Just like riding a roller coaster, just as Mian Pai's consciousness gradually fell into endless darkness and gradually dissipated, the warmth that suddenly came from his body and the white light in front of him made him open his eyes.

This is.

Mian Pai slowly sat up from Su Heng's palm, looking at the familiar faces in front of him with a little confusion in his eyes.

"Is Mian Pai okay?" Su Heng looked at Mian Pai's appearance and asked Spineru and Ruby with some concern.

"Don't worry, he probably hasn't recovered yet." Ruby reached out and gently tapped Mian Pai's head.

"How does it feel to escape death~"

(It's terrible.)

Mian Pai stretched his body, stretched out the wings behind him, circled in the air, and landed on Su Heng's shoulder, then turned his sight to Meng Pai, who was imprisoned in several light grids but still didn't say a word.

"We already know about Meng Pai's matter." Spineru's black cat face showed a little helplessness.

"That guy Clow Reed didn't tell me that there is another Su Heng and another set of Clow Cards in the parallel universe."

"So, do you have anything to say before we reset you?" Ruby's hand had been placed on the neck of Dream Card at some point, and she asked her leisurely.

Dream Card shook her head, looked at Su Heng and the Sleep Card that had been restored on Su Heng's shoulder, and a hint of apology appeared on her face.

"Sorry, and then, it's great to meet you all."

While Ruby and Spiner were stunned, an invisible flame ignited on the body of Dream Card imprisoned in the grating.


"Stop her!" Spiner shouted to Ruby hurriedly.

"Do you still need to say that?" Ruby's hand pinched Dream Card's neck, but at this moment Dream Card turned back into a butterfly and nimbly dodged Ruby's hand.

The butterfly-turned Dream Card passed through the grating, and the invisible flame burning on its body turned into a stream of light dust, falling on the ground and on Su Heng and the others.

Su Heng and the others who were originally going to chase the Dream Card, at this moment, gradually emerged in their minds.

That was a fragment of what Su Heng, who was similar to Su Heng but had a different temperament, experienced in another world.

In the alleys of New York, after the Sword Card controlled Gwen and pierced Su Heng's heart, Spineru, who had just awakened, chose to listen to Ruby's advice to save Su Heng and dedicated his own magic power to infuse Su Heng's body, but was suddenly pinched by a hand that was like a puppet.

"Strange alien creature."

The Ancient One had a magic pattern on his forehead, holding Spineru in his hand and observing him carefully.

It was at this moment that Su Heng's timeline went to two different paths.

The Ancient One held the idea that "those who are not of my kind must have different hearts", and imprisoned Spineru and Ruby who had infiltrated Gwen's body in Kamar-Taj.

Su Heng was rescued by Master Gu Yi and brought back to Kamar-Taj for careful instruction, but Master Gu Yi did not return the Grimoire of Clow, which he thought was very dangerous, to Su Heng.

Later, when Su Heng, who was a blessing in disguise, was learning the spells of the Kamar-Taj mages, Kamar-Taj was attacked by the Clow Cards.

The battle between the Clow Cards, led by Light and Dark, and the Ancient One was completely launched.

Then, both sides were injured. The Clow Cards rescued Su Heng, but failed to rescue Spineru and Ruby who were imprisoned in the prison of Kamar-Taj.

The seriously injured Master Gu Yi was attacked by the dark side. In order to stabilize this invading force, the Master Gu Yi of this world made a very wrong decision.

In order to recover from his injuries, he devoured Spineru and Ruby!

Although this decision helped Master Gu Yi stabilize his injuries, it also made it impossible for some of the Clow Cards that had previously attacked Kamar-Taj to replenish their lost essence because of the loss of Spineru and Ruby.

Walking in the heavy snow, Su Heng, who was protected by various powers because of the Clow Cards, looked at the dozens of Clow Cards that had become useless cards in front of him, and his heart was full of confusion at the moment.

In the following days, Su Heng embarked on a road of escape due to the pursuit of the mages of Kamar-Taj.

While this road was difficult, it also allowed him to enter the plot line of the Marvel world in another different way.

With the power of the Clow Cards and the spells he learned in Kamar-Taj, Su Heng became stronger and stronger.

Until he killed Master Gu Yi, who had actually been eroded and tortured by the power of the dark dimension, and was ordered to become the new generation of Supreme Mage.

After that, Su Heng embarked on the journey of conquering the Clow Cards again.

But even if Su Heng conquered all the remaining Clow Cards, due to the lack of Spiner and Ruby, the more than ten Clow Cards that had become useless cards could no longer shine as they once did.

Su Heng used the Time Card and the Cold Card to go back to the time when the Light and Dark led the Clow Cards to besiege Kamar-Taj and save the more than ten Clow Cards.

But time cannot be controlled by an individual after all.

He succeeded, but also failed.

His appearance allowed Su Heng in that universe to save the more than ten Clow Cards, but when he returned to the original timeline, his more than ten Clow Cards were still dim.

This is the time paradox and the time branch.

When Su Heng saved the dozen Clow Cards, he created a new timeline again.

And Su Heng in that world continued to create a new timeline with the Clow Cards.

In the cycle, the different results caused by different timeline branches made the timeline branches more and more complicated, and even began to affect the world where Su Heng was.

That world began to gradually collapse.

In order to save the world he was in, Su Heng, who had become the Supreme Mage, gradually began to clean up the mess he had left behind.

The best way to get the original timeline back on track is to erase everything in that timeline and restart it.

Although he did not collect all the Clow Cards, Su Heng at this moment has already practiced all the spells of Kamar-Taj, and can continuously borrow power from different dimensions.

Moreover, he also gathered all the Infinity Stones and created the Infinity Gauntlet.

With these powers, Su Heng restarted one parallel universe after another.

Let those restarted parallel universes be summarized back to the universe in which they exist.

This is also the scene that Loki saw in the Time Management Bureau when he was promoted to the "God of Stories" in the legend.

However, since the restarted parallel universe returns to correct the changes in the timeline, the Time Management Bureau cannot make any changes to it.

Now, in the universe where Su Heng exists, there is only the Supreme Mage Su Heng, and the dessert shop Su Heng left behind by the decision point that once changed Su Heng's fate.

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