At this moment, all the netizens in the live broadcast room burst into laughter

"(„ಡωಡ„)Although what Jiang Fan said makes sense, don’t say it next time!"

"It's so funny. Who does he think he is? An expert or a professor? Is he here to lecture people?"

"Before you call others jealous, look at what you are!"

"Why do you have ill will towards Jiang Fan? I think he is right."

"You may be new here and don’t know this, but Jiang Fan is just a delivery man. Do you think we are jealous of a delivery man?"

"That's right, we just look down on people who have no money but can still pretend"

"Jiang Fan is such a talkative person. If I didn't know the truth, I would have almost thought that Jiang Fan was some successful person."

"I really want to see what kind of expression Jiang Fan will have when he finds out his identity has been exposed. Let's see if he can still keep his mouth shut!"

Jiang Fan didn't know that his words had caused dissatisfaction among many netizens.

He looked at Shen Qingqing and said with a smile,"So, when we old classmates meet, don't worry about what others say. Relax and ask whatever you want to ask. Don't worry about so many things."

Shen Qingqing hesitated.

Thinking of Zhou Shuya's previous assurance, she nodded.

"All right then."

But suddenly she thought of something.

Could it be that Jiang Fan had deliberately provoked the conversation in the previous times?

You know, since she knew that Jiang Fan's luxury car was rented for the purpose of seeing her, she didn't dare to ask.

And along the way, it was Jiang Fan who often asked her what was wrong.

He even showed her photos of his children to help her start a topic.

Later, he even personally taught netizens how to get rich quickly.

If this is the case...

Shen Qingqing looked at Jiang Fan with complicated eyes.

At this moment, she felt a little ashamed.

Before, she was disgusted with Jiang Fan because of his indifferent attitude towards her.

Now think about it, it was quite naive at the time.

Perhaps, since becoming a multi-millionaire Internet celebrity, she has become a little arrogant. She thinks that anyone must know her and worship her.

""Student Jiang, I remember that you often asked for leave in your senior year, and did you not take the college entrance examination at that time?"

Shen Qingqing took a deep breath, cleared her chaotic thoughts, and asked seriously.

Shen Qingqing didn't remember much about high school, but she vaguely remembered that Jiang Fan didn't take the college entrance examination, and there was no farewell banquet for teachers later.

"Yes, something happened at home during that time, so I didn't take the college entrance examination!"Jiang Fan smiled and nodded.

Shen Qingqing was confused and curious.

You know, for many people, the college entrance examination is a very important thing, which is enough to change their lives.

But Jiang Fan gave up

"I didn't expect Jiang Fan didn't even graduate from high school. No wonder he's a food delivery guy."

"This story tells us that if ordinary people want to change their fate, they can only do so by passing the college entrance examination."

"I want to know what happened to Jiang Fan in the past? He even gave up the college entrance examination!"


"This is even a question. Either the family is bankrupt or the elders in the family are seriously ill."

"I agree with the above post!"

Shen Qingqing's guess is similar to that of netizens

"Can you tell me about it? I think many netizens would like to know too."

Now Shen Qingqing is not as cautious as she was at the beginning.

Of course, she also wants to change the impression of Jiang Fan on the majority of netizens through some things.

"It's nothing, it's just that in my senior year of high school, some of my family's land was expropriated."Jiang Fan touched his chin.

"Expropriated? Isn't that a good thing? How is it related to your college entrance examination?"

Shen Qingqing looked puzzled.

She knew Jiang Fan was from the countryside.

Even if the land was expropriated, there would not be much money.

After all, there is a difference in compensation between rural areas.

"In fact, there is a certain relationship. The land at home was expropriated and several hundred million was compensated!"Jiang Fan chuckled.

Shen Qingqing:"……"

A group of netizens:"……"

There was silence.

The live broadcast room suddenly exploded

"What does Jiang Fan mean? Is he saying that after receiving hundreds of millions in compensation, he feels that studying is unnecessary? Is that what he means?"

"Ridiculous. Regardless of whether what Jiang Fan said is true or not, even if it is true, it only proves that Jiang Fan is short-sighted. Only someone who has not graduated from high school can say such things."

"Can knowledge be measured by money? Money will run out one day, but knowledge is like a spring that never runs out."

"I agree. It is definitely not possible to be uneducated. Then the question is, if you have to choose between 100 million yuan and admission letters from Peking University or Tsinghua University, which one would you choose?"

"Of course, it must be an admission letter. If you go to a good university, you will have a better job and endless money!"

"I support the above post. Going to Peking University or Tsinghua University is to make more money, so I choose 100 million!"

A group of netizens started to discuss.

But some people still sneered at Jiang Fan's words.

"I want to know which place will be compensated for the expropriation of hundreds of millions? Jiang Fan is bragging more and more without thinking!"

"The tax collected in rural areas is only a few hundred per square meter, and for better areas it’s only a few thousand. Don’t ask me how I know that?"

"I think Jiang Fan has been brainwashed by the Internet. Does he really think that he can easily get tens of millions or even hundreds of millions in compensation for house demolition?!"

"Haha, Qingqing, my wife, don’t tell her about Jiang Fan being exposed. I want to see how Jiang Fan can still brag and act like a rich man!"

"I also suddenly found it quite interesting to watch Jiang Fan bragging!"

Shen Qingqing did not pay attention to the comments in the live broadcast room, but looked at Jiang Fan in confusion,"So, you chose to drop out of school because you have hundreds of millions of compensation?"

"Almost, but this is not the main reason!!"Jiang Fan shook his head slowly

"What other reasons are there?" Shen Qingqing asked hurriedly

"It's just unnecessary. The purpose of going to college is to gain more knowledge, and for me, there is nothing to learn in college!" Jiang Fan shrugged and said casually.

Shen Qingqing:"……"

There was only one thought in my mind, that is, you let me ask anything, but you can't answer so recklessly.

And at this moment.

In the live broadcast room

"I seemed to see a cow flying!"

"What kind of cow is this? It’s clearly a group of cows!"

"It’s over, it’s over, the world can no longer stop Jiang Fan from showing off!"

"Jiang Fan is so interesting. He hasn't even graduated from high school, but he says there is nothing to teach him in college?"

"The funniest joke of the year is, there is nothing left for university to teach me!"

For a while, some clever netizens took out Jiang Fan's headshot and made it into an emoticon package, adding the phrase"there is nothing left for university to teach me", which quickly spread on the Internet.

Zhou Shuya, however, stared at the live broadcast room with a blank expression.

She thought Jiang Fan's renting a luxury car was enough to show off, but she didn't expect that this was just the tip of the iceberg.

She felt that if Jiang Fan continued to show off, sooner or later the entire galaxy would be his.

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