There are two types of bombardment.

One is a creeping barrage that advances slowly in a straight line. The artillery group is responsible for suppressing the counterattack force of the enemy position while the artillery shells clear a forward channel for the attacking troops, but it requires good training and organizational strength of the artillery.

The barrage is advanced slowly to suppress the counterattack firepower of the enemy position. The slowly advancing artillery barrage will detonate mines, destroy barbed wire and roadblocks, so behind it is often accompanied by the charge of groups of infantry on the front.

The other is to draw a fixed center and let the artillery attack all targets in the center of the circle to provide indiscriminate fire coverage.

The purpose of this attack is to destroy bunkers and building facilities in the target area as much as possible. It is a more traditional fire support method.

The industrial command ship adopts the second fire coverage attack mode that does not consider infantry cooperation and simply completes area destruction.

The requirements for fire coverage on the artillery crew are not as high as those of Xu Jin's barrage - after all, they are not worried about sending the shells to their teammates' heads due to mistakes. The firing angle of Xu Jin's barrage is slightly off, and the shells can be fired. Hit his own infantry on the head.

After all, Xu Jin's barrage is a very risky offensive method, and accidental injuries are inevitable.

Fire coverage sacrifices a certain degree of accuracy and sequence in exchange for faster reloading and suppressive power.

The shipboard artillery of the Industrial Command Ship No. 113 projected a total of sixty rounds of 152 shells in just 7 minutes.

The additional ammunition package mounted on the tail of the shell sent the shell 25 kilometers away and landed in a circle with a radius of 300 meters centered on the banquet hall. A large number of flashes began to flash in the room, which the Holy See soldiers had never seen before. Burning red flames.

Along with the scorching red flames, there were mud springs rising from the ground. One after another they rose into the air in the fierce flames, mixing the deep red color with the dark brown of the soil. When the mud springs erupted, they covered the ground with water. Objects 껩一땢 are brought up to the sky.

Whether it is a high-end residence built in Dali, a house built of solid wood, or a complete set of Crusaders and the weapons they hold.

녪Heads were destroyed, wood was set on fire, and human bodies were torn apart.

The complete and orderly camp was turned into hell in an instant. High-explosive incendiary bombs replaced the destructive high-explosive warhead of shrapnel and shock waves with fuel charges sufficient to create large-scale fires.

One 152 shell is not enough to shake the earth, and sixty 152 shells are enough to make everyone in the bombing area feel the shaking of the ground.

It's like swinging a heavy hammer against the ground, smashing all enemies in its path.

Enemy attack? But where is the enemy?

They couldn't see the enemy, all they saw was death falling from the sky.

It was only a delay of three months before the war began to arrive.

"God...have you abandoned us?"

A soldier held the silver cross in his hand and looked at the mud pillar rising not far away and the fire that spread with it. Another Holy See soldier was covered in flames and rolled on the ground because he was not hasty in dodging.

Within ten meters of the impact point of the shell, even the heavily armored Templars were killed on the spot by the shock wave and high temperature. Only a few lucky people were able to use the ruins to buffer the shock wave and high temperature. Finally, they were killed by the shell. Survive near the drop point.

This is a real artillery attack, not a temporary emergency use of small-caliber artillery and mortars. Its projection distance and power are not the same as in the past.

The industrial command ship hovering at an altitude of 2,000 meters was indiscriminately projecting firepower towards the Holy See camp 25 kilometers away. At this time, the Peregrine interceptor mounted on the side of the command ship began to leave the ship.

If the industrial command ship can drive to their heads, Colonel 꿁 wouldn't mind if the 500kg bomb used by the industrial command ship to mine mines would send everything on the ground to the sky.

It's just that the risk of dropping bombs at high altitude is too high, and he doesn't want to bet that these people don't have the ability to fly.

Even if all the people from the Holy See are killed, their value is not as good as a fully equipped industrial command ship.

The officers in the observation window of the bridge were in a hurry. They needed to record the killing effect of the 152 heavy artillery for the first time on the battlefield, and then compile it into an action report and submit it to the headquarters.

This is an excellent opportunity for actual combat effectiveness.

For this reason, the colonel even delayed the second round of shelling for five minutes.

In preparation for the second round of bombardment, they had fully calibrated their artillery after one round of firing, shrinking the bombardment circle to a 100-meter radius of the banquet hall.

They also have a second job.


The 30-meter-long Peregrine interceptor descended rapidly, and the storage array was desperately transmitting energy into the floating engine. The high-speed floating engine flashed a very weak lavender light in the night sky. .

Twelve Peregrine interceptors are approaching the square where the Cloud Whale is stored, and their goal is to recover the Cloud Whale's body.

The industrial command ship's bombardment suppression was very effective in attracting the attention of the Holy See's high-level combat forces, and they had enough time to mount the cloud whale on the peregrine falcon and bring it back to the command ship.

The territory does not want to send the corpse of the giant beast to the Holy See for study, not to mention that the giant beast also has the technology to plant the ghost vines in the territory... if not all, but leaking the ghost vines is not a good thing.

"This is the first time I've seen this thing attack..."

The soldiers had to carry out the recovery mission, but at this moment all their attention was still on the urban area built by the Holy See in the distance, watching the flames engulf all the buildings.

Everyone's attention was attracted by the barrage of bullets falling from the sky, and no one noticed the Peregrine interceptor ship that was slowing down.

This place is not far from the banquet hall, but it is not close. The distance of 500 meters is enough to prevent the Peregrine interceptor ship from being hit by its own artillery.

The plane will not pass in front of the trajectory of the artillery. The unlucky ones will be hit from the air by their own artillery.

The interceptors spread out, controlled the edge of the square, and surrounded the body of Yunjing.

"It's time to work, don't look." The officer scolded: "Open the bottom cargo hold, prepare to drop the live iron net, and pull up the defense line! We have to go down and tie the rope later!"

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