The bombardment stopped, and the Redemption Army showed expressions of surviving a disaster. Before the soldiers could catch their breath, the officers shouted them up from the ground.

"Hurry, hurry, pick up your weapons! Don't let me see anyone hiding in the trenches!"

The centurion untied his bolt-action rifle and made the Redemption Army stand up from the trenches with a crisp gunshot.

Even though the bombardment had stopped, the bodies of the Redemption Army were still shaking unconsciously, avoiding the contaminant poison left on the battlefield by the poisonous wind mortar.

"Now! Immediately! Action!"

The centurion roared, asking them to line up and get ready, check their weapons and quickly go to the battlefield.

The Templars climbed out of the trenches, their worn-out armor coated with a layer of golden light, and grabbed the tattered flags planted on the battlefield and raised them high.

"Holy! Victory!"

They shouted, and then used the flags to point the direction for the Redemption Army.

The shouts of the Knights Templar seemed to have the power to summon souls, and the Penitents, who were just frightened by the bombardment, were filled with courage again.

The Penitents hurriedly took out their weapons, the soldiers with flintlocks installed bayonets, the archers all drew their arrows and strung them, and the casters held the materials in their hands.


The prayers of the Knights Templar, as loud as a bell, injected courage and strength into every Penitent. The encouragement from the divine arts made them fearless when facing the rain of bullets.

"The Holy Army has found those timid rats for us! It is our honor to fight side by side with the Holy Army! Kill the enemy, kill the enemy!"

The centurion had summoned all the Vatican soldiers stationed there. They held their rifles tightly and loaded gray brass bullets into the barrels one by one.

The captured rifles and weapons were barely enough for some soldiers to use. Compared with this, the more serious problem was the lack of ammunition, and one less bullet was fired.

The Church is studying how to produce rifle bullets by hand, but the efficiency is extremely low.

With flags waving, the Penitent Army and the Church Infantry hiding in the trenches raised their weapons and ran wildly in the direction where the Holy Army left.

In this gray battlefield under the sky, the light emitted by the angels floating in the sky is the best guiding light, and the battlefield with loud gunfire points them in the direction.

They stepped over the bodies of their colleagues who were torn to pieces by the bombardment, and the remains of the "angels" who scattered their white feathers on the ground under the shells.



The cavalry captain used the bayonet of the rifle to block the sharp blade approaching him, kicked the angel in front of him, and pulled the trigger at this white porcelain-like winged figure.

This kind of angel with wings and wearing Roman armor should be in a marble palace, not on a gray battlefield.

The flames burst out, and the full-power bullet shattered the armor and flesh in front of him.

"Fuck you, you still want to come down and kill the general."

The cavalry captain turned the lever, ejected a shell that was still smoking, and the new bullet was sent into the chamber by the mechanical rod.

The bayonet was drooping, confirming death.

The bayonet forged with fine steel will turn the rifle into a short spear when mounted on a long gun. The bayonet rifle is also a close combat weapon in the hands of a well-trained soldier.

The white porcelain-like angel looked at the big hole opened on his chest armor in astonishment, pouring out the bright red blood like a broken porcelain bottle.

"Infantry teams, check the bullets! Reload!"

The cavalry captain exhaled and looked up at the angel floating in the sky.

After killing twenty rifle cavalrymen, the angel's light gun had to fly to a higher airspace due to the power of the rifle to avoid the anti-aircraft force composed of rifles.

Energy is limited. Maintaining the shield requires energy, and projecting the light spear requires energy.

The two sides just stared at each other in silence.

The cavalry reloaded bullets into the chamber to prepare for the next wave of enemy attacks. They did not waste bullets to try to hit a target of the same size at a distance of 300 meters.

The optical conditions did not allow it, and the poor airtightness of the lever rifles in their hands did not allow it.

This is the price of sacrificing range in exchange for weapon power and rate of fire.

What's more, they used full-power bullets, even if the elite infantry or monster infantry rushed over, they could raise their guns and pull the trigger to kill them with one shot.

The accurate shooting distance of the lever rifle is only 200 meters. If the distance exceeds 200, you can see bullets flying.

He can feel the cold sight cast by the angel, but facing the infantry team that is already alert, the angels' impact will no longer have the advantage of a surprise attack.

At this moment, there were only less than ten of the twenty or so winged angels who attacked. They paid a heavy price for this dive.

He looked at the corpse of the rat troll that had been decomposed by the light flow, and showed pain.

It's time to retreat.

The cavalry captain thought.

The value of these five heavy mortar teams lies in the mortars and mortar shells. Only the rat trolls can quickly load and carry 120mm heavy mortar shells.

There are still hundreds of heavy mortar shells here. If they don't take them away, the shells corresponding to these mortars will fall into the hands of the Church.

They need to remove the mortar shells from the iron frame used by the rat trolls, and then hang them on the side of the horse and bring them back with ropes.

As light cavalry, they have no way to take away all the mortar shells. Even if they have this ability, they need enough time.

They shouldn't have been entangled with a raiding air force for so long. When the nearby Vatican troops reacted from the bombardment, they would be in trouble... The cavalry team didn't carry enough ammunition.

Each cavalryman only carried a waist of rifle ammunition.

When the bullets were used up, they could only use the rifles in their hands to fight hand-to-hand with the Vatican's troops.

No matter how useful the fine steel bayonet was, it couldn't fight against the elite infantry wearing armor.

After a short thought, the cavalry captain decided to destroy all the mortar shells. When he thought that these hundreds of mortar shells were equivalent to the money for a small outpost, he began to feel pain.

Five mobile heavy mortar teams were lost here, and they must tell the troops behind that the enemy has an air force unit that will attack the artillery unit.

"Damn, it's too expensive, I don't want to think about it... I wonder if I can get reimbursement for dragging two more bodies back."

He looked at the winged creature on the ground whose chest had been torn apart by a powerful bullet, and asked other cavalrymen to collect the bodies and take them back.

The enemy's new unit, a flying bird, has good attack and defense.

The whistle sounded, and the fleeing horses returned to the battlefield again. The cavalrymen used the horses' ammunition to replenish their own bullets.

They still need some time to finish the finishing work.

A cavalryman looked at the horizon and suddenly found something moving towards them not far away.

The Crusader flag was erected and moved on the gray land.

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