Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 6 Spider-Man and Spider-Woman

In the afternoon, in Lucky Dessert House outside Zhongcheng Middle School, a leisurely Su Heng was wiping the tabletop in the guest area.

The dessert house's discounted price is only available on Thursdays. Although there are customers during normal times, the customer flow is far less than that of the discount day on Thursday.

Jingle Bell--

The bell rang in front of the shop, causing Su Heng to put away the rag in his hand, turned around and faced the visitors with a smile:

"Hello, welcome to lucky dessert house, eh? Gwen?"

Su Heng looked at Gwen who suddenly appeared at the door of the store and blinked in confusion: "Didn't you go to Osborne's exhibition with your classmates this morning? Why are you back so early?"

"I asked the teacher for leave." At this time, Gwen's face was a little pale, and she was swaying as she walked, as if she was completely unsteady on her feet.

"Don't tell my parents." Before Gwen could finish his words, he fell towards Su Heng's direction.

"Hey!" Su Heng quickly supported Gwen, but found that the temperature coming from his palm was ridiculously high.

"You guy." Su Heng frowned, picked up Gwen by the waist, threw the rag in his hand towards the door, and turned the small "Opening" sign over. Looking from the outside, the door The small sign on the store has suddenly turned into big words "Closed".

When Gwen woke up, she found herself lying in a strange room, and her clothes had turned into men's pajamas.

"Don't think twice." Su Heng's voice sounded next to Gwen: "You were very hot just now. I asked a female customer who happened to be in the store to help you wipe your body and change your clothes. The clothes were from a few days ago. Bought it, washed it and haven’t worn it yet.”

"I haven't said anything yet!" Gwen raised her head and wrinkled her nose at Su Heng.

"Remember to pay for the clothes." Su Heng stretched out his hand towards Gwen.

"?" Gwen's eyes widened, and she couldn't believe that the guy in front of her who was desperate for money could actually say something like this: "I'm a sick person!"

"Besides, can't you wash this clothes and wear them again?!"

"Sorry, I have mysophobia." Su Heng said without mercy: "I never wear clothes worn by others."

"Believe it or not, I'm going to take off my clothes and give them back to you right now!" Gwen looked like she was about to take off her clothes.

"Sorry, it's a small business. Once you wear it, you can't return it~" Su Heng reached out and flicked Gwen's forehead: "You should first tell me what you did and why you looked like that just now."

After hearing Su Heng's question, Gwen's face, which was still sulking, suddenly became serious.

"Store manager, do you still remember what I told you yesterday that I had a dream?"

"Huh? Are you telling me that after you were bitten by a spider, you turned into a spider girl and wandered around the city?"

"It's Spider-Woman!" Gwen glared at Su Heng angrily.

"So?" Su Heng spread his hands: "You don't want to say that the dream has come true, right?"

"I wasn't bitten, but" Gwen shook his head, then glanced at Su Heng, clenched his fists, stood up and jumped slightly, and his whole body was attached to the ceiling upside down.

"It's true! But why is this?" At this moment, Gwen's eyes were filled with a little relief and a little confusion.

"Ah, this." Su Heng looked up at Gwen hanging upside down from the ceiling, and asked her with a bit of toothache, "So what is going on with you?"

"That's it." Gwen fell back to the bed from the ceiling and told Su Heng what happened today with a serious face.

"Are you saying that after you discovered that your classmate Peter Parker was bitten by a spider, you yourself developed the symptoms of being bitten by a spider in your dream?"

"That's right!" Gwen nodded and said seriously: "After I saw the wound on Peter's hand, a huge memory instantly emerged from my own mind, and those memories, It’s exactly what I’ve been dreaming about a few days ago.”

"But it's different from a dream. This memory gives me an immersive feeling, as if I had actually done the things in the dream before."

"So what do you want to do next?" Su Heng crossed his legs, rested his chin on his knees, and asked Gwen curiously: "Are you going to be a spider girl like in your dream?"

"I already said it was Spider-Woman!" Gwen waved her fist threateningly at Su Heng: "If you call me wrong again, I'll punch you out!"

"Okay, okay, Miss Spider-Woman." Su Heng raised his hands in a gesture of surrender: "So, what are your next plans?"

"What's next?" Gwen suddenly thought of something and quickly grabbed Su Heng's arm: "Store manager, what time is it now?"

"Huh?" Su Heng raised his head and motioned for Gwen to look over.

"Six o'clock in the afternoon." Su Heng continued: "If it is a matter of going home, I have already called Ms. Helen and said that you will go back later tonight."

"That's not it!" Gwen jumped up from the bed quickly: "I have to go back early tonight, and you, the store manager, must go back with me too!"

In Su Heng's puzzled eyes, Gwen hurriedly explained: "Today at the exhibition, Professor Connors wanted me to be an intern in their project. If I guess correctly, now my father has already Got a call from Professor Connors.”

"For my holiday, store manager, you have to help me find a way to get my dad to give up that damn idea!"

"Also, the store manager has my clothes!"

And things were just as Gwen expected.

In the laboratory on the fifteenth floor of the Osborne Building, Professor Connors was stroking a closed test tube in his hand while talking to Chief Stacey.

"Sorry Mr. Connors, I can't give you a definite answer to what you're talking about right now." Sheriff Stacey's voice rang from Professor Connors' cell phone placed on the table. : "For this matter, I need to ask my wife's wishes first, and whether Gwen is really willing to intern in your project."

"Although I know this is really not harmful to Gwen, I know my daughter's character very well. She is not a hard-working little girl."

"It's okay, Mr. Sheriff." Professor Connors said with a smile: "It's not a bad thing that you have concerns in this regard. It at least shows that you respect your family very much, doesn't it?"

"Thank you very much for your understanding, Mr. Connors. After I go back from get off work and discuss it with my family, I will get back to you tomorrow morning at the latest."

"It's okay, Mr. Sheriff, you'd better get busy first, I won't disturb you anymore." Professor Connors smiled and hung up the phone.

For Professor Connors, letting Gwen come to the project as an intern was just a whim.

As for whether Gwen will come in the end, it will have no impact at all on the project or on Professor Connors himself.

After all, compared to such trivial matters, the research in front of him is what Professor Connors really needs to worry about.

Thinking of this, Professor Connors gently placed his gaze on the closed test tube in his hand. In the culture fluid of the test tube, there was a small lizard embryo floating.

He looked at the embryo in his eyes as if he were looking at some unique treasure, and his slightly excited voice could not be suppressed no matter what.

"It's coming soon, it should be coming soon"

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