Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 52: He is a cricket supreme mage, and Kuro knows how to use a hammer.

Chapter 52 He is a cricket supreme mage, but he knows the Clow card of the hammer.

"Store Manager"

Su Heng once again watched Gwen, who was wearing a white dress, turn into dust before his eyes.

"No!" Su Heng retracted the hand that failed to grab Gwen. Looking at the scene he had experienced countless times in front of him, his dazed eyes gradually woke up: "This is a dream!"

He turned his head and looked around. Most of the pedestrians walking on the street turned into dust like Gwen and disappeared from the sight of the survivors.

The people who survived on the street looked at the scene in front of them. They were confused at first, and then began to panic under the look of disbelief, until they panicked.

"So why did I have this dream again?" Su Heng stood there, the panicked shouts coming from his ears seemed so harsh.

"Is this a precognitive dream from the Dream Card? So you want to tell me that Gwen will disappear under the snap of Thanos' fingers in the future?"

"But shouldn't precognitive dreams represent things that will definitely happen in the future? Even if you tell me this, what can I do?"

Just when Su Heng was thinking about what the precognitive dream wanted to bring to him, a very familiar sigh came to his ears.

"Oh, I knew it."

Su Heng turned around and looked behind him, and found that what appeared in front of him was a very familiar figure in black robe and hood.

"I won't show off." The man in black robe took off the hood that covered his face, revealing a face that was exactly the same as Su Heng but slightly more mature.

"Hello, I am now, I am you in the future." Future Su Heng greeted Su Heng.

"In other words, I am you in another future branch line."

"Future me? So it's the time card? Or the xun card?" Su Heng raised his eyebrows. He asked his future self: "But shouldn't I be in the dream of the dream card now?"

"Yes, you are indeed still in the dreamland of the Meng Pai. It must have been a long time ago that I returned to your timeline through the Shi Pai and the Xu Pai." Su Heng from the future showed his hands: "Now you What you see is just a little bit of my consciousness left in the dream card."

"Oh~" Su Heng nodded: "So, why are you going to so much trouble?"

"It's mainly to prevent too many timeline branches." Future Su Heng shrugged: "After all, I'm here to help, not to cause trouble."

"Hmm? So?" Su Heng motioned to Future Su Heng to continue.

"First of all, I have to correct you." Su Heng raised his finger in the future: "Predictive dreams do talk about things that may happen in the future, but it does not mean that the future cannot be changed, especially when the precognitive dreams are clearly visible. "

"Otherwise, I wouldn't go to all the trouble to come back to the present and give you the fat Dream Card."

"So? What do you want to express?" Su Heng still looked at Future Su Heng with some confusion: "Let me save Gwen when Thanos snaps his fingers?"

"Yes, but it's not entirely right." Future Su Heng shook his head: "The biggest reason is to prevent you from going to the same timeline as me again."

"After all, there have been too many troubles on my timeline."

"Then what should I do specifically?" Su Heng looked at Future Su Heng's expression of emotion, and said directly to Future Su Heng: "Since we are all our own people, don't do the Riddler trick on me. Got it!"

"First of all, don't get in touch with that old bald man from Ancient Yi!" Su Heng said with a melancholy face in the future: "For various reasons, I have already known that old bald man in the timeline where you are now, and we have been together in some way. I carefully considered him as my teacher."

"As a result, when Thanos comes to Earth and snaps his fingers, I only have fifteen Clow cards in my hand."

"Fifteen?" Su Heng estimated the cards in his hand.

Sword, fantasy, sweetness, confusion, tranquility, sleep, fighting, floating, dream, double, force, sand, and movement.

"I already have thirteen cards in my hand now, how come I only have fifteen Clow cards at that time?" Su Heng looked at Future Su Heng with wide eyes.

"Because after I became a disciple, the old bald man locked me in the dark room day after day, saying that he would not let me go out to look for the Clow Card until I understood the true meaning of power."

"What a joke. He is a Supreme Mage, but he knows the Clow Card of Hammer!"

Future Su Heng said full of resentment: "So, you must remember, if that old bald man wants to come over and accept you as his disciple, do it! No! Agree!"

"Uh, is it so outrageous?" Su Heng looked at Future Su Heng's cryptic look, nodded his head, and continued to ask him, "What next?"

"Then, just go out and do more activities. Don't stay in this shabby dessert shop every day." Future Su Heng pointed towards Su Heng and said.

"You can't wait for all the Clow cards to come back and find you first. You have to take the initiative."

"But I don't know where those guys are hiding. I can only know if the Clow Card is causing trouble by watching the live news from the Daily Bugle every day." Su Heng's eyes suddenly lit up and he asked Future Su Heng: "Yes Well, you are from the future anyway, tell me where to hide the remaining Clow cards."

"Okay, okay, then I'll tell you one more time." Su Heng sighed in the future: "Don't worry about the wind cards that are scattered everywhere. Sister Feng will come back by herself when you need her later."

"The only things you can get now are the flying cards and driving cards that will appear in New York in the future, the arrow cards and hitting cards in New Mexico, and "

After Su Heng told Su Heng the locations of all the remaining cards in the future, he took a breath and said, "As for how many you can memorize, that's your own business."

"What you say, there are just dozens of cards, how could I not remember their positions." Su Heng waved his hand, but found that Su Heng's appearance in the future and the surrounding scene began to become blurry.

"Well, it looks like you're about to wake up again." Su Heng sat on the ground in the future and waved his hand towards Su Heng: "Then, see you tomorrow night."

"Tomorrow night? What are you talking about?" Before Su Heng finished speaking, the surrounding scene began to shatter.

The fragments were scattered and fell into the corners of this dark space.

Su Heng looked intently and saw that an unknown number of memory fragments were already piled up in that corner.

"Okay, okay, then I'll tell you one more time."

"You said that, there are just dozens of cards, how could I not remember their positions?"

"Then, see you tomorrow night"

The same words kept intertwining back and forth among the pile of memory fragments.


Su Heng suddenly sat up from the bed and wiped the cold sweat on his head.

"Why do I feel like I had another unclear dream?" Su Heng took a few deep breaths, looked at the slowly rising sun outside the window, and gently rubbed his head.

"Ah, forget it, forget it. It shouldn't be a good dream if you can't remember the explanation." Su Heng left the warm bed and walked towards the bathroom while stretching.

Stay away from the bald head

For some reason, when Su Heng walked to the bathroom and started washing up, this sentence suddenly flashed into his mind.

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