Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 19 Professor Connors’ Plan

Ripples gradually emerged in the underground water, and with a "crash", Professor Connors emerged from the surface of the sewer.

At this time, Professor Connors did not choose to take care of the mud on his body, but walked into the maintenance port of the underground waterway from the waterway.

As soon as Professor Connors walked into it, dozens of scarlet eyes stared directly at it.

But Professor Connors, who was stared at by dozens of scarlet eyes, did not have the slightest fear. Instead, he walked forward happily, squatting down and touching these products that were combined with sewer rat and lizard genetic medicines.

"Good boys." Professor Connors felt the strong muscles of the sewer rat lizard and its violent eyes.

This is a more powerful creature than a lab rat lizard!

"If it was you who were here just now," Professor Connors murmured in a low voice, "Maybe that spider girl wouldn't have defeated me so easily."

"You said that, right?" Professor Connors looked around.


But around Professor Connors, apart from the sound of the underground water flowing, there was only the rustling sound of the underground rat lizards.

"Do you humans like to deceive yourself so much?" A sneer appeared on the corner of Professor Connors's mouth. For some reason, he seemed to have determined that there must be other people around him.

"Your whereabouts are indeed well hidden. There is no sound or trace." Professor Connors murmured in a low voice: "But your flaws are also very obvious. After all, how can I in the sewer?" You might smell the aroma of dessert.”

"Perhaps you want to use this sweet scent to cover up your whereabouts. I really can't find your traces in this chaotic scent, but if you keep hiding like this, you won't come out to stop me. If so, what's the use?"

"And I can tell you directly what my next plan is." Professor Connors took out a tube of lizard gene potion from the darkness and shook it around.

"Have you seen this bottle of potion? As long as a tube of potion is absorbed by the human body in a vapor state, the person who absorbs the potion will become a lizard like me!"

"Furthermore, the more potions you absorb, the stronger your lizard tribe will be in combat!"

"My plan is very simple." The smile on Professor Connors's lizard face became more and more crazier.

It directly inserted the tube of lizard gene potion in its hand into its arm. As the potion gradually entered Professor Connors' body, it raised its head and closed its eyes, enjoying the power and pleasure brought by the gene potion, and continued to murmur in a low voice. road.

"I only need to concentrate a large amount of medicine into a capsule machine that can convert it to vaporization or atomization, then find the tallest building in New York, then release the capsule machine, and then wait for the wind to hit!"

"In this way, the whole of New York will become the territory of the lizard clan like us, and I! I am the only creator of the existing lizard clan! The only king!" Professor Connors raised his hands high, with a particularly expression on his face. Sacred and majestic, as if he has become the uncrowned king of New York.

"Tsk, you are so loud." Su Heng canceled the phantom card that concealed his figure, the static card that blocked the sound, and the Gan card that caused chaos, and appeared in the cave with Gwen.

Su Heng held the Gan Pai in his hand and murmured helplessly: "If it weren't for your keen sense of smell, I wouldn't have used the Gan Pai in a place like this. Now the little guy will have to blame me for most of the day. ”

"Are you finally willing to show up?" Professor Connors looked at the hooded man and spider girl who appeared in front of him, with a smile of success on his lips. The sewer rat lizards that had scattered quietly before had red eyes and mouths. Holding the lizard gene potion in his mouth, he rushed towards Su Heng and Gwen.

Professor Connors' purpose was very obvious. He wanted to use the lizard gene potion to turn Gwen and Su Heng into the so-called lizard clan in his mouth.

Professor Connors' eyes showed excitement as he watched the sewer rats collectively throw the lizard gene potion in their mouths in the direction of Su Heng and Gwen. It believes that after these two people are transformed into lizardmen, they will understand their painstaking efforts, and there will be two more capable assistants who can achieve great things with it.

But when the medicine carried by the glass test tube was thrown to Su Heng and Gwen, it did not comply with the law of gravity and shattered on the ground around Su Heng and Gwen. Instead, it seemed as if it had lost gravity. The same thing was floating around the two of them.

Su Heng picked up one of the tubes of lizard gene potion and blinked at Gwen who looked reluctant: "We have obtained the experimental materials, and then I will leave the task of researching the antidote to you."

"I know, I know." Gwen nodded reluctantly. Now she regretted more and more that she had told Su Heng what happened in her dream.

This was what happened before Gwen and Su Heng entered the underground waterway.

"You said at the beginning that in your dream, Dream Peter turned into a lizard man because of the potion he developed himself. As Dream Peter's friend, Dream Gwen must have had some interest in that potion after Dream Peter died. You’ve done some research, right?”

Gwen, who originally wanted to deny it, looked at Su Heng's half-smiling eyes under his hood, and finally nodded depressedly.

After all, who in the dream actually studied Peter's lizard potion in the dream?

"Then after I have subdued Professor Connors, I will trouble you to prepare the serum for that potion~"

In a few words, Su Heng had already decided Gwen's next work.

Time goes back to the present.


While Su Heng was talking to Gwen, he discovered that Professor Connors, who was in a situation beyond his expectation, had crushed the stones around him and kept throwing them in the direction of the reagent.

As long as these stones can smash the reagents floating in the air, let the lizard gene medicine on the reagents contaminate the two people, and let the two people be infected by the medicine, then they will be invincible!

But Gwen would not just watch these stones approaching her. Under her dynamic vision that was beyond Professor Connors' imagination, the spider silk launcher in her hand connected, and a stream of spider silk was sprayed out, and it was about to get closer. The surrounding stones flew away.

"What are you still doing?" Gwen glanced at Su Heng complainingly.

"I know, I know." Su Heng's rapier appeared in his right hand, and while doing a sword dance, a card appeared in his other hand.

"The seal is lifted! Mian!"

As Su Heng placed the rapier across the card, in the dim light, an elf with closed eyes and holding a moon magic wand appeared from the card.

"!" Professor Connors felt something bad in his heart, but before he could resist, the elf had already surrounded the entire cave with its light.

Whether it was the sewer rat lizard or Professor Connors, the moment he was shrouded in the dots of light, a sense of sleepiness spread from the brain to all parts of the body.

Professor Connors only felt that his eyelids were getting heavier.

Finally, with a "pop" sound, Professor Connors, who was originally on guard and wanted to take action, finally fell to the ground due to sleepiness and fell into a drowsy sleep.

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