Lin Senmu followed the map and the location to the vicinity of the school. "Here we are, baby, where are you?"

In the restaurant, Jiang Yuan received the message and replied, "Wait, I'll pick you up now!"

"Are you at the dining place? It's hot outside, tell me the name of the restaurant, or open a shared location and I'll come to find you."

The temperature in the island province is extremely hot, and the sun sets late in summer. Lin Senmu can't bear to leave his girlfriend in the sun.

"Don't, I'll find you now!"

After sending the message, Jiang Yuan said to his parents, "Mom and Dad, Brother Senmu is here, I'll pick him up."

Lin Senmu was in front of a tobacco shop. After waiting for two minutes, he saw a familiar figure coming out of the restaurant on the left.

"Jiang Yuan~~"

Lin Senmu called softly and ran to meet him quickly.

"Lin Senmu!"

Jiang Yuan trotted to the boy and looked up at him.

Lin Senmu raised his right hand and stroked half of Jiang Yuan's cheek, his thumb gently stroking the girl's delicate eyebrows.

This face made him think about it all summer.

Jiang Yuan gently closed her eyes and felt the tenderness and love between lovers.

After a while, she took Lin Senmu's arm and said coquettishly: "Let's go, my parents are waiting for us."

Lin Senmu just stepped onto the stairs and almost stumbled when he heard it. He stammered: "What? Uncle and aunt are here???"


Jiang Yuan nodded cutely.

"I fainted!"

After confirming this situation, Lin Senmu was so panicked that he wanted to go home. He always thought it was a world for two people! !

"Sen Sen, if I don't say this, you will definitely not come~~"

Jiang Yuan shook Lin Senmu's arm and held it tightly, not letting him run away.

Missing my husband! ! !

Looking at the cute little liar in front of him, Lin Senmu gritted his teeth.

He moved, grabbed Jiang Yuan's ears, and scolded fiercely: "You are getting more and more naughty now. You had a quarrel with your husband on the first night you went home last time!"

"You didn't even say hello this time, and you acted first and then asked for permission. What else will you not dare to do in the future?"

I must take this opportunity to teach my girlfriend a lesson! !

"Wuying, I won't dare to do it next time, Lord Naogong, please let go~~"

Jiang Yuan begged for mercy pitifully.

Everyone help me, Lin Senmu, to testify.

Jiang Xiaoyuan admitted her mistake.

So I, Lin Senmu, let go of her ears.

Jiang Yuan rubbed her ears and murmured with a pout: "Bad man, bullying!"

"I didn't!"

Lin Senmu found that it was so satisfying to pull his girlfriend's ears.

"Yes, I want to take you to meet my parents, but you are mean to me and teach me a lesson~"

Jiang Yuan clenched her fist and punched his shoulder angrily.

She was not satisfied, so she punched him a few more times.

Lin Senmu knew that the little girl was holding a grudge, and he squatted slightly with a helpless look, making his height equal to Jiang Yuan's, and said depressedly: "Come on."

"Hee, I'm coming."

Jiang Yuan looked cunning, then stretched out her two little hands, grabbed Lin Senmu's two ears, and giggled: "Bajie, Bajie, you are so silly and cute~~"

"You even hummed the song?"

Lin Senmu stared at the girl with a smile like a flower, she was very beautiful, but he had to stare at her with his eyes.

Jiang Yuan threw herself into Lin Senmu's arms, and said coquettishly: "Lin Senmu, I miss you, but my parents haven't left yet. I want to see you earlier. Can we have dinner together?"


Lin Senmu hugged her and responded softly.

Then, they entered the restaurant.

Both of them showed their best acting skills in their lives.

"Don't reveal that we are a couple!!!"

Jiang Yuan bit her lip and warned, with a hint of charm in her eyes.

"I'm still worried that you will be exposed, otherwise Aunt Sun Shufang will contact my parents tomorrow, and then organize a four-party meeting with your parents!"

After Lin Senmu finished speaking, he seemed worried and emphasized: "Don't let it out!"

