Industrial Command Ship No. 113, bridge.

The communicator stood up from the heavy differential translator, holding the translated note and ran to the captain in charge of Industrial Command Ship No. 113.

"Captain, telegram from the territory."

The territory built radio relay stations on the controlled sky islands, which can effectively reduce the false information and increase the transmission distance of radio.

The radio network makes it possible for the command center to communicate directly with each industrial command ship, and industrial command ships hundreds of kilometers away can also receive telegram instructions from the territory immediately.

The major leaned back in his chair, holding a lit cigarette and looking at the sea of ​​clouds outside the window.

He still missed his days in the military department, at least at that time he could use an engineer shovel to hit the heads of cloud-dwelling creatures hard.

And after being assigned here? Every day, he can only deal with various stones and local wild animals, and watch spiders baring their teeth with his own miners.


The correspondent immediately raised the telegram in his pocket.

"Yes, sir... The Geological Association reports that the number of marginal herds is decreasing, and the herds of cloud-dwelling creatures in the south are decreasing most severely."

The Geological Association, an exploration association formed by spellcasters who arrived in this world together with the subhumans.

The main business is to survey strata and mineral veins and draw more comprehensive topographic maps, while providing a group of qualified spellcasters with exploration capabilities. In most cases, they also work part-time as field ecological observers, and they will do their best to observe the movements of other creatures.

Standard Mining will pay to buy the biological migration maps and routes they collect, and use them to plan their own action routes.

The Address Association has provided a lot of help for the exploration of the territory, which can shorten the original one-week preliminary exploration work to two days. It is currently employed by Standard Mining to serve the territory.

"The patrol team reported the same thing. When they were clearing the active beast tide, they found that the pressure in the south direction had dropped by 37.4% compared to last month, and the local pressure had dropped."

"Is there any work for us? What was the result from the headquarters?"

The major smacked his lips.

"The headquarters predicted that the reduction of cloud-dwelling creatures might be related to the local environmental problems. They hope that we can go a little further south to see the situation... They reminded us that the airspace and ground over there are in the sphere of influence of the newly arrived Holy See Crusaders."

The Sky Island troops got the battle line change map even faster than the Holy See and the Eastern Front. The territory deployed special rapid battlefield reconnaissance troops over multiple hot spots.

With the help of the large number of radio relay stations on the Sky Island, the reconnaissance personnel can send the change information back to the territory as soon as possible, so that the command center can get the information in as soon as possible.

"What's the difference between this and not saying anything? Can you let the guys in the office at headquarters come sit here with me this time? Are there any other instructions?" The major said, "We are sailing at an altitude of 100 meters. We are not responsible for what they do on the ground."

Industrial command ships generally adhere to the principle of not interfering with ground affairs. Anyway, they are sailing at an altitude of several meters. It is difficult for people on the ground to notice that there is such a huge ship sailing in the thick clouds above their heads.

Silently drilled the sky island vein, released the mining platform and escort ship, collected the resources after screening into its own mine cabin, and recycled the valuable plants in the special planting greenhouse for preservation.

Everything that happened on the ground had nothing to do with the command ship that was performing tasks at high altitude according to the path.

"There is currently a cloud whale missing in the territory cloud whale cultivation field. It is speculated that it may be related to the sharp decline in the number of cloud-dwelling creatures reported above. Cloud whales occasionally move towards areas with abundant food."

The major readjusted the course of the industrial command ship, and the leisurely command room immediately became busy.

"Ah, they want us to take a look, right? I see there is a group of free islands over there, let's look for it, and replenish the water tank of the command ship... The water supply is a bit insufficient recently."

The steering engine generates repulsion, and the huge ship slowly turns.

(Take a break, take a day off tomorrow, adjust your schedule, and then prepare for the next plot.)

(My schedule is a bit messy, and I haven't read other novels recently, so my inspiration is also seriously exhausted.)

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