Did you call the wrong person?

Lin Senmu stopped crying and wondered, "Where is Xiao Qingyuan?"

As soon as he asked this question, Lin Senmu said without waiting for an answer, "No, Xiao Huangying, why are you with Xiao Qingyuan?"

Ji Yingge explained, "Xiao Qingyuan was taking a shower. I saw that it was you who called, so I told her and she asked me to help answer the phone."

"Oh, are you at Xiao Qingyuan's house?"

Lin Senmu asked.


Ji Yingge nodded gently.

Lin Senmu said dissatisfiedly, "Sister Yingge, you are actually occupying the bed that originally belonged to me."

"It's not your bed, it's my bed now."

Ji Yingge stuck out her tongue playfully.

After she finished her final exam this afternoon, she took the high-speed rail from Hudu to Qihu.

She didn't choose to drive here because the garage was filled with luxury cars worth at least two million yuan, which would be suspected of showing off in front of the elders of the Jiang family.

This little girl is very worldly-wise, after all, she has seen the struggles of wealthy families since she was a child.

"That's right, it's not your bed, Sen Sen, it's the double bed for me and Ying Bao."

Jiang Yuan's playful voice sounded, she washed up in the bathroom in the living room and returned to her room, lying on the pink princess bed.


Ji Yingge laughed, she had been lying on this bed, shaking her white legs.

Lin Senmu said yearningly: "Hey, Xiao Qingyuan, I want to go to your house too."

Jiang Yuan's voice became bewitching: "Come on, my dad is not at home during this period, it's just my mommy, she has a very good impression of you."

Lin Senmu was not fooled: "Wait until you trick me to come here, you and Xiao Huangying will sleep at home, across the street from me, right."


Jiang Yuan laughed softly, that's it, but she can't admit it, otherwise she will be punished by the family.

This Sen Sen, super vengeful!

Lin Senmu suddenly asked, "Little Qingyuan, Little Huangying, have you all washed up?"

"Yeah, I was just washing."

Jiang Yuan responded.

Ji Yingge replied, "I washed up. Little Qingyuan asked me to wash up first."

Then Lin Senmu, who had nothing to do and had taken a shower, suggested, "Come online and play Genshin Impact with me."

Before the summer vacation, he and the two children often played this game and often teamed up to explore secret realms.

"Come on."

"Come online."

The two children shouted.

Soon, Sen Yuanying's team appeared in Xiangling's hometown. He and them flew in the air and ran on the bridge.

They didn't go to fight monsters, but just looked for places with beautiful scenery. The three characters stood together and took screenshots of group photos in various games.

Now, they came to the port again and saw a luxurious ship on the river from a distance.

The three little ones jumped into the river together, swam for a while, and found that their characters' physical strength could not swim.

So they started again, used ice-attribute skills together, made the river surface freeze for a short time, and then ran to the boat step by step.

"Successfully boarded the boat, Sen Sen, Ying Ying, come here quickly, take a family photo here too."

Jiang Yuan summoned Lin Senmu and Ji Yingge who were still on the ice.

In fact, there are many dungeons and many daily activities in the game, and the three little ones always team up to go through these together.

When fighting the BOSS, it is basically Lin Senmu's "Zhongli" and Ji Yingge's "Funingna" who are exerting their strength.

Jiang Yuan's "Hutao" hides behind and throws skills to make up for it.

"Thank you for your hard work, two great masters. I don't have any tricks!"

Lin Senmu muttered, "Game loophole."

Ji Yingge turned her head and said to her face, "It's okay, sister Yuanyuan, I will protect you."

Jiang Yuan was confused. Her brain wanted to protest to Lin Senmu, and her cerebrum wanted to refute Ji Yingge that she was the elder sister.

As a result, she didn't know who to hit back first, and she ended up pouting and sulking!

The three little ones played until very late and slept with the microphone connected.

However, Jiang Yuan and Ji Yingge were talking on the same mobile phone.

