Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 10: Manhattan Bridge Hanging Vehicle Incident

Chapter 10 Manhattan Bridge·Vehicle Suspended Incident

A few days after Peter Parker had a conversation with Su Heng that day, a little spider wearing a red tights appeared in the city of New York.

He is different from the night magician who appears accidentally in the night. This little spider has been wandering in the city. No matter where he encounters difficulties, he will always appear in time to help people solve their problems and solve their problems.

This kind of behavior also earned the little spider widespread praise, and he was affectionately called Spider-Man.

This kind of behavior also makes Gwen, who is naturally out of touch, very jealous, but every time Spider-Woman is about to go out, she is always stopped by a certain dessert shop manager who gets in the way.

"Ms. Spider-Woman, New York doesn't need so many superheroes right now."

Gwen looked at Su Heng who could accurately stop her every time, and her teeth itched with hatred. Even Gwen had some doubts about whether Su Heng had set a position on her body.

But today, it's different.

“Welcome to the Daily Bugle’s intermission news break!”

"It is now 8:20 pm. According to the news reported by eyewitnesses, starting 20 minutes ago, all the cars boarding the Manhattan Bridge have been floating in the air for unknown reasons and cannot fall down. Even the cars that have just arrived Spider-Man was involved in it and could only use spider silk to stabilize the surrounding vehicles from accidental collisions."

At nightfall, Gwen, who had washed up and was getting ready to rest, suddenly jumped out of bed when she listened to the news on the radio.

"Wait!" Gwen froze on the spot at first, then opened the window of the room and looked around with suspicion, fearing that she would be caught by the damn store manager when she went out later.

"But it doesn't matter even if it is discovered, right?" Gwen murmured in a low voice: "After all, this is a problem that Spider Peter cannot solve, so it is natural that it is Spider Gwen's turn to play, right?"

With a little excitement in her heart, Gwen quietly opened her closet and dug out the black and white spider costume from the deepest part of the closet.

After a while, the lights in Gwen's room went out, the window of the room was quietly opened, and a figure climbed out of the wall vigorously.

Gwen stood on the roof of her house. After confirming the location of the Manhattan Bridge, she put on her white hood. With the spray of spider silk in her hand, her figure quickly disappeared from the spot.

At this moment, in the sky of the Manhattan Bridge, one end of the white silk thread is connected to the steel cables and piers of the bridge, and the other end is connected to the densely packed cars floating in the sky, forming a huge spider web.


"God bless!"

"Dad, Mom, I don't want to die!"


On one side of the Manhattan Bridge, police cars from the New York Police Department had completely surrounded the place. The chief sergeant heard the panicked shouts coming from the sky above the bridge, gritted his teeth and hammered hard on his side. on top of the police car.

"Damn it, why hasn't the police rescue helicopter arrived yet?!"

"Boss, I asked, and the superiors said that the rescue helicopter is still going through the approval process, and it can only be launched after the approval is completed."

"Approval, approval! Approval again!" The police chief said angrily: "I can wait, but can these cars in the sky wait!? What if the cars in the sky fall down before the approval is over! Keep urging me! I To see a rescue helicopter above me in ten minutes!"

"Wow, it's so lively!" When Gwen arrived at the end of the Manhattan Bridge, she saw such a chaotic scene.

"But this guy did a pretty good job." Gwen squinted her eyes and looked at the huge spider web above the Manhattan Bridge.

On the spider web, Spider Peter was busy swinging the silk thread, sending the people in the vehicle towards the bridge one by one.

However, the total length of the Manhattan Bridge is more than 6,000 feet. Spider Peter was busy for more than half an hour, and he could only send some people floating near the bridge to the safety zone.

At this time, in the sky above the spider web.

"No! I will never leave!" Spider Peter looked with a headache at the middle-aged man in front of him who was holding the steering wheel of his car tightly.

"I've only paid for this car in installments for less than two months! If I leave and the car falls down, the insurance company will never pay for the compensation!" The middle-aged man looked at Spider-Peter with longing eyes: "Mr. Amazing Spider-Man, Please, take my car down with you! I know you can do it!"

