write those fancy semi-original stories. I will bow and apologize here to add buffs.

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