Clash Of The Sword Titans

Chapter 90 Pointing Thunder

Murdering intent? Hmph, do you think you can break this killing situation if you can detect the killing intent, naive!

The old butler said coldly, with a sway of his body, he merged into the illusion again and disappeared.

Countless fists, like a tide, erupted in waves, attacking from all directions, making it impossible to defend against.

This is another supernatural power, the Hundred Cracks Fist, which is not very powerful, but it can spread the shadow of the fist in all directions, and the attack area is huge. The most important thing is that when the endless phantom formation is filled with this magical power, killing intent is everywhere.

He couldn't eliminate the killing intent in his heart, so he simply filled the entire formation with killing intent. In this way, the real killing move was hidden in the endless killing intent, and it was difficult for Chen Fang to judge it.

Of course, the killing intent of a real fatal blow must far exceed this kind of casual attack, but even so, Chen Fang's judgment will still be a beat slower, and in such a battle, the difference of one beat, It may well be the difference between life and death.

Defensive supernatural powers, use them all!

At the critical moment, Chen Fang's face remained unchanged, and he said to Hong Yi in a very clear voice.

He knew that a master at the peak of the supernatural powers like Hongyi must have a lot of supernatural powers, at least more than twenty kinds, and they are comprehensive. Chen Fang does not have defensive supernatural powers, but Hongyi will definitely have them.

By the way, all-round defense! Black and white Tai Chi array!

With a movement in Hongyi's heart, eight silver-white rays of light shot out from her hands, surrounding the two of them, forming a huge formation that completely blocked all directions, among which the four images and eight trigrams emerged, Faintly, there is an inviolable sacred taste in it.

The old butler's Hundred Cracks Fist hit the black and white Tai Chi formation, and a ripple immediately appeared in the formation, and then, the power of this blow was directly transferred to the outside.

It is equivalent to punching in from the left, and it will be punched out from the right, not to mention causing damage to the formation, and it will not even cause much consumption.

It is so simple that it can remove the power. This is the beauty of Tai Chi. This magical power is at least a high-level magical power.

As long as there is this big formation, the two of them can last for a long time without losing. On the contrary, the old housekeeper who launched the attack will consume a lot of mana to maintain this all-round offensive.

The corners of the old butler's eyes twitched, turned into hundreds, and thrust out another phantom fist in the powerful stage of a blow, which exploded continuously with air currents, and the momentum was extremely powerful. However, even this fatal attack was too powerful in black and white. In the formation, at most it can only make the formation tremble, and then, most of the jab power is still removed.

Hmph, is it true that with a phantom array, you can scare this girl?

Hongyi snorted coldly, and held up a bead in her hand, in which the light and shadow changed, and the wind and thunder stirred.

High-grade treasure, Fengleizhu!

As soon as this wind and thunder bead appeared, immediately, the mana in Hongyi's body seemed to have been boosted, and it became extremely agitated.

She unleashed her signature Purple Lightning Thunder, which spread in all directions. Immediately, within dozens of miles, there was thunder, and lightning strangled back and forth like a long dragon, destroying all illusions, and even forced the old butler They all had to retreat continuously, and there was no room for shelter at all.

What is Hongyi's status, Lanhou's adopted daughter, whether she has supernatural powers or magic weapons,

They were all the best. The old housekeeper's decisive attack was unsuccessful, but she was relieved and regained his momentum. He immediately showed his incomparable strength.

Even if the old housekeeper had the help of the phantom array, it was impossible to get this woman.

It consumes too much to do this. You weave the thunder into a strand to form a lightning whip. Not only does it consume less power, it is more powerful, and it is also good for the operation of mana.

Chen Fang pointed out.

I'm at the peak of the supernatural powers, do I still need you to teach me?

Hong Yi glanced at Chen Fang, and couldn't help but snorted coldly in her heart. However, the black-haired boy in front of her was the benefactor who saved her life after all, so it was hard to put it so bluntly, so Hongyi decided to just put on a show and play it off.

Unexpectedly, she tried to gather Lei Ting several times, but she couldn't condense it into a shape, and it was still a mess, exploding in all directions.

This is too slow, let me teach you a method of controlling thunder.

Chen Fang thought about it, and told Hong Yi directly a formula by means of sound transmission.

Hongyi refused to believe it at first, and just tried it casually, but in an instant, she immediately felt that the mana in her body began to accelerate continuously, and the purple lightning thunder that was displayed, It is even easier and more convenient to drive.

Using Chen Fangge's technique, as long as she moves her mind, the purple thunder light will immediately move with her heart, like an arm commanding her!

What, how could this be?

Hong Yi was taken aback.

She has practiced thunder for many years, and she is very familiar with the characteristics of thunder and lightning. Simply put, it is unruly and difficult to control.

