Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 37 They are never dead objects

"The Daily Bugle reported at night that in the afternoon, the military once again discovered the whereabouts of the green giant on a farm outside New York and had a confrontation with it. After paying a heavy price, it was able to repel the green giant."

Su Heng, who was sitting on the ground, listened to the night report coming from the radio in the utility room, and Clow's Magic Book slowly appeared in his hand. He opened the Clow's Magic Book in his hand, took out the cards one by one, and placed them in front of him.

Sword card, fantasy card, Gan card, mystery card, static card, sleep card, fighting card, floating card, dream card, double card, and power card.

This is the Cullo card currently owned by Su Heng.

"So, even if you are subdued by me, can you still be free to move around?" Su Heng knocked on the wooden floor underground and asked the Clow cards in front of him.

"Wow." Following Su Heng's question, the Clow cards in front of him lit up slightly, giving Su Heng some response.

"Hey, hey, if you can come out, you should come out and talk." Su Heng muttered with some dissatisfaction.


The Clow Cards were silent for a moment. Under Su Heng's expectant eyes, the Jing Card took the lead to float from the ground, then flew back to Clow's Magic Book and closed the open Magic Book.

"Ah, this." Su Heng looked at Jingpai's movements and touched his cheek awkwardly.

But after the Quiet Card returned to the Clow Magic Book, the originally quiet Clow Card suddenly became active.

The distance between the utility rooms began to expand, and countless walls appeared on the ground like after a spring rain, spreading to form an extremely complex maze.

Doupai jumped up and stood towards the wall. Lipai followed closely behind and smashed the wall in front of him with one punch. He looked angrily at Doupai who had already jumped to another wall. .

The Dream Card turned into a butterfly and danced together with the Sleep Card that was flying in the sky with its eyes closed and the Float Card that turned into a hot air balloon.

Gumpai was busy running in and out with his pair of cards, carrying desserts with a lethal amount of sugar from the bakery and diligently distributing them to the Clowcards present.

A thin sword leaned quietly beside Su Heng, and the chain on the hilt gently wrapped around Su Heng's wrist.

Beside him, Gwen, who was made up of magic cards, was looking at Su Heng tenderly.

"Change your appearance." Su Heng raised his eyebrows and said towards the magic card: "You are not allowed to look like anyone else without my permission."

The phantom Gwen blinked, and her body transformed again, turning into Su Heng's appearance. However, she was cut in half by the sword card next to Su Heng.

"I'm now wondering if you guys sneaked out after I fell asleep to cause trouble for me."

The illusion card that had re-condensed into the illusion of Su Heng shook his head and turned into a mist before the sword card struck again.

The movements of many Clow cards after Su Heng fell asleep emerged in the mist.

Through the scene that emerged from the magic card, Su Heng discovered that these guys seemed to have regarded the utility room as their base of activities. Every time after he took a rest, he would quietly come to the utility room. There are activities going on.

"So why don't you ask me?" Su Heng looked at Huan Pai with some confusion: "As long as you think about it, I will not stop your activities. It's not like you don't know Gan Pai. That guy doesn't Are you also doing casual activities outside?"

Ganpai, who was handing out desserts, heard Su Heng's voice, flew in front of him, stuffed a puff filled with sugar into his mouth, and made a face at Su Heng.

"So sweet!" Su Heng's face turned bitter because of the sweetness, and he looked at Gan Pai flying in front of him, seemingly very dissatisfied.

"You mean, I care about you too much?" Su Heng looked at Gan Pai's dissatisfied face and the sweetness that had never melted in his mouth, and he roughly understood what Gan Pai meant.

"So is this what you think too?" Su Heng looked at the Clow cards that had come around him.

The Clow Cards nodded, then shook their heads.

Finally, under the signals of many Culuo cards, the Sleep card and the Dream card flew in front of Su Heng.

The Sleeping Card sprinkled golden dust, causing Su Heng to fall into a deep sleep. The Dream Card, which turned into a butterfly, rested on Su Heng's shoulder, conveying the thoughts of the Clow Cards to Su Heng with dreams.

"Don't worry, we just want a little leisure time."

"You are the person we have recognized, so please rest assured."

Although the night is short, the dreams are long——

In a cave on the outskirts of New York, the huge Betty was frantically eating the desserts that Dr. Banner had hidden before transforming into the Hulk.

"Sorry, Bruce." Betty stopped eating, and clear tears flowed from her red cheeks: "If it weren't for my drag, you should be able to live well in the city alone."

"No, dear." Dr. Banner's face was a little pale. He gently wiped the tears on Betty's face: "It was my mistake that caused us to become like this. I should be responsible for you. Take responsibility.”

"Besides, if you are not by my side, no one can comfort Hulk after I lose control of my emotions."

After the experiment went out of control that night, only Dr. Banner and Betty survived in the underground control room. At the same time, their bodies also underwent tremendous changes at that moment.

After Dr. Banner loses control of his emotions, he will lose his mind and become a green giant with a manic and angry personality.

Betty lost her human form and turned into a red giant, but she did not lose her sanity.

As for why Betty didn't contact her father, General Ross, to ask for his help after discovering that the two had changed into this form.

That's because Betty knows General Ross.

Although General Ross loves Betty, General Ross will definitely be more inclined to the army in which he has worked hard all his life.

Betty's current situation is obviously very suitable for use in General Ross's current "super soldier" project.

Betty didn't dare to bet on how much weight General Ross's fatherly love for her would play in this.

Moreover, General Ross hates Dr. Banner very much.

Even if Betty herself can live under the protection of General Ross, Dr. Banner is not sure.

After all, if there is a time bomb that no one knows when it will explode, General Ross will definitely be very happy to destroy it in advance.

"Bruce." Betty looked at Dr. Banner and asked him in a low voice: "Now, what should we do?"

"Now?" Dr. Banner touched the money he borrowed from Su Heng today and said softly.

"Now, we need to leave New York first and find a quiet place to conduct research. At the very least, we need to restore you to your original appearance."

Ahem, I read the comment section and found out that the issue about the price of desserts was indeed the author’s mistake. I spent some time today to patch it up again:

The price of the most expensive dessert in the dessert shop has been changed to 648 US dollars, and the average price of 9-9-yuan desserts on other discount days has been changed to about 20 to 30 US dollars. I would like to reiterate this and thank you readers for your comments (bow).

Then, because the things at home have not been dealt with yet, the other chapter may still be a little later, but the author still tries to finish it before twelve o'clock (bow).

In addition, it is the daily PY book recommendation session. The book recommended today is a masterpiece of HP fans. Readers who like HP fans can click on the link below to watch it.

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