The next day, lunch time.

Lin Senmu and Nie Hao met at the gate of the ‘Times City’ community.

After the college entrance examination results came out, the scumbag Nie Hao went home and lived a quiet life for a few days. After Nie’s father and mother gave him pocket money, he started a life of debauchery again.

Upon learning that Lin Senmu had returned, he immediately came to invite him out for dinner.

In the Audi Q5, Lin Senmu unexpectedly saw that the passenger seat was empty.

When I thought Nie Hao had turned over a new leaf, I suddenly saw two beautiful girls sitting in the back seat!

“I was naive. The damn rat had no good intentions when he came to me. He left the passenger seat for me to sit, saving the smoke of two girls fighting for the seat!”

The look in his eyes when he wanted to stab someone could not be hidden at all. Lin Senmu really wanted to stab Nie Hao.

Nie Hao smiled awkwardly, knowing that he had been seen through, and gave a pitiful look, as if begging: "Good brother, help me!"

Lin Senmu sighed inwardly, he felt that Nie Hao was not going to do this in the long run, and might be confused about love and marriage in the future.

But everyone has their own ideas.

Nie Hao once said to Lin Senmu: "Mu Tou, this is an era of promiscuity. How old am I? I have dated a married sister born in the 1990s!"

"That sister said her husband was not at home and insisted on taking me to her house!"

"When I went there, I was still a shy and introverted little boy. After I came out, I knew all kinds of martial arts!"

"And the girls I bring every day, what you don't know is that some of them have boyfriends, but they come out to play with me behind their boyfriends' backs!"

Lin Senmu also knew that this era is promiscuous, and affectionate people are also ridiculed as licking dogs.

He can only protect the pure land in his heart.

"Hi, Lin Senmu!"

"Handsome Lin, long time no see!"

Two girls said coquettishly to Lin Senmu who got on the car.

People with good looks are hard for the opposite sex to resist!

"Long time no see!"

Lin Senmu smiled and said that he knew these two girls. The one with short hair was Wang Shiqing and the one with long hair was Zhao Qianqian, Nie Hao's ex and ex-ex.

Maybe they were not Nie Hao's ex at all, but someone else's girlfriend!

Many men and women nowadays have particularly chaotic private lives.

This can be seen from Nie Hao.

Lin Senmu had a boring meal.

But Nie Hao ate with relish, because Wang Shiqing sat on his left and Zhao Qianqian sat on his right!

Lin Senmu finally figured out something. Nie Hao, this bastard, must play Landlord with them tonight!

The idea of ​​playing Landlord with the two girls rose from Lin Senmu's mind and could not be shaken off.

Because it's too exciting and tempting!

Which young man hasn't fantasized about this kind of scene of being hugged by women?

When Jiang Yuan's smiling face came to mind.

Lin Senmu finally suppressed his desire with difficulty.

His subconscious mind chose loyalty.

"Mu Tou, how far have you and your online lover developed?"

During the meal, although Nie Hao was flirting with two girls, he did not ignore Lin Senmu.

Talking about Jiang Yuan.

Lin Senmu unconsciously showed a sweet look, and he wanted to show off his treasure girl, "This time I went to Jiangnan for a wedding and met her!"

Then, Lin Senmu briefly described the process.

Nie Hao was stunned, "Does it sound bloody? Is this okay?"

Wang Shiqing and Zhao Qianqian also felt that it was a fantasy that Lin Senmu could meet his online lover by chance in a metropolis with a population of tens of millions.

"This is the fact, it's just fate!"

Lin Senmu spread his hands.

At this time, the phone rang, and Lin Senmu knew it was a message from Jiang Yuan without having to guess.

As expected, Jiang Yuan wrote, "Hey, Sen Sen, this is a big pot dish in the countryside, have you ever eaten it!"

After Jiang Yuan returned to the village, she did not connect with Lin Senmu last night because her hometown had limited housing, and she squeezed into a room with her cousin last night.

At this time, she took a picture of a rural banquet for Lin Senmu.

More than a dozen tables were full, and it was very lively. Surrounded by farmland and small rivers, it was full of rural atmosphere.

"I've eaten big pot dishes!"

Lin Senmu reminded: "By the way, remember to help me send blessings to grandpa!"


Jiang Yuan received it.