Jiang Yuan glanced at him and said proudly: "Your wife is studying music performance, so don't worry!"

Outside the door of the small private room, Lin Senmu and Jiang Yuan looked at each other, took a deep breath together, and eliminated their inner tension.

Then Jiang Yuan turned the door handle and pushed the door open.

"Mommy, Daddy, Brother Senmu is here!"

Jiang Yuan sat on the right seat of Jiang Hanshan. The dining table in the private room was a small round table for four people, without a turntable.

"Auntie Zhou, Uncle Jiang."

Lin Senmu tried to stay calm and greeted politely.

"Senmu, come sit here, Auntie."

Zhou Zhiman stood up to greet him and asked Lin Senmu to sit on her left.

Then she enthusiastically brought the menu and asked, "Senmu, see what you like to eat and order your own dishes."

"Auntie, I don't have any dietary restrictions, it's up to you."It's good to taste."

At this moment, Jiang Yuan and Lin Senmu are just 'ordinary friends', but Lin Senmu keeps hinting to behave well.

You should quietly gain experience and goodwill experience from your mother-in-law and father-in-law in advance.

"Then just order whatever you want, auntie."

Zhou Zhiman had a good first impression of Lin Senmu, otherwise she wouldn't have bothered Lin Senmu to take care of her daughter.

"Mommy, Brother Senmu is from Hunan and Chu, order one or two spicy dishes!"

Jiang Yuan interrupted, she was a little anxious, because he was her husband, she had to love him.

"Yes, I almost forgot that Senmu was not from Jiangnan."

Zhou Zhiman only met Lin Senmu once, and it was two months later, so she couldn't remember it clearly.

"Senmu, what major are you studying?"

"Finance major." "

During the conversation, the waiter brought five dishes in turn, two of which were spicy dishes, which Jiang Yuan specially ordered.

After the dishes were served, Jiang Hanshan, as the head of the family, said: "Xiao Lin, eat more dishes, uncles and aunts are very casual, don't be restrained, be casual."

"Okay, Uncle Jiang. "

Lin Senmu smiled subtly and restrainedly.

Jiang Hanshan also had a good impression of this young man. After meeting again, he suddenly remembered that Lin Senmu could spin the round plate at the last banquet.

Somehow it happened that the dishes that Lin Senmu turned over were all the dishes that his family loved to eat.

At the table, Jiang Hanshan and his wife, Lin Senmu's 'couple', began to eat.

During the meal, Lin Senmu and Jiang Yuan behaved like ordinary friends, without showing any suspicious behavior.

Since the two children had a class meeting in the evening, they left together after dinner.

Zhou Zhiman took the phone, she was not very good at typing in pinyin, and wrote the following content by hand and sent it:

"Senmu, help your aunt to keep an eye on your sister Zhiyuan at school, don't let her run out to play!"

"She went to the Western Regions and Xiangchu during the summer vacation. Her father and I were so worried. ”

“If she is bullied at school, please tell Auntie. Xiao Zhiyuan always keeps to herself. She was like this in high school.”

Jiang Hanshan came over with a suitcase and asked, “Zhiman, have you said hello to Xiao Lin?”

“Yeah, Lin Senmu is a mature kid. He agreed to the task entrusted to him.”

Zhou Zhiman nodded.

Jiang Hanshan came over to take a look at the content and frowned, “Why do I feel that Xiao Lin’s avatar and our daughter’s avatar have similar styles?”

“What’s so strange about this? Your daughter watches cartoons every day. I see a lot of young people use cartoon avatars.”

“Just last month, didn’t Sun Shufang’s son and daughter-in-law also use cartoon avatars? And the kid from the neighbor’s house also has this kind of avatar.”

Jiang Hanshan couldn’t help laughing and reminded, “Wife, do you think there is a possibility that they young people call this animation? "

This stinky man, do you think I'm uneducated?

Zhou Zhiman was annoyed and slapped him on the shoulder, "You're the only one who understands, right?"

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