It is usually easier for lovers to get closer to each other when chatting by text.

Lin Senmu and Jiang Yuan had topics to talk about, but no voice chat.

Jiang Yuan suddenly remembered a situation and said, "Husband, you tagged my flower sea video. A lot of people have been following me these two days. It's a bit annoying, so I hid my DouLe homepage."

In addition, there are some situations that Jiang Yuan didn't say, that is, she was harassed, and there were some malicious remarks.

For example: 'Your boyfriend's car is obviously rented, don't be fooled. '

'Brother is the one who has real strength. Do you know the BMW 1 Series? I bought it in full. '

'Little sister, you are very beautiful, how about making friends? '

Jiang Yuan scolded fiercely and blocked these people with bad intentions.

When her son Sen Sen rides a bicycle, she likes to sit behind him.

Not every girl is vain, there is always such a small group of treasure girls in the world.

"Yeah, there are a lot of private messages, right? I also set up the account yesterday."

Hearing this, Lin Senmu thought about his own situation. Although Jiang Yuan didn't say it, he could think of the general situation.

So he cut into the short video and deleted the first floor that was tagged. Anyway, the flower sea video has been saved.


Jiang Yuan was about to talk to Lin Senmu, but her belly paper spoke for her.

She hadn't eaten all day.

Lin Senmu was stunned and asked in surprise: "What was that sound just now?"

Jiang Yuan blushed: "I'm hungry, my stomach is growling, Yuanyuan is here to warn Mo Sen, don't interfere with things that you shouldn't interfere with!"

"Geese, geese, geese~~~"

Lin Senmu laughed so hard that he slapped the bed with his hands.

His wife is so cute.

"Baby, what do you want to eat? Your husband will order takeout for you."

Lin Senmu also felt a little hungry. He only took a few bites of food for dinner. It was already early in the morning.

"You don't let me eat what I want."

Jiang Yuan pouted. She likes fried chicken, but Lin Senmu always says it's a food without nutrition.

That's right.

Occasionally, it's okay.

Lin Senmu wanted to spoil his wife, and deliberately said, "I don't eat much at night, and now I want to eat KFC. Do you want to eat it?"


Jiang Yuan answered quickly, fearing that her husband would regret it.

"I ordered a home delivery. Uncles and aunts are asleep at this time, right? I told the deliveryman to send a text message. Remember to check it in 30 minutes!"

Lin Senmu placed an order in Xingcheng and placed another order in Qihu City.

"Whose husband is so good?"

Whose wife is like Jiang Xiaoyuan, who flatters her husband just for a meal she wants to eat!

Lin Senmu was coaxed a little by his girlfriend's sweet mouth.

The delivery man arrived soon. Jiang Yuan looked outside through the peephole and found that there was no one in the corridor, so she quietly opened the door.

She sniffed with her small nose and smelled a hint of cigarette smoke in the air, and frowned.

When she returned to the room, she thought of this matter and called Lin Senmu: "Husband, when you called me just now, I heard the sound of a lighter."

"I'm not smoking, I'm smoking loneliness!"

Lin Senmu said angrily, every time I want to smoke, it's because of you, little fool.

Jiang Yuan popped up a video, "Wow, the boy in the camera is so good!"

Facing each other across the phone screen, Lin Senmu subconsciously made a good face, and immediately heard a sentence: "No smoking!"

He said unhappily: "Little Jiang Yuan, you are talking in a set way now, all traps."

"Hehe, husband, be good, no smoking."

Jiang Yuan stuck out her tongue, and when she opened the KFC paper bag, she was greedy, so she changed the subject, "I'm starting."


Lin Senmu's answer was a double entendre.

Then, seeing that she ate the popcorn first, he also ate the popcorn.

I haven't seen Jiang Yuan for two days. The girl in the video is really pretty.

Especially when she eats, she will lick the fried chicken crispy skin on the corner of her mouth.

Lin Senmu thinks that he can help for free in this matter.


I'm greedy for my girlfriend's body.

Lin Senmu teased, "Baby, what do you think of the thing I said yesterday?"

"What thing?"

Jiang Yuan sucked on the fried chicken bone. Sen Sen said a lot of things yesterday, and she couldn't tell which one he was referring to.

"The thing that surprised everyone."

Lin Senmu reminded, and hinted when they could have their wedding night.

Jiang Yuan's face showed a touch of beauty, and she said shyly, "I, I'm only eighteen years old!!!"

Lin Senmu said clearly, "On the train, you said you were nineteen, so you're twenty in virtual age, and you can get a marriage certificate!"

"That's not even full. At that time, I thought I was older than you, so I tricked you into calling me sister!"

Jiang Yuan rolled her eyes.

"Haha, how dare you back then?? People born at the end of November dare to come out and compare sizes? "

Lin Senmu smiled with his eyes slanted.

"Ignore you, eat."

Jiang Yuan snorted softly. If she had known, she would have said that she was born on January 1st and lied to Lin Senmu to call her sister!

Suddenly, Lin Senmu found that Jiang Yuan in the video frowned several times in a row, and her hand was on her belly. He worriedly said: "Baby, what's wrong?"


Jiang Yuan's face looked painful.

"Ah? Did you eat something bad? Blame me. I shouldn't have ordered food from this restaurant."

Lin Senmu felt distressed and angry. He had never given a bad review to a merchant before because he didn't care, but this time he would make an exception.

Jiang Yuan took a breath, "No, I'm on my period."

"What is a period? "

When Lin Senmu asked this question, his eyes were clear like a real college student - just stupid.

But it was reasonable. Many boys only thought of this after they had a girlfriend.

Jiang Yuan was stunned and wanted to laugh, but her stomach hurt, and she twitched more when she laughed.

She rolled her eyes, "It's just that girls feel uncomfortable for a few days every month."

Lin Senmu suddenly realized, "Is it serious?"

"It's okay, it will be fine in a few days."

Jiang Yuan endured the discomfort. At this time last month, she was not with Lin Senmu. Because it was a girl's private matter, she didn't tell him.

In fact, it came yesterday. Dysmenorrhea usually comes half a day or a day later.

Now think about it, the quarrel with Sen Sen was also affected by this.

Lin Senmu has been searching: What should I do if my girlfriend has stomach pain during menstruation?

After a while, he saw the most repeated answer, so he returned to WeChat to type, and enthusiastically suggested, "Baby, there is a way, drink more hot water! ! ”

“I’m drinking your head, you big ghost, drinking hot water in the hot summer? !”

Jiang Yuan was inexplicably amused when she saw this sentence.

Lin Senmu felt wronged and said weakly: “That’s what the doctors said.”

In order to increase credibility, Lin Senmu cut back and took a screenshot.


Jiang Yuan’s eyes gradually melted into tenderness.

Looking at Jiang Yuan curled up in a ball, Lin Senmu’s face was full of pity, “Baby, I want to book a plane ticket to take care of you.”

“It’s not that serious, husband, don’t rush around.”

Speaking, Jiang Yuan was afraid that Lin Senmu really had to come over, and she really couldn’t accompany him at the moment, so she added: “I’m not feeling well, even if my husband comes, I can’t come out.”

“Wife, call.”

“Yeah, talk for a while and then we go to bed!”

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