After a while, she and the younger generations of the Jiang family went to the main table to toast the white-haired old man Jiang, and wished him all the best: "Happy birthday, Grandpa!"

Jiang Yuan secretly added Lin Senmu in her heart, "Grandpa, there is a stinky guy named Lin Senmu, who also wishes you a happy birthday!"

After dinner, Nie Hao sent Lin Senmu to the gate of the community, and then left with the two girls.

Lin Senmu couldn't help but curse: "Dead rat, there is no humanity when there is the opposite sex!"

Turning around, Lin Senmu walked towards the supermarket. Every time he bought carbonated drinks, he was very entangled when he saw Pepsi and Coca-Cola!

But he had a way to solve it. He just packed a bottle of both brands to avoid the dilemma of choosing.Difficult disease.

"Lin Senmu!"

Walking in the community, a voice suddenly called Lin Senmu.

"Class monitor, what do you want to talk to me about?"

Lin Senmu looked at the girl walking towards him in confusion.

Cui Jiayan.

The quiet girl who drank with Lin Senmu when he returned to Xiangchu from the Western Regions last time was his class monitor in high school and lived in the same community.

"Now that we have graduated, just call me by my name!"

Cui Jiayan was a little shy.

"What to drink?"

Lin Senmu shook the two bottles of Coke in his hand.

"No, no!"

Cui Jiayan waved her hand shyly.

"Why are you being polite to me!"

Lin Senmu saw that she didn't choose, so he handed over the Pepsi. He preferred Coke today!

Cui Jiayan held the Pepsi in her hand. The chilled bottle slowed her heartbeat. She mustered up the courage to ask, "Lin Senmu, you scored 650 in the college entrance examination. Which university are you going to?"

She was the class monitor. She remembered Lin Senmu's student number and checked Lin Senmu's score.

Lin Senmu revealed, "Nanhai University!"


Cui Jiayan widened her eyes and asked in disbelief, "Why do you want to go to Nanhai University? You can go to Chu University and Xiang University with your score!"

"I like places with the sea!"

This is what Jiang Yuan said to Lin Senmu.

Jiang Yuan said she likes places with the sea.

Lin Senmu likes Jiang Yuan, so he also likes the sea.

"Oh oh!"

The light in Cui Jiayan's eyes went out.

She stopped Lin Senmu this time just to ask Lin Senmu what university he was going to. She scored 688 in the college entrance examination, and she could choose any university in the country!

But she wanted to know which university Lin Senmu was going to.

Cui Jiayan wanted to continue to be in the same school as Lin Senmu, just like in high school.

She had asked Nie Hao before, and Lin Senmu might go to Chuda or Xiangda.

She thought about not going to the capital to attend a higher-ranked university, and as a second choice, to study at Chuda or Xiangda locally, but she never expected that Lin Senmu would go to Nanhai University.

The last time she went to the bar to drink, it was actually her first time, just because Nie Hao said that Lin Senmu would be there.

"Class monitor, I'm going home!"

Lin Senmu felt that it was necessary to keep a distance from the opposite sex, and felt that Cui Jiayan had nothing to say, so he said goodbye!

Cui Jiayan was stunned, looking at the boy who was getting farther and farther away.

All her hopes were shattered. She could get into Nanhai University with 580 points, and her parents would definitely not agree to let her go.

"Lin Senmu, I wish you a bright future!"

Cui Jiayan's eyes flashed back to her first year of high school. She had just left the school gate and met a car driving fast.

At that moment, her mind went blank, and she had only one thought: "Am I going to die?"

However, at the critical moment, Lin Senmu, who was wearing a school uniform, grabbed Cui Jiayan, who was also wearing a school uniform, and pulled her back from the brink of death.

"Class monitor, it was close just now. Remember to observe the surroundings when you walk next time!"

The love affair started from this.

Cui Jiayan returned home in a daze. She sat on the bed blankly, staring at the Coke in her hand.

After a long time.

She put the bottle of Coke in the drawer of the desk, where there were several photos of Lin Senmu.

She saved them from Lin Senmu's space and then went to the photo studio to print them out.

Cui Jiayan knew that she and Lin Senmu would never have any intersection from now on.

She put everything about Lin Senmu in this drawer and buried this secret love in her youth in her heart.

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