"Anti-magic formation! Riflemen, fire back!"

The centurion commanded the somewhat chaotic soldiers in the square to raise their weapons to fight back against the fleet in the air. The centurion standing with the soldiers knew more about fighting than the nobles in the banquet hall.

They fought with mages, demons, and monsters. Day and night training and holy war expeditions had already engraved the tactical manual in the centurion's brain.

Discipline is everything.

"Gun formation, line up! Guard the body of the cloud whale!"

A centurion pulled out the short gun with divine magic on his back and raised it high, stabilizing the shaky front with a powerful voice.

No need for oracles, no need for priests, the Crusaders are still the toughest shields on the front line.

The rune crossbows and muzzle-loading rifles in the Crusaders' infantry seemed extremely weak in front of the additional armor with an equivalent thickness of 150mm steel plate. At most, they could only produce concave white spots and flashing sparks on the iron-gray armor. None of them could penetrate the additional armor and cause damage to the ship.

"Where are the crossbows? Is there a priest group near here? We need heavy weapons! Light weapons can't penetrate this layer of iron at all!" The centurion roared.

"Damn it, the priest group?! Where is the priest group? We need firepower!" Another centurion commanded the Crusaders under him to disperse and firmly control every area in the square.

The harassing shooting had a slight interference on the interceptor ship, forcing them to start opening their bottom magazines at a higher altitude.

The wooden box loaded with the "live iron net" was dropped from a hundred meters in the air, rolling and hitting the ground of the square paved with stone bricks. The spikes on the live iron net smashed the glass tube containing the blood-ghost vine extract.

Ghost vine can greatly increase biological activity. Low-concentration ghost vine extract is used as a common combat stimulant, and high-concentration ghost vine extract is specially provided for night crows.

When used on plants, it can make plants wake up quickly like animals.

The dropped wooden box did not explode. It lay quietly on the square like broken goods, revealing the contents inside that looked like an iron net.

A Crusader soldier raised his weapon in confusion and stretched out his hand to open the wooden box.

A quarter-finger-thick iron-gray thorns flowed out of the falling wooden box like a dancing snake, and the live iron net stained with purple activator began to look for the nearest living thing.

It targeted the Crusader soldier closest to it, who suddenly found that there were black iron bars piercing his flesh and blood on his body, and thin vines with sharp iron spikes were as hard as iron wire.

"What is this? Get out of the way! Don't climb up!"

Then more live iron nets were awakened from hibernation, and it took only ten seconds to completely drag the soldier into the already opened live iron net. The extended metal spikes greedily sucked the blood from the Crusader's body.

It takes into account the flexibility of animals and the tenacity of plants, as well as the bloodthirstiness of animals and the regeneration of plants.

The extremely rare plants cultivated by Li Yan are provided to the territory army as a superior substitute for temporary battlefield barbed wire. By deploying live iron nets, a dangerous and extremely powerful death channel can be quickly laid out.

Damaged live iron nets can even repair themselves by eating corpses, and each live iron net has its own nucleus, which limits the reproductive capacity of the live iron nets... so that they will not reproduce indefinitely.

Vines as thick as a quarter of a finger move quickly in the night, crossing the stone bricks to grab the ankles of the soldiers and drag them to the nearest iron net cluster.

Using blood to grow itself, it expands and extends toward the nearest other live iron nets, dragging more soldiers into the active iron nets to become part of its food when it just wakes up.

They are like iron nets abandoned on the battlefield to stop infantry, but unlike ordinary iron nets, they are quiet and stable. They are alive.

Reproduction, extension, predation.

Repeat the cycle until only live iron nets are left in the extension range.

"Don't be afraid!" A centurion said, "They are just monsters dropped by the invaders. There is nothing different. Just cut them off like you would against monsters before."

The blade fell, and the invincible rune swords were blocked by the interlaced vines. After cutting off a few vines, the swords they swung were wrapped by the live iron nets and dragged into the depths of the iron nets.

The long-handled weapons that the Crusaders liked to use were almost useless...The 'monsters' in front of them were like countless iron wires entangled together. There was no entity that could make them attack.

The live iron nets that were dropped quickly entangled together, squirming and connecting to form a new iron net. The infusion of a large amount of blood made the connected live iron nets excited again.

The faces of the soldiers around them immediately turned pale.

Someone in a hurry threw the torch directly into the iron net, but it was extinguished by the live iron net in the next moment, and the live iron net covered with iron luster did not show any damage.

Lance is ineffective, swords have little effect, and fire has little effect.

This thing can't be killed by conventional means!

They can accept the fate of being bombed by bombs, and they can accept the fate of being roasted into charcoal or frozen into ice by spells...but what on earth is this thing thrown by the invaders?

The Crusaders and Centurions watched as their comrades were dragged into the iron net and used as a trap. The military formation that had finally been organized was instantly shaken by the 'monsters' dropped.

'escape? ’

All the thoughts popped up in their minds involuntarily.

They are the toughest shield of the Holy See, but they should not be thrown into the battlefield against enemies that cannot be dealt with. Dealing with these enemies should be...

A long sword burning with white flames fell, cutting off the iron vines entangled with the soldiers, and the soldiers wrapped in iron armor pulled the crusaders in white from the ground.

The Templar knights who arrived at the battlefield in time stabilized the morale of the Crusaders. They stared at the half-high dense blood-stained iron net in front of them, and tightly grasped the weapons ignited by the holy flame.

"What a devil's technology..."

The Knights Templar stationed near the square were still hesitating whether to support the banquet hall or continue to protect the square, but now they do not need to consider this issue.

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