"Then I wonder if you have time to meet me, a little internet celebrity?" Shen Qingqing said angrily.

"Well, I might be a little busy these days!" Jiang Fan on the other end of the phone quickly refused

"I can wait for you!"

As soon as she said this, Shen Qingqing felt something was wrong, and quickly changed her words, saying,"I can wait for you to have time and then ask you out to meet me."

At this moment, all the netizens heard Jiang Fan's words on the phone and were immediately shocked.


"This classmate Jiang is so awesome that he actually rejected Qingqing’s invitation!"

"Yes, if it were me, if I could be invited by Qingqing's wife, I would meet Qingqing's wife even if I had to give up a business worth hundreds of millions."

"Oh, I just hate why I am not a classmate of Goddess Qingqing"

"Maybe they are really busy!"

"Even if you are very busy, you can’t let our Qingqing wait!(╬ ̄Dish ̄)"

Jiang Fan on the other end of the phone had no idea that Shen Qingqing's live studio was filled with jealousy and anger.

There was only a moment of silence on the other end of the phone.

"OK then, I'll contact you next Saturday when I'm free!"

"Thank you so much!"

Shen Qingqing felt relieved.

"I have something else to do, bye!"


When Shen Qingqing was about to say"see you next Saturday" she heard a sarcastic female voice on the other end of the line.

"Look at what time it is. They just delivered the takeaway. Look, it’s cold. Can we eat it?"

Beep, beep, beep.

Then, the sound of the phone being hung up was heard.

Shen Qingqing was stunned.

The netizens in the live broadcast room were also stunned.

Could the person the girl on the phone be talking about be Jiang?

In other words, Jiang was actually a delivery man?

"Let's go, everyone. This time, the classmate that Goddess Qingqing is meeting is a delivery man."

"I have said before that those who were silent during their student days are still silent now. Although it is cruel, this is the fact!"

"No wonder Jiang said he was too busy to meet Qingqing's wife. Now I understand. She is a delivery man. Time is money."

"I originally wanted to see the counterattack of mediocre people, but it seems that this may be a fantasy."

Many netizens were quite disappointed.

Shen Qingqing could understand.

Many people like to watch the classmates' blind boxes because of the sense of mystery, and they want to see how their former classmates are doing now.

In addition, the person who was scheduled to meet this time was a classmate who was once unknown in the class, which made many people have a little fantasy.

After all, in reality, geniuses are only a minority, and the lives of most people are mediocre, and they can't make a ripple in this world.

But despite this, they also yearn for a counterattack. Even if they are not successful, they hope to see a mediocre person like themselves counterattack.


Now the mystery is gone.

I have lost interest in watching it.

In fact, even Shen Qingqing has a little fantasy.

But reality is reality.

The chances of mediocre people counterattacking are not great.

On the other side.

Lin Tianyu looked at the live broadcast room, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. This was exactly the effect he wanted, and he immediately commented in the live broadcast room.

"Goddess Qingqing, I think you should change the singer in the next episode. This Jiang is too ordinary!"

"I agree with the above. What's so good about live streaming a delivery man? Do we have to live stream him delivering food?"

""Agree, agree!"

Looking at the comments in the live broadcast room, Shen Qingqing suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

She forced a smile.

"Since Jiang and I have made an appointment, I will not break it."

"Moreover, I think that there is no distinction between noble and humble jobs, and delivering takeout is not inferior to others. They do not steal or rob, and they earn their living with their own hands, so they deserve our respect!"

Although Shen Qingqing knew that this would lose some traffic, she did not care much.

"Qingqing's wife said it well"

"I just like the fact that Goddess Qingqing has a positive outlook on life, which is why I have always supported her!!"

"We will always support Qingqing's wife"

"Don't talk so high-soundingly, it's obvious that you were attracted by beauty!"

Seeing the live broadcast room return to its former cheerfulness, Shen Qingqing smiled.

After the live broadcast,

Shen Qingqing looked at Zhou Shuya embarrassedly.

At this moment,

Zhou Shuya looked at her indifferently.

""Shu Ya!" Shen Qingqing said tenderly

""Okay, okay, I still don't understand you. Although Jiang Fan's identity was exposed so early, it did have some impact on the next live broadcast, but today our live broadcast was quite effective!"

Looking at Shen Qingqing's confused look, Zhou Shuya laughed and shook her head, handing the phone to Shen Qingqing.

Shen Qingqing took the phone and couldn't help but widen her eyes.

"Am I on the hot search?"

