Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 16 Being a Guest

The darkness is deep and accompanied by the sound of rushing water. As an underground sewer that runs through the entire New York, the gloomy dampness and the stench accumulated over decades are the eternal characteristics of this area.

This is a paradise for rats and bedbugs and their natural sanctuary.

But today, it has also become a refuge for uninvited guests.

"Huh-huh-" Professor Connors, who had turned into a lizard man, held his head tightly with his claws, closed his eyes tightly, and his thick nostrils continued to spray out thick columns of air as he breathed.

At this moment, in his mind, the scene of the robber talking on the phone after he was attacked kept playing.

"Boss, I've got the stuff, but there was a little accident at the scene."

"Your Professor Connors didn't go home, and he happened to take a photo of me across from him. Out of helplessness, I had no choice but to put him down."

"Do you think you should call an ambulance in case something goes wrong with Professor Connors?"

"I know, leave the rest to me."

During the last call, Professor Connors, who fell to the ground, finally heard the voice on the other end of the phone clearly.

"Norman!!!" After the memory ended, Professor Connors opened his eyelids and let out a violent roar in the sewer.

A car slowly drove into the Osborne family's estate.

As the car stopped on the road next to a circular fountain in the manor, Harry and Peter got out of the car at the same time.

"It's so big." Peter looked around at the surrounding scenery and opened his mouth in surprise.

Although Peter had long known that Harry's family was very wealthy, looking at the manor in front of him, Peter realized that he had underestimated how wealthy his good brother was.

"Stop standing there stupidly." Harry put his arm around Peter's shoulders and said with a smile, "I didn't bring you to my house to let you blow in the cold wind outside."

"Yes." Peter nodded and followed Harry towards the luxurious-looking villa in front of him.

Before the two of them could get closer, the door of the villa slowly opened, and Norman walked out of the door wearing a nightgown.

"Are you Peter?" He focused his attention on Peter next to Harry, smiled and extended his hand: "Welcome to our home."

"Hello, Mr. Norman." Peter quickly held Norman's hand and said respectfully, "Thank you very much for the invitation."

"After all, you are Harry's friend." Norman nodded towards Harry and said as he led Peter in, "Inviting friends to your home is what friends should do."

"By the way, I heard that your uncle is hospitalized?" Norman asked Peter with concern: "Is he feeling better?"

"Thank you for your concern." Peter nodded: "Uncle Ben is much better, but he can't get out of bed yet, so Aunt Mei is taking care of him in the hospital."

"Oh~" Norman raised his eyebrows and nodded clearly: "I know some good hospitals and nursing staff here. If necessary, I will ask Harry to give you their business cards later. "

"Ah, thank you very much, Mr. Norman." Peter smiled wryly and nodded.

A hospital and nursing staff that make Mr. Norman feel good must be very good, but they are definitely not within Peter's consideration.

You don’t need to think about this kind of thing to know that it is definitely expensive!

Ring ring ring——

While Norman and Peter were chatting, the phone in the hall suddenly rang.

"Okay, I won't disturb you two kids chatting." Norman patted Peter on the shoulder and ordered Harry, who was following behind the two of them: "Harry, remember to take care of Peter, if anything happens If you want, just tell Warren directly."

"I understand, Father." Harry nodded, walked to Peter's side, and said to Peter.

"Come on Peter, I'll show you around my room."

"Yeah." Peter glanced at Mr. Norman who was walking towards the phone, and followed Harry's lead up the stairs together.

"Hello, this is Norman." Norman answered the phone.

"Mr. Norman, it's not good!" A somewhat panicked voice came from the other end of the phone.

"If you have anything to do, just say it." Norman frowned and scolded the person on the other end of the phone.

"Yes, yes!" The person on the other end of the phone swallowed twice and said to Norman tremblingly: "The company's gene bank has been stolen!"

"Gene data bank?"

"Yes, by the time we heard the alarm, the door to the gene bank had been violently opened, and the genetic agents stored inside had disappeared. This also included the lizard genetic agents that Professor Connors had previously stored here, as well as those few The mice that were only injected with the lizard gene drug are also gone."

"Is there only genetic medicine?"

Norman gradually felt relieved. Fortunately, he arranged for someone to make a backup copy of all the information in Professor Connors' laboratory last night.

After Norman analyzed and researched the information at home today, he naturally discovered the equation for the genetic medicine in it.

"Yes, so I want to ask you what should we do next?"

"What else can we do?" Norman replied somewhat casually: "Since it is a theft incident, as legal taxpayers, of course we should hand this matter over to the police."

"And today, I have some things to do, so I won't go to the company for now. If the police have any results, please call me and let me know." Norman looked up and glanced at the room where Harry was.

"Yes." A respectful voice came from the other end of the phone.

After ordering the things at hand, Norman put down the phone, turned around and walked into the kitchen.

Outside the balcony of Harry's room, Peter and Harry sat on chairs, enjoying the hard-won warm sunshine in the afternoon.

"Harry, congratulations." Peter suddenly turned his head and looked at Harry, who had been in much better spirits recently, with a faint smile: "It seems that the relationship between you and Mr. Norman has eased. few."

"Ah." Harry nodded, his words full of emotion: "I can only say that he was lucky. If he hadn't packed up an unfinished cake from the dessert shop that day, the relationship between him and me would have been different. Maybe it won’t ease up so quickly.”

"After all, you have been lacking communication before this, right?" Peter shrugged.

"I can't help it. Who asked my father to let me go to boarding school when I was young." A trace of reminiscence flashed in Harry's eyes: "That is not a very good memory."

"But I still envy you, after all, you have a father like Mr. Norman." Peter whispered.

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