The burning fire was extinguished in the cold wind, and the falling cold raindrops took away the last trace of warmth from behind.

The rising thick smoke carried a large number of fine dust particles up into the sky, submerged into the clouds and then merged into the clouds. The condensation nuclei gathered water to form large-scale rain clouds that should not have appeared.

The moisture accumulated at the tip of the upside-down mountain range at the bottom of the island condenses into raindrops, and then falls into the sky with the pull of gravity.

It's raining.

The rain fell in soft patters, and the spreading heavy rain seeped into the mud.

A decent rain is never a bad thing.

Not a bad thing for either party.

A muddy world is always the norm.

The heavy rain brought not only mud but also the consensus of a brief truce.

The frontline troops of the Holy See who suffered heavy losses and suffered large-scale bombing were not qualified to take another step forward. Just the increase in the large number of wounded soldiers and the transportation pressure brought by the rain were enough to make them overwhelmed.

The problem of water seepage in the trenches quickly became serious. They lost the dry and cool trenches, leaving them with only muddy trenches mixed with a lot of dirt and germs.

If there is any good news that this rain brings them, it is that the coalition troops were forced to withdraw to the rear of the defense line. They were able to stabilize the five-kilometer approach trenches on their front line at all costs.

The light cavalry is not suitable for maneuvering in such a muddy environment. The rain curtain acts as a natural barrier and blocks the sight of the shooter and gunner. When visibility is the lowest, the machine gunner can only see enemies within 100 meters.

Without this rain, the coalition forces only need to cooperate with the 께-caliber artillery array and launch a counterattack to wipe out the only victory achieved by the Holy See during this period.

The coalition began to use monster infantry on a large scale to assist trench warfare. Although there is no advantage in the meat grinding war, it will no longer have too many disadvantages.

눒 Various types of monster infantry organized into regiment-level units to support the company can effectively improve the frontline troops' breakthrough capabilities, meat grinding capabilities, and heavy weapon carrying capacity.

Humanoid units have their limits after all.

The monster infantry represented by rat trolls, rotten crabs, and monitor lizards can play a key breakthrough role in breaking through the defense line mission.

Even if they die, their bodies can cover the follow-up infantry for dozens of meters.

Ji Lin's technology is not close to that of the monster infantry. The mass-produced structural units are enough for the army, and the steam machinery with ordinary intelligence can complete the set tasks.

The Alliance around the Island relies too much on the magic mecha's biological accelerator to cultivate biological beasts. 껩 wants to follow Ji Lin's route of releasing troops, and 껩냭 has considered the coordinated battle of the infantry regiment.

These are the monster infantry improvement plans initiated by Lord 놘눓. They are using their own methods to integrate the "big guys" in their troops into the army's command system.

Monster infantry are cheap, they have a ready-made training system, and there is no technical threshold.

Form a truly new era 'mixed infantry regiment'.

They do not have the luxury to use fully mechanical troops, and they do not have enough capital to support the replacement of high-end exoskeleton mechas, but the coalition lords above will not let their troops become weak forces.

There is no set system in the lords' forum that can be directly referenced.

Fifth year, sixth year.

At this time, it is still too early for the lords recruited by the system to fight in large groups, and the forum naturally does not have the corresponding experience.

Almost all expedition worlds still have internal struggles. Some worlds have gradually entered a state of separatism similar to the Warring States Period, and most of them still engage in tribal conflicts.

All they can come up with are plans such as 'How can a single lord use a small enough force to complete the operation'.

However, the experience of the establishment is of little use to the coalition lords. The establishment used to fight a war of 100,000 men is far different from the establishment used to fight a war of 30,000 men.

The scale of the campaign tasks that both sides are responsible for is different. The single lord needs to consider multi-faceted battles and how to conserve strength by retreating.

For a large-scale coalition, the division-level troops under each lord only need to complete the campaign objectives specified by the high command.

In order to achieve this campaign goal, they can invest troops at any cost.

There is no need to consider other factors, no need to consider internal fighting, no need to consider friendly backstabbing - they only need to concentrate on completing the campaign objectives assigned to them.

The high command will make up for their losses after the war.

If necessary, they can complete the campaign objectives at any cost.

Historical experience was passed on to each other among the coalition lords. They learned a little from the experience of later regiment-level combat teams, and gave full play to the support capabilities of the war mage and monster infantry in a large organization.

Sharpen the spear first, then think about the shield.

Of course, they have not yet tested whether their organizational ideas are feasible on the battlefield.

But 껩 has already taken the first step towards military success.

Heavy rain turned the surface into mud, burying the defenses originally inserted into the surface under the muddy water. The muddy water carried debris to another area. Now even the coalition forces don't know where they buried the thunderbolts. .

The coalition forces only maintained a minimum level of light reconnaissance cavalry to ensure that the Holy See would not take advantage of the rain to launch an attack.

The Holy See will not take advantage of low visibility to launch an attack.

The newly recruited crusaders, the Atonement Army, are working in the ruins, digging out resources that can still be recycled from the ruins.

A ruin.

"Hmm... Is this the front you are going to show us? Commander Noy?"

The new paladin turned her head to look at the front commander, and the falling raindrops automatically flowed on both sides of her long black hair.

"It seems that you have concealed a lot of things from the Privy Council."

Front commander Noy wiped the rain from his face. He couldn't tell whether it was cold sweat or rain.

The other paladin looked further away and listened to the sound coming from the rain.


(The reason for not updating is that I went to watch the first large-scale missile penetration. The scene of cluster missiles overwhelming the air defense network was really spectacular. This was also the first time in human history that a large-scale ballistic missile cluster attack was used.)

(More than 100 medium-range missiles, using 500 kg of explosives.)

(This is called missile bombing, using a saturation attack to overwhelm the air defense network.)

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