Luke wiped the newly issued flintlock in his hand. Every Atonement Army infantryman can get the standard infantry equipment issued by the Church.

The purpose of issuing weapons to the Atonement Army is to let them use the burning sticks in their hands to kill the enemy and use the weapons in the hands of the enemy to arm themselves.

In Fortress VI, there are more than 10,000 Atonement Army stationed.

Like him, there are other spellcasters, alchemists, summoners, druids... all kinds of criminals arrested under the rule of the Church.

Because of their special talents, they can get the standard spellcasting equipment issued by the Church. If they don’t have equipment, they will send their original equipment to the battlefield together.

The Church does not allow the appearance of magic other than divine magic, but not everyone is suitable for learning divine magic... A large number of small-scale associations allow some people who are talented but not suitable for learning divine magic to have more possibilities.

Of course, this is an 'illegal act'.

The Church usually imprisoned these people who were not guilty of death for life in prison after arresting them, and would draw them out of prison to assist the priests in completing their work when necessary.

The rules are strict, but the actions are flexible.

The moral bottom line is flexible enough.

I strictly prohibit the use of paths other than divine arts ≠ I do not use mage troops.

And the cost of using the atonement army is lower, and the impact of the death of a atonement army is not as great as that of a character army.

Now the Church has restarted this option after the elite troops suffered heavy losses, that is, to send these 'criminal points' directly to the most tragic battlefield, so that these 'criminal points' can make meritorious contributions on the battlefield.

The Church gives priority to extracting the real criminal points from the 'criminal points', because they have seen blood, killed people, and are better in fighting will... They are qualified battlefield consumables.

They realized that their elite troops were only suitable for large-scale battles, and were not suitable for a large number of small-scale conflicts with the lords. The lords who used a large number of light cavalry were as slippery as loaches and retreated after one blow.

So the criminals who became the Redemption Army set foot on the land called the God-given World.

As long as they performed well enough, the criminals could leave the prison and return to their normal lives.

As for escaping, well, there was only one portal to leave this world. The Church would make sure that once they were put into this world, they would have no way out before using the Redemption Army.

The lords basically did not accept surrendered soldiers unless the surrenderers could show enough reason to impress the lords.

Otherwise, who knew whether you were here to surrender or what? They did not have extra resources to raise prisoners, nor did they have so much energy to take care of the newly joined "unstable" group.

In this case, a large number of criminals were armed and transported directly to the battlefield.

The Vatican quartermaster told them that as long as the weapons in their hands hit, they could directly kill the enemy.

The Vatican quartermaster did not tell them that the improved flintlock rifles in their hands could only fire twice a minute, while the enemy's rapid-fire rifles could reach a firing rate of three rounds per second.

Moreover, the newly launched lever rifles and break-type rifles have a higher firing rate at the expense of airtightness.

It is worth mentioning that neither the break-type rifle nor the lever rifle was developed by Ji Lin.

It was Ji Lin who provided a large amount of materials for the lords on the ground. Among them, the sage directly bought steel pipes and ordered the craftsmen to process the gun parts in their memory and then use the purchased seamless steel pipes to match the parts to assemble the corresponding guns.

The military technical knowledge from another world began to play a role, rapidly promoting the development of light weapons.

Less than three months after Ji Lin opened up trade, all kinds of rifles have sprung up like mushrooms after rain, which makes Ji Lin smack his lips. He thinks that there are still many technical personnel among the people selected by the system... It's just that due to the limitations of the times, they can't give full play to their abilities.

It can be said that he only needs to sell the barrels of the caliber of the weapons he wants, and the lords below will use these seamless steel pipes to convert them into rifles of the corresponding caliber for profit.

For this reason, Ji Lin also specially opened a 7.62 medium caliber barrel production line and an 18.4 shotgun barrel production line to get the technical achievements of these lords for free.

Well, it's not free, he still pays, not only pays, but also allows these lords who hand in technology to enjoy a 95% discount on the corresponding materials purchased from him.

As for the length of the barrel, it is easier to say. Ji Lin, who has a large number of precision hydraulic cutting machines and neat machine tools, is not like the lords of the lower era who have to grind metal products for a while.

The lords below can directly submit the data of the barrel length and rifling they want.

It is nothing more than producing a barrel with an inner diameter and then performing other operations.

However, the slight cost is that the sales of rifles in the territory are much worse than before, but the large increase in the output of barrels, mechanical parts, and smokeless drugs has made up for this part.

Compared with bolt-action rifles that focus on long-range attacks and have better airtightness, most lords prefer to use lever rifles and mid-break shotguns with faster firing rates at medium and short distances for their troops.

Some lords used 12-caliber pump-action rifles in close combat. At a distance of three to eight meters, pump-action shotguns can exert better lethality than other infantry weapons.

A 12-caliber (18.4mm) shotgun is enough to blow up the monster infantry's head within three meters, and close combat can clear all enemies rushing out in front of you.

If you can't make automatic weapons, you can use shotguns instead, and the effect is not bad.

If you don't look at the fact that the lords' territories are still hammering iron workshops, no one would have thought that these lords who started to equip World War I weapons were still fighting each other with flintlocks and cold weapons more than half a year ago.

The speed of light weapons technology diffusion is faster than Ji Lin thought. He has already considered delegating some of the technology of mechanical structures to let them help him develop and modify... The most core rune core technology is still in Ji Lin's hands.

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