At this moment, all the topics on Weibo are about her

【Jiang's identity revealed】

【Delivering food does not mean being inferior】

【A classmate you haven’t contacted for many years suddenly asks you to borrow money, will you lend it to him or not?】

"There is more than one."

Zhou Shuya couldn't help but laugh.

"Qingqing, your classmate is quite interesting. Just a few words have made you popular. Then you can ask him if he is interested in coming to our studio!"

Shen Qingqing smiled foolishly.


I thought her popularity would decrease because of Jiang Fan's identity exposure.

Unexpectedly, it actually increased.

At this moment,

Shen Qingqing's million wolf generals were jubilant in the group.

"ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩"

"Well done, our Qingqing is on the hot search again!"

"Haha, other people may not have sex once a year, but our Qingqing has sex several times a day."

"Have you noticed that Qingqing has been on the hot search these days because of classmate Jiang?"

"It seems that classmate Jiang is still our Qingqing's lucky star."


Time flies. In the blink of an eye , it's Saturday.

"Hello everyone, I am Qingqing!"

Shen Qingqing dressed up, opened the live broadcast room, and greeted

"(=̴̶̷̤̄ ₃ =̴̶̷̤̄)♡"

"Wife, wife!"

"There is not a single day in a year when I don’t think about my wife Qingqing!"

"Saturday is finally here. Although I know that Qingqing’s classmate is a delivery man, I still want to see what kind of person Jiang is."


"Same as above +1"

The live broadcast room was full of excitement.

Although the identity of the netizen Jiang was accidentally exposed, everyone still wanted to see how the once taciturn person has become now.

"Last night, Jiang contacted me and asked me to wait at Hongxing Road. He would pick me up then. It's almost time, so let's go out now."

Shen Qingqing has a beautiful face and a sweet smile.

"When Qingqing said that Jiang Fan was coming to pick me up, I couldn't help but imagine Jiang Fan wearing a yellow robe and riding a small electric bike to pick me up!!"

"I have a picture too!﹏⊂"

Looking at these comments, Shen Qingqing was stunned for a moment, and the image of herself sitting in the back seat of the small battery emerged in her mind, and she couldn't help trembling.

"What's there to worry about? Electric bikes are just a means of transportation!"

Shen Qingqing comforted herself.

Hongxing Road is not far from where Shen Qingqing lives.

After a while, they arrived at the agreed address.

At this time, most people have gone to work, and there are not many people on the road. The lanes that were originally full of cars are now empty.

"Wow, it's so bright, there's a luxury car parked there!~ ⊙o⊙!"

"Could it be that Qingqing is waiting for us here?"

"Qingqing, go and chat with her, maybe she is some rich second generation"

"Could this be Qingqing's classmate's car? Didn't Qingqing say before that her classmate would come back to pick her up?"

"Haha, the above is too imaginative. I just checked and found that this car costs at least 8 million. With Qingqing's classmate's ability, he may not be able to afford it even if he delivers takeout for a lifetime."

"How do you know Qingqing’s classmate is a delivery man?"

"It seems that the person above didn't watch the last live broadcast. If you search for Jiang's identity, you will know."

"To be honest, I don’t think it’s necessary for everyone to always mock Jiang by using the image of a delivery man. Who knows, maybe one day Jiang will encounter some opportunity and become rich!"

"Opportunities, do you know how many people in Longguo are living below the poverty line? Luxury cars like this are a luxury for them. They will never be able to drive one even if they work hard all their lives. This is the reality."

A group of netizens in the live broadcast room were discussing crazily.

Shen Qingqing just glanced at the luxury car and didn't take it seriously.

But at this moment, the luxury car slowly drove over.

"Qingqing, look, that luxury car is coming. Could it be that the person in the car saw Qingqing's beauty and couldn't help but come over to ask for her contact information?"

"Needless to say, our Qingqing is a walking goddess, which man would not be moved when seeing her!"

"Qingqing, you must resist the sugar-coated bullets from these rich kids!┭┮﹏┭┮"

"Qingqing, my dear, let me tell you, once you enter a wealthy family, it's like entering a deep sea. There are not many good second-generation rich people."

Looking at these comments, Shen Qingqing didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but she still subconsciously stepped back a few steps.

But what she didn't expect was that the luxury car really stopped in front of her.


The car door was opened, and a man walked out.

The man was wearing casual clothes, with short sunny hair, and an ordinary appearance. He smiled and looked over.

Shen Qingqing frowned.

She had met many people who came to chat with her, but she would politely refuse most of them.

"Are you Shen Qingqing?" the man suddenly laughed.

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