Lin Senmu didn't fall asleep for a long time. He started to do something idle and called the sleeping Jiang Yuan on the voice channel.

"Yuanyuan, Yuanyuan."

After a while, Jiang Yuan made a confused cry: "What are you doing?"

Lin Senmu's mouth was full of smirk: "Tell me, Yuanyuan is a piglet."

"Well, Yuanyuan is a piglet." Jiang Yuan muttered unconsciously.

Lin Senmu got what he wanted, turned off the recording function, and then reopened a new file to call the sleeping Ji Yingge.

"Yingying, Yingying."

Soon, Ji Yingge's confused voice sounded: "Ah? What's wrong?"

Lin Senmu didn't pay attention to distinguish, and continued the routine excitedly: "Tell me, Yingying is so stupid."

Ji Yingge's cold voice, through the network, was transmitted to Lin Senmu's bedroom, "Lin Senmu is an idiot."

Lin Senmu laughed subconsciously: "Yes, yes, yes,It's this sentence..."

After another second, the voice stopped abruptly. He reacted and said in surprise: "Good sister, you didn't sleep?"

"I slept, but you woke me up." Ji Yingge's face was depressed.

"Oh, sorry, you should go back to sleep."

Lin Senmu was embarrassed and added: "Sweet dreams and good night."

Ji Yingge did not respond to good night, because she and Jiang Yuan had already said it to Lin Senmu before going to bed.

At this time, she held Jiang Yuan's mobile phone in one hand and her own mobile phone in the other.

Let the two mobile phones be very close, and then...

In Lin Senmu's bedroom, Ji Yingge said in a loop:

[Lin Senmu is an idiot]

[Lin Senmu is an idiot]

[Lin Senmu is an idiot]

Lin Senmu answered:

[Right, right, right]

[Right, right, right]

[Right, right, right]

"Puchi. "

After listening to it several times, Ji Yingge couldn't help but burst into laughter.

She said she learned this trick from Lin Senmu.

When she called Lin Senmu dad, she was recorded.

When Lin Senmu called Jiang Yuan just now, Ji Yingge was awakened.

She is super smart, and immediately knew what this guy wanted to do, so she copied him.

Lin Senmu found it particularly harsh, and he hated that his reputation was ruined at this moment.

He said angrily: "Hurry up, delete this recording."

"I won't."

Ji Yingge pouted subconsciously.

Lin Senmu said in a low voice: "Okay, little yellow warbler, it's too far away, you forgot the time to be beaten again, right?"

"What if you forgot? You can't hit me." Ji Yingge stuck out her tongue.

"Good sister, it's the ball. ”

Seeing that the hard approach had no effect, Lin Senmu had to give in.

“Call me daddy…”

Ji Yingge wanted to avenge her previous shame, but as soon as she said it, she felt that it was too arrogant and Lin Senmu would really beat her up.

So she played it safe, “Call me sister, and I’ll delete it.”

“Do you have the trust?”

Lin Senmu’s heart was already shaken. If this black history is not resolved now, Jiang Yuan will wake up tomorrow and find out, won’t she laugh at herself for the whole summer vacation?


Ji Yingge answered seriously.

Lin Senmu’s face was tangled for a while, and he whispered, “Sister?”


Ji Yingge hurriedly covered her mouth with her little hand, fearing that she would burst out laughing.

After a moment of relaxation, she said, “Two words are missing.”

Thinking that he had already called her, Lin Senmu simply went for it, “Sister Yingge, are you satisfied?”

“Hey, brother Sensen.” "

This time, the dimples on Ji Yingge's cheeks were sunken deeply, indicating that she was in an unprecedentedly happy mood.

"Delete it quickly."

Lin Senmu urged.

Ji Yingge clicked on a new file and played it:

[Sister Yingge]

[Sister Yingge]

[Sister Yingge]

Lin Senmu was dumbfounded and roared: "Ji Yingge, you are in big trouble!!!"

"Lululu, go to sleep, good night, brother Lin Senmu."

Ji Yingge chose to mute and ignored him.

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