In the live broadcast room, all netizens were stunned.

There was nothing they could do.

It was because the big-bellied man in a suit and leather shoes was too dazzling.

That's right.

He was dazzling.

The big-bellied man had a big gold chain around his neck, a big gold watch on his wrist, and a leather bag in his hand. He looked like a nouveau riche.

Behind him were two men in black suits with stern faces.

"It turns out that the handsome guy before was just a door opener!"

"This person walked towards the host. Could he be the host's classmate?"

"Of course it is. Didn’t you see that this person is walking towards the anchor?"

"Maybe this person just wanted to chat up the host because she’s pretty?"

"Will the answer be revealed soon?"

Shen Qingqing didn't know whether the person walking towards her was Qi Hao.

After all, the big-bellied man in front of her was wearing a pair of large-framed sunglasses that took up half of his face, which looked down on his appearance.

"Shen University campus beauty, long time no see!"

At this time, the big-bellied man walked up to Shen Qingqing, took off his sunglasses, and grinned.

"Are you Qi Hao?"

Looking at the appearance of the big-bellied man in front of her, Shen Qingqing was still a little uncertain.

Because the appearance of Qi Hao in front of her was very different from that in high school.

"It's me!"

Qi Hao grinned, sat down opposite Shen Qingqing without any courtesy, then waved his hand,"You are not needed here, you two wait for me outside!"


The two bodyguards responded and walked away slowly.

"Shit, is this guy really the classmate Qi that Qingqing had an appointment with?"

"I want to take back what I just said, not all fat people have potential!"

"Just now I thought that handsome guy was the host’s classmate, but I didn’t expect he was just a bodyguard. But then again, are all bodyguards so handsome nowadays?"

"The person above has gone off topic!"

"Am I the only one who thinks this classmate of the anchor has a very explosive temperament? Big gold chain, big gold watch, a complete nouveau riche!"

"Maybe the anchor's classmate is a coal boss?"

Netizens were discussing.

Qingya Studio.

Zhou Shuya, who had been paying attention to the live broadcast, couldn't help but twitch her lips.

She didn't expect her best friend's classmate to appear in such a way....


As soon as he appeared, he shocked the entire live broadcast room.

At the same time.

Liu Chunnan also paid attention to Shen Qingqing's live broadcast room.

She didn't support Shen Qingqing's live broadcast.

But she wanted to see Shen Qingqing's jokes. She didn't meet with Jiang Fan, who had a huge amount of traffic, but met with an unknown classmate.


She guessed that Shen Qingqing would definitely meet with Jiang Fan in the future.

On the other side

"Why didn't you order anything to eat? Waiter, come here?"

Qi Hao waved his hand and shouted loudly.

Because the voice was too loud, all the customers in the store looked over and pointed at this side.

"Sir, can you control your volume?"

A pretty waitress came over quickly and said softly

"Oh, I see!"

Qi Hao looked as if he had suddenly realized something, and his voice was not as loud as before.

""What do you need, sir?" the pretty waitress asked in a low voice.

"Bring me one of each of your most expensive dishes. Do you have any 1982 Lafite? Give me two bottles!"

Qi Hao did not ask the pretty waitress for a menu, but said directly.


The waitress was stunned for a moment.

"Tsk, what are you standing there for? Hurry up and place your order. Don't worry, I'm not short of money!"

Qi Hao waved his hands impatiently.

""Student Qi, this is a coffee shop!"

Shen Qingqing coughed lightly and hurriedly explained.

Before, she couldn't understand why Jiang Fan said Qi Hao was good at pretending.

Now she finally understood.

Sure enough.

Too good at pretending. In the live broadcast room.

All the netizens burst into laughter.

"It's so funny! This is the first time I see someone ordering food in a cafe, and they also want 1982 red wine?"

"A coffee shop is supposed to be a place for quiet relaxation and communication. Student Qi spoke so loudly that it completely destroyed the overall atmosphere of the coffee shop!"

"That's what nouveau riche are like. Do you still expect them to know any manners?"

"It’s hard to say whether he is a nouveau riche or not, maybe he is just pretending to be rich?"

Some netizens are very dissatisfied with Qi Hao's behavior, but Qi Hao is still unaware of it.

"Is this a coffee shop?"

Qi Hao asked in surprise.

""Yes!" Shen Qingqing nodded.

"Then give me two cups of your most expensive coffee!"

Qi Hao didn't seem embarrassed at all, and directly ordered two cups of coffee.

""Yes, sir!"

Looking at Qi Hao's rich and luxurious outfit, the waitress resisted the urge to laugh and said politely,

""Laugh if you want to, it's nothing. Girls like you need to laugh more to look good!"

Qi Hao said without caring.

But his words immediately made the pretty waitress look at him differently.

Although the man in front of him didn't look good and looked very vulgar, his words were very heartwarming.

"This kind of demeanor is not that of an ordinary person. An ordinary person would probably be angry and embarrassed!"

"If I were classmate Qi, I would be so embarrassed that I would want to find a crack to hide in."

"I was prejudiced against Qi just now, but after what he said, I have changed my mind about him!!"

"Could it be that Qi Hao knew that this was a live broadcast and was just pretending?"

"I agree with the above. Who can't say nice things?"

For a while, a group of netizens in the live broadcast room had different opinions on Qi Hao's behavior.

"By the way, what delicious food do you have in your restaurant?"

At this time, Qi Hao looked at the waitress and asked

"Yes, we have desserts, such as chocolate crispy rolls, sandwiches, crepe cakes, etc.!" said the waitress in a good manner.

""School beauty Shen, what do you want to eat?" Qi Hao asked

"No, I'm not hungry!"Shen Qingqing���head

"Forget it, I'm on a diet recently and don't eat sweets!"Qi Hao waved his hand

"Please wait a moment!"

The waitress said softly and left.

""Student Qi, did you not eat? Do you want us to change places?"

Shen Qingqing thought Qi Hao did not eat, so she asked.

"I ate, but this is the first time you, the campus belle of Shen University, asked me out, so I have to eat something good!"

Qi Hao shook his head and sighed.

"I appreciate Qi's kindness!"

Shen Qingqing looked embarrassed. Why did she listen to Qi Hao's words? Why did she feel so strange?

"By the way, Shen Da Campus Beauty, how did you know my contact information?" Qi Hao asked curiously

"It was Jiang who told me!"Shen Qingqing explained

"I was wondering, how did you know my personal number? It turned out that Brother Jiang told you!"Qi Hao suddenly realized.

""Student Qi, are you familiar with student Jiang?"

Shen Qingqing became interested when she heard Qi Hao call Jiang Fan"Brother Jiang".

Could it be that Student Qi is really Jiang Fan's good friend?

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