"Ding ding ding, safe landing."

At 7:05 p.m., Jiang Yuan had not yet gotten off the plane. When the plane landed steadily on the tarmac, she immediately connected to the Internet to communicate with her boyfriend.

Lin Senmu sat in the back seat of the Didi car and replied in seconds: "Baby, I just had dinner at my father's house, and now I have to go back to my mother's house, which is where I took you."

Jiang Yuan is lively and cute, "Hehe, you still want to go to your husband's house~"

Lin Senmu was angry and amused, "You are arrogant just because you are far away? When my mother came back, you were so scared that you cried."

"Who cried? Why can't I understand what you are saying?"

Jiang Yuan is the best at playing tricks.

Lin Senmu really wanted to pull her little ears, so he sent an emoticon pack of pulling ears.

Jiang Yuan ran away, "I won't pull your ears!"

"That's right, husband, I've had dinner on the plane, and now I'm at the airport exit, ready to take a taxi home."

Lin Senmu replied: "Okay, then tell me when you get home."

"Yes, husband!"

I'll go.

Is the little girl so obedient?

Lin Senmu's mouth curled up, and he said happily: "Wife, I want a kiss~~"


Jiang Yuan sent a kiss, and suddenly thought of something, with doubt on her face, she tried to ask: "Sensen, have you kissed other girls before?"

Lin Senmu was confused and emphasized his chastity, "What? That was my first kiss at the airport just now!"

Jiang Yuan sent a crying expression, "But why do I feel that you are not, you were so good at it at the airport."

Lin Senmu's hair stood on end. If he didn't answer this question well, the situation would be very serious.

He reluctantly took out the search screenshot and proved: "Baby, I learned it by searching online. Look at the search date. It was after you came. Ahem, I searched for some techniques when kissing."

Jiang Yuan blushed and spat: "Big hooligan, you studied it in such detail. You must have been planning to do it to me for a long time!"

Lin Senmu nodded without hesitation, "Yes, I have been planning to do it for a long time. I just want to wait until the day of separation..."

As he spoke, Lin Senmu's mood became depressed, "Baby, I miss you."

Jiang Yuan's beautiful eyes showed tenderness, "I miss your husband too."

They have reached the stage of long-distance relationship warming up on the Internet again.

Lin Senmu lowered the window of Didi's car and blew the wind of Xingcheng. I wonder if the wind blowing from her body can blow to Qihu where she is.

Jiang Yuan turned her head and stared at the city where she had lived for many years. This city has traces of her growth. She has always liked it here.

But suddenly, she found that she seemed to like a place called Xingcheng.

At night, when Jiang Yuan went to take a shower.

Lin Senmu was lying in bed watching short videos.

Suddenly, he saw a work in which he appeared.

The date was five days ago.

Title: "Rich second generation Bai appeared at Xingcheng Airport."

Lin Senmu's eyes lit up, not because he became a little famous, but because this video had extraordinary significance to him.

When he confessed to Jiang Yuan, he couldn't record it at all.

But Wang Shiqing and Zhao Qianqian mentioned at the wine table before that someone recorded the flower sea scene of him and Jiang Yuan in a short video.

But he drank for the past two days, and Lin Senmu's mind was in a daze. He almost forgot about it because he was separated.

"It's really good, there is a destiny in the dark, just like the fate between me and her."

Lin Senmu smiled, and then tagged Jiang Yuan under the comment, "Baby, it's us!"

Then he double-clicked the screen to like and collect.

But Lin Senmu felt that this was not enough.

He searched for a tutorial to save the original video.

Learn quickly, not learn in vain.

Lin Senmu clicked the small arrow of sharing, copied the work link, then entered the green bubble and searched for the one-click watermark removal function.

Pasted the link, and after watching the advertisement for half a minute, this memory of him and Jiang Yuan was saved in his mobile phone album with the original quality.

The boy was thinking far away at this time.

He thought of the wedding he attended, and he wanted to play these pictures related to Jiang Yuan to all the guests at his wedding with Jiang Yuan in the future.

Let all relatives and friends witness every bit of their love and marriage.

"Hahaha, it seems that since I met her, I always like to fantasize uncontrollably!"

After talking and laughing to himself for a while, Lin Senmu's eyes showed a trace of determination, "But I like to imagine everything about her. If I work harder, maybe these dreams will come true?"

Young people love to dream, and after my deep feelings, don't let fate be thin.

Lin Senmu returned to the short video, and the random work recommended on the homepage played background music: Call out loudly to the sky and say I love you.

The copy is: Tag someone you really want to kiss and hug right now.

Lin Senmu wantsWithout thinking, I tagged Jiang Yuan again below.

Then I saw some comments that made me speechless.

[Xiao Han] I don’t dare to tag her anymore, and I don’t have the right to do so anymore, crying.

[I used to fly into the flame] Just look at some of them, forget about tagging.

[Knowing my loneliness] I can’t kiss or hug her anymore.

[Short legs] @ [Toot Toot] Kiss, boo, hug.

[Disintegration] It’s been a long time since we held hands, and I feel so smooth when I just picked up the pickled pepper chicken feet.

Lin Senmu couldn’t stand these pessimistic comments, and silently wished: "May all lovers in the world get married."

"Woo woo woo, husband, did you find this video? I’m not from Xingcheng, and I didn’t find our video."

Jiang Yuan came back from taking a shower and saw the picture of the ‘sea of ​​flowers’ sent by Lin Senmu, and she immediately showed a happy face.

The next second, she also saved this original video that belonged to her and Lin Senmu in the mobile phone album.


Lin Senmu sent it.

Jiang Yuan was very sensible and knew that this was a reward, "Trojan husband~~"

"Not enough!"

Lin Senmu is very cool.

Greedy ghost!

Jiang Yuan said shyly: "Wait until we go to school."

Lin Senmu laughed at the phone screen, missing the words composed by Qiankou.

He and Jiang Yuan both flocked to the short video software to be active.

When Lin Senmu entered DouLe again this time, he was a little dumbfounded because he suddenly gained dozens of fans.

He also received a lot of private messages, "Little brother, do you want to date?"

"Stealing Qing dd, I'm taking medicine."

"My sister and I are twins. Are you interested in driving a Bentley to play?"

[Picture] Black silk

[Picture] S curve

[Picture] Peak

Lin Senmu is an honest man. He was scared and immediately set it to a private account.

Jiang Yuan just clicked on the latest message. In Lin Senmu's comment, she tagged Lin Senmu with a sweet smile.

For her, Lin Senmu was also the person she wanted to kiss and hug the most.

Then she went to the next work tagged by Lin Senmu.

After seeing the title, she was quite surprised. The content was clearly about herself and Sen Sen, so why was it related to the term "rich second generation"?

"Eight million car?"

Jiang Yuan recalled the car she had been riding in for several days. The interior of the car was indeed a bit too luxurious.

Instantly, she was shocked.

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