"Sir, stop making trouble." Spider Peter said to the middle-aged man with sweat on his face: "There are so many people on the whole bridge now, and I don't have time to take your car out with you."

"Then I won't leave!" The middle-aged man hugged the steering wheel tightly and shouted loudly: "If you don't want to, I would rather live and die with my car!"

"This" Just when Spider Peter was hesitant to accept this gentleman's opinion, a white figure passed in front of his eyes.

Spider-Gwen opened the car door and hit the middle-aged man on the neck with his palm. When the middle-aged man fainted and let go of his hands, he took him out of the driver's seat.

"Spider boy~ Sometimes you have to be more decisive." Under the mask, Spider Gwen carried the middle-aged man and taught Spider Peter an old-fashioned lesson: "We can't forget that others are waiting just because of one person. Let us rescue him."

"You are!" Spider Peter looked at Spider-Gwen's black and white spider suit, and remembered what Officer Bob said in the hospital on the day Uncle Ben was shot.

"Boy, you are lucky. Not only is your uncle okay, but your uncle's car was also snatched back by a masked girl wearing a black and white spider suit."

Speaking of which, this is one of the reasons why Peter decided to become Spider-Man.

"Please call me Senior! Boy." Spider-Gwen pointed to the car still floating behind her: "Besides, now is not the time to chat! There are still many people waiting for us to rescue them."

"Yeah!" After hearing Spider-Gwen's reminder, Peter came back to his senses. He listened to the shouts around him, nodded heavily, sprayed spider silk in his hand and continued to swing towards the nearest car. .

With the help of Spider-Gwen, the efficiency of rescuing people is obviously much faster.

Under the roar of the police chief at the bridge, three rescue helicopters from the police station finally arrived at the scene.

At first, one of the rescue helicopters just flew into the strange floating scene with the mentality of giving it a try. However, after discovering that the floating had no impact on the helicopter, the pilot of the rescue helicopter used the communication Shouting, two other rescue helicopters entered the scene together.

But just when they were worried about how to save the people floating in the sky, Spider-Gwen came to the police sergeant at the bridge with a little girl in her arms.

"Hey sir, I have an idea"

At Gwen's suggestion, the Sheriff issued instructions to the three rescue helicopters, asking them to hover in a triangular formation over the Manhattan Bridge.

Spider Gwen and Spider Peter used spider silk to create layers of sticky spider webs under the rescue helicopter. They were responsible for rescuing the people in the car and then tying them to the spider webs.

When the load bearing capacity of the three rescue helicopters reached the maximum, the three rescue helicopters were responsible for the return flight. Finally, other police officers staying at the bridgehead untied the people on the cobweb.

This cycle is repeated, and the efficiency is countless times faster than before when Spider-Gwen and Spider-Peter went back and forth to save people.

But this rescue method lasted less than ten minutes before the accident quietly happened.

While everyone was focusing all their attention on rescue, a figure like a small hot air balloon loomed over the center of the Manhattan Bridge.

As this figure emerged, the vehicles that were originally firmly fixed on the spider silk made a creaking sound, and the bodies of passengers who were not wearing seat belts in some vehicles began to float in the car.

The most terrible thing was the spider webs under the three rescue helicopters. At this moment, more than 20 ordinary people were tied to the spider webs, floating upwards with the spider webs like light hydrogen balloons.

Spider Peter and Spider Gwen discovered this situation almost at the same time. The two of them were holding on to the steel cables above the bridge. The spider silk from the other hand was sprayed on the spider web below the rescue helicopter, blocking the spider web. Continue to float toward the wing of the rescue helicopter.

"Damn it!" Spider-Gwen felt the sudden increase in buoyancy, and her brows knitted tightly together.

The problem now is not only the spider webs under the rescue helicopter. Under the spider senses of Spider Peter and Spider Gwen, the cars connected to the spider webs above the Manhattan Bridge are about to have a sudden increase in buoyancy. Risk of escaping from the web.

"Ms. Spider!" Spider Peter looked at Spider Gwen and shouted to her loudly: "I have to strengthen those spider silks, otherwise when those cars are freed from the spider silks, those who have not escaped from the cars may There is danger.”