But now, using the method taught by Chen Fang, she turned thunder into a whip immediately. Although she has not yet reached the realm of turning thunder into silk, she has taken a big step forward. Although his cultivation has not improved, his comprehension of martial arts and his judgment of the future path have improved to a higher level.

How is it possible that he was able to give me advice, moreover, this kind of advice hits the nail on the head, is from a strategic position, and is not even under the guidance of my adoptive father Lan!

Hong Yi looked at Chen Fang with an incredible feeling.

However, to Chen Fang, this was a matter of course.

He is the Sword Emperor, perhaps not as rich in experience as Lan Qianshan, the veteran Void God King, but after all, he has stood at a higher peak and fought against stronger opponents.

How difficult is it to call a supernatural power in a few words?

In the way of swordsmanship, there are also many uses of thunder techniques, just like Chen Fang's current innate bloodline supernatural powers, the Great Thunder Sound sword technique, itself can also be said to be a kind of thunder technique, but compared to the purple lightning god thunder, it is more powerful. It is higher, it is more ingenious to use, and it is more powerful.

Of course, Hongyi's aptitude and comprehension ability are very high, which Chen Fang has to admit, as an ordinary person, it is impossible to directly rely on a formula to improve his strength in battle.

But Hongyi did it.

At this moment, her Purple Lightning Divine Thunder no longer exploded in all directions, but turned into a long purple snake dozens of miles long, spit out its core, and swept around at an extremely fast speed. Seen from a distance, it is a bolt of lightning, constantly moving in mid-air, breaking down all obstacles between flashes of lightning.

This long snake is at least three times as powerful as the previous Purple Lightning God Thunder, but its consumption is 70% less!

Just because of this thunder-controlling method taught by Chen Fang, immediately, Hongyi's strength took such a leap.

Could it be that I have to call this kid a teacher in the future?

In Hongyi's heart, such a thought involuntarily came into being, and she fell into confusion for a moment.

Originally, she only thought that Chen Fang was a young genius who came from a remote place with little knowledge and only the same level of cultivation, but the kind who was full of arrogance and couldn't let go of his figure.

But after passing three levels in the Heroes Conference, Hongyi also had to admit that the opponent did have the capital of arrogance, because he was able to cross a big realm and defeat the opponent without getting injured.

But now, at this very moment, even Hong Yi herself was saved by Chen Fang, and she even received the advice from the other party, and her understanding of Lei Fa deepened.

Who the hell is this kid?

Thousands of thoughts kept turning in her mind, and Hongyi's hand didn't stop at all. She controlled the purple lightning snake and broke the illusion in all directions, forcing the old housekeeper to retreat dozens of miles away. Any chance of getting close.

At the same time, under the protection of the black and white Taiji formation, Chen Fang also took Hongyi and began to move forward. As long as it takes another incense stick, he will be able to escape from this endless illusion formation.

At that time, it will be the moment to turn passive into active and sound the horn of counterattack!

However, at this moment, a sword, extremely simple, as if made of ordinary iron, pierced out of the void without a sound, even Chen Fang didn't notice it, and directly penetrated into Hongyi's heart!


A mouthful of blood spurted out directly from Hongyi's mouth.

Then, with unbelievable eyes, she lowered her head and looked at the deadly sword on her chest, her mind went blank.

That's it... dead?

In Hongyi's mind, there was only one thought left.

Don't panic, it's just a demon in your heart, get into meditation immediately, and get rid of the illusion in your heart!

Chen Fang's voice, like rolling thunder, came from a very far away place.

What, demon?

Hongyi was startled, and then her eyes regained clarity.

The old butler was lying in ambush in the phantom array to launch a fatal attack. It was real, so Chen Fang could detect it. But the inner demon at the moment is something that naturally arises in Hongyi's heart, only she can feel it, Chen Fang can't help at all, he can only drag Hongyi out of the inner demon by shouting.

However, even so, it was still a step too late.

Because of Hongyi's momentary loss of consciousness, the purple lightning snake and the black and white Tai Chi array stopped operating at the same time. The old butler seized this opportunity, like an assassin in the shadows, violently rose again, and attacked with an extremely violent blow.


Chen Fang blocked it with a horizontal sword, and was sent flying out in one blow. The thunderclouds under his feet scattered a lot, and he felt as if he was about to fall. His complexion was also extremely pale, and blood oozed from the corner of his mouth.

He had no choice but to block this blow, because Hongyi was possessed by a demon and had no time to react.

Chen Fang, you little bastard, I have already entered the core of Huanbo Mountain, in the Huanzhen Pagoda, and obtained the Huanzhen inheritance. I can use the Huanzhen Sword from thousands of miles away. Now the two of you are meat on the chopping board. , I’m about to die by my sword! However, Miss Hongyi, if you obey me, I can also think about letting you live as my maid, how about that?”

Ye Nantian's voice resounded from the sky, like thunder, which made people's eardrums ache.

PS: Resume two updates a day, please recommend, please collect!

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