Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 44 Carnival People

"The Daily Bugle Financial Report said that according to an official announcement from Stark Industries, they officially shut down their weapons manufacturing department last week and turned to other areas of research and development.

"As we all know, the majority of Stark Industries' operating sales come from weapons manufacturing. As soon as the news of the closure of the weapons manufacturing department came out, Stark Industries' stock price has plummeted by nearly forty points. Before the stock market closed, even more It could go down to fifty or even sixty points.”

"If Stark Industries cannot come up with a convincing argument for investors at a later stage, then in the future, everyone is likely to see a business empire that has stood for decades collapse and fall into a bottomless abyss."

Although some investors sold all their Stark Industries stocks after Tony's first press conference after returning to the United States, the vast majority of investors were still unwilling to believe in Stark Industries. The board of directors would let Tony Stark, a playboy, run amok.

But the announcement issued by Stark Industries today gave them a complete blow. The stock market was filled with screams of mourning.

But in this stock market filled with tragedy, there is a carnival belonging to another group of people.


On the temporary high platform in the Hammer Industrial Hall, Justin Hammer, the boss of Hammer Industries, was holding a cigar and shaking the champagne in his hand crazily.

"Gentlemen and ladies! I have to announce a regrettable news to everyone."

Justin Hammer looked at the employees in the audience who were temporarily summoned from their workstations, and the smile on his lips looked so wild.

"Due to Tony Stark's stupidity, Stark Industries is about to become a thing of the past, followed by the rise of our Hammer Industries! I seem to have seen a steady stream of military orders coming towards our company. "

“To celebrate this wonderful occasion, I’m announcing that for the next three months, everyone’s salary will be doubled!”


“Long live the boss!!!”

As the crowd cheered, Justin Hammer opened the cork of the champagne bottle and swayed the champagne that had been expanded and compressed for a long time downwards.

Everyone in the audience was also enjoying this crazy moment, except for Professor Connors who was hiding on the edge and his friend Dr. Otto.

"Otto, is your boss a little too free and easy?" Professor Connors asked the chubby-faced Dr. Otto with a strange expression.

Dr. Otto stretched out his hand, feeling the wine foam falling in the sky, and smiled and shrugged at Professor Connors: "At least having such a boss is not a bad thing, is it?"

"Probably." Professor Connors listened to Dr. Otto's words and couldn't help but think of his former boss.


If it weren't for his physical problems, he must be a very good boss.

In a secret military base outside New York City.

Norman, who looked increasingly pale and haggard, and General Ross looked expressionlessly at the huge unknown creature that was going crazy in the experimental cabin.


In a scream that was close to a roar, the unknown creature finally exploded in the experimental cabin.

Green turbid blood spread all over the glass of the experimental cabin.

"Still not working?" General Ross sighed in disappointment.

"With all due respect, General." Norman shook his head: "You want the destructive power of the green giant that appeared in Times Square in New York before, but you also want him to maintain a human body size and sanity. These conditions are really good. It’s too harsh.”

"Moreover," Norman glanced thoughtfully at General Ross, who looked a little anxious, and said bluntly: "Although these conditions can be overcome bit by bit in the face of time, the deadline you recently gave is indeed a bit difficult."

"Huh -" General Ross took a deep breath, adjusted his mentality, and said to Norman: "I'm sorry, it's true that I have some whims."

"So what happened?" Norman asked General Ross curiously: "It feels like you are getting busier and busier recently."

"It's mainly due to some differences within our military." General Ross did not tell Norman the specific reasons. He walked to the computer, looked at the complex data on the computer, and suddenly continued to ask Norman: "Norman Man, if I lower some conditions, will the progress of your experiment be faster?"

"That depends on what kind of experimental results you want to achieve, General."

"For example, use a copy of the green giant from before, or" General Ross narrowed his eyes and said softly to Norman.

"Using the experimental materials I gave you previously and the information on the super soldier serum, create a new copy of Captain America."


At noon, Tony appeared in the dessert shop again. He looked at Su Heng who was sitting on the lounge chair in the counter and gently knocked on the table of the counter.

"As usual, please give me a glass of hot milk."

"Tsk." Su Heng, who was awakened from a good dream, took off his blindfold and looked at Tony who was half lying on the counter. He slowly stood up and was about to take a paper cup to get Tony a glass of milk, but he was called by Tony. live.

"Wait, use this." Tony threw the cup in his hand towards Su Heng.

"What did you drink?" Su Heng looked at the green cup on the outer wall with some disgust: "Vegetable juice? Are you trying to lose weight?"

"More or less, it's just a way to stay in shape." Tony said nonchalantly: "You don't need to wash the cup, just give me a cup of hot milk."


While Su Heng was picking up the hot milk, Tony walked around the store with a tray and tongs in a very familiar manner.

"Your hot milk is ready." When Su Heng placed the hot milk on the counter, Tony had already put all the desserts he wanted into his tray.

"Thank you." Tony took a sip of milk and continued eating the dessert.

"So why didn't your clerk come to work today?" Tony asked Su Heng while eating donuts.

"Of course it's class. You think everyone doesn't have to go to work and class like you, Mr. Stark, right?" Su Heng picked up a rag and wiped it aimlessly on the table.

"Oh, that's right." Tony nodded clearly.

But at this time, a middle-aged man with a not-so-high hairline walked into the dessert shop that was supposed to have few customers again.

He glanced at Tony, who was chatting with Su Heng at the counter, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hello Mr. Stark, we meet again." The middle-aged man walked up to Tony.

"Ah, you are." Tony hesitated and looked at this slightly impressed guy.

"I am Agent Coulson from the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency. We have met before."

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