"Call me Spider-Woman!" Spider-Gwen choked Spider-Peter angrily, and then continued to say to Spider-Peter: "Leave this place to me, go and reinforce it!"

"Okay!" Spider Peter nodded, and swung towards the other side of the bridge with the spider silk in his hand. He shuttled back and forth between the various vehicles, constantly reinforcing it.

As for Spider Gwen, due to Spider Peter's departure, the pressure on Spider Gwen's hand increased greatly, and her hand broke away from the cable inadvertently.

In desperation, Spider Gwen spit out spider silk from the hand that was free from the steel cable, and tightly entangled the steel cable again. The spider silk in her other hand was tightly entangled in the spider web under the rescue helicopter.

The steel cable, Gwen, and the spider web under the rescue helicopter were tightly stretched into a line under the entanglement of the spider silk.

The three rescue helicopters were also aware of Spider-Gwen's plight, but at this time they had to maintain the power of flight. They could not be too close or too far away from the spider web under them, and they could only try their best to maintain the balance.

Just when everything seemed to be at an impasse.

"Alas." A somewhat familiar sigh came from Gwen's ears.

A ray of sword light struck, cutting off the spider webs holding the spider web under the rescue helicopter, allowing the rescue helicopter to rush up in an emergency, and allowing Spider Gwen to hold on to the spider web that only wrapped the ordinary people.

The mysterious man in a black cloak danced his sword lightly, and the spider silk launcher in his other hand fired the spider silk, passed Gwen, and disappeared into the depths of the Manhattan Bridge.

"That's mine." Spider-Gwen recognized the model of the spider silk launcher in the mysterious man's hand at a glance, but she should only have this thing.

And deep in the Manhattan Bridge, Spider Peter was spraying spider silk with his hands, frantically strengthening the cars that were floating upward and about to break away from the spider silk.

But the object that looked like a hot air balloon also noticed Spider Peter's movements. The small wings on the left and right sides of the hanging basket flapped slightly, and the already enhanced buoyancy increased again at this moment.



"No, no, no, no!" Spider Peter looked at the cars that were instantly separated from the spider silk at this moment, as well as the screams coming from the cars. His hands seemed to have turned into an afterimage at this moment, and he wanted to crazy The cars are reconnected to the spider threads.

But a person's power is limited after all. Even if Spider Peter tried his best, he could only watch more and more cars floating towards the sky.

Just when Spider Peter felt desperate, the spider silk and the mysterious man in a black cloak quickly passed by Spider Peter's side. The thin sword only two fingers wide in the other hand pointed at the small looming heat wave in the center of the Manhattan Bridge. The balloon stabbed through.


"Here, seal!" Accompanied by the low shout of the mysterious man in black robes, a clear voice resounded throughout the Manhattan Bridge. The small hot air balloon stabbed by the rapier emitted countless ripples in the air and gradually formed. It looks like a card.

At the same time, the strange phenomenon on the Manhattan Bridge disappeared at the same time. At this moment, the floating and rising cars finally felt the call of Mother Earth again and returned to the embrace of gravity.

"Ahhhhh!!!" A sharp scream came out from the many cars again.

Spider Peter, who had come back to his senses, and Spider Gwen, who was rushing over from the bridge, were also at a loss at this moment, not knowing how to deal with the scene in front of them.

The mysterious man in black robe held the newly conquered card between the two fingers of his right hand, and while throwing it in the air, he placed his sword across the front of the card.

"Seal, lift! Float!"

The small hot air balloon that had originally transformed into a card appeared next to the mysterious man in black robe again, and the small wings on the hanging basket were still fluttering gently.

On the Manhattan Bridge, the group of free-falling cars felt the power of floating again at this moment. The only difference from the previous floating upwards was that this time the floating was gently supported on the bottom of the cars, gently lifting them. They were placed on the bridge of the Manhattan Bridge.

After doing all this, the floating card returned to the form of a card and returned to the hands of the mysterious man in black robe.

"Wait!" Spider-Gwen, who was standing on the tightrope, wanted to say something else, but the mysterious man in black robe did not give her this chance.

After he nodded towards Spider Gwen and Spider Peter, his figure turned into black mist and dissipated in front of their eyes.

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