Clash of Lords: Civilization Game Comes to Reality

Chapter 534: Sky, Ground, and Vanguard

In the fifth and tenth months, there is a slight cold.

Sky island world fragments, land resource areas.

Sky, ground.

The high-altitude floating island provides 70% of the world's rare resource output with less than 1% of its area. People who control the sky can enjoy the most rare resources with the lowest control cost.

Mithril veins, orichalcum veins, rare heavy metal veins, magic catalytic materials, relics, chemical materials...

The "reverse meteor" created by the ruins periodically pulls rare resources belonging to the ground into the air. The resources and quality go against common sense and rise from the ground to the sky, creating a unique sky island environment.

Rather than saying 'withdrawing', it would be more appropriate to describe it as 'plundering'.

The remaining 30% of rare resources are unevenly distributed on the ground, covering 99% of the surface area, and are available to the remaining 99% of the lords to compete for.

In addition to rare resources, the ground is rich in all kinds of ordinary resources, such as forestry, quarrying, iron, copper, oil and other ordinary resources.

It seems that because there are often floating islands using "anti-meteor" to turn over the soil and plow the ground, the output of various mineral resources is even higher than that of ordinary expedition worlds.

After the merger, the sky island world became a rare large-scale resource-producing world. A large number of lords poured into this vast world like gold diggers, just like gold diggers who discovered the New World.

Arrive and then fight for resources.

In a world with few people and few resources, sometimes it is better to develop your own territory.

In a world with a large number of people... it can be said that it will soon reach the stage where it will knock out all the brains.

Because of its special nature, Sky Island World is a very popular world. There is even a small section on the Lords Forum dedicated to discussing the development of this area.

There are only a handful of people in the world who use floating stones, an extremely rare resource, as their main output.

"Phew, it's so damn cold here."

Zhou Quan shuddered.

As a low-time lord, he took root in this area with difficulty, established a mining field and lumberyard, and asked his troops to cut wood around and build a temporary camp.

Like most lords who are still in the third phase, his territory has developed too slowly, which has led to a deadlock between the territory's army and the wild monsters outside the territory. It is very difficult to further develop the territory's existing resources.

놙You can find another way through expeditions and obtain resources from another world.

Although the Southern Alliance is still struggling to fight against the governor, this group of people has obtained more rare resources than 99% of the lords who have arrived in this world.

Being castrated is castrated, but the Southern Alliance really has its own aerospace ship port and even a small shipbuilding port.

Although recently because the Governor is running away, they have been squeezed even harder than before.

Only the first lord can carve out a piece of his own territory in this extremely fierce environment and build industrial facilities on it.

If a third-time lord like Zhou Quan does not find a high-time lord to be his backer in a popular world, he will have no human rights and can exploit some resources in the poor areas outside the hotspot area.

He tried several times before finally building a temporary wooden camp in this edge area that was easy to defend and difficult to attack, and then planted his own outpost core/flag.

If the weather is good, Zhou Quan can see the large sky islands looming in the distant sky...

The large sky island is the focus of the competition among the lords. It does not mean that the lords will set up camps there. In fact, no one likes a big stone that often falls and kills them and floats on their head.

The sky island casts a shadow on the 'resource area'.

They are interested in the monster corpses that fell from the empty island, which contain rare materials, and they can even obtain a small amount of floating stones from the monster corpses.

What's more important is that the cycle of initiating reverse meteorites has made that area extremely rich in mineral resources, as well as rare resources falling from the sky island.

The bottom of every large sky island belongs to the lord's battlefield. This high-risk area is not suitable as a base, but it is very suitable as a battlefield... No one has the ability to drop an entire large sky island alone. The square 뀘km놅area is completely enclosed.

Zhou Quan originally wanted to try it. He went in once along the gap in the area controlled by the lords.

놙 was the one who participated in the fight, and the lowest one was the lord of the first 눁 period. As soon as he stepped in, he lost a thousand men.

At the end of the third period, the crossbow troops and spear troops were beaten to pieces by giant beasts and spearmen just a few days after entering. Not only were they suppressed by time, but they were also suppressed by resources.

He is of low status and does not have any special troops. Lords can die as many as they enter, so he can serve as cannon fodder and pawns for other lords.

"If I could get out of the Sky Island above...I heard that the people who occupy the Sky Island above are all indigenous people...It's a pity that the system does not allow permission to resurrect on the Sky Island..."

Zhou Quan clicked his tongue. If he was given enough resources and opportunities, he would not be worse than other lords... It was just that he made a mistake when he started.

A flash of red and white appeared in the mountains not far from the camp. Zhou Quan hurriedly mounted the horse in the stable.

Zhou Quan rode a tall horse he bought in the market in front of this group of soldiers wearing silver-white armor and iron bucket helmets.

There are lords who are keen on role-playing. As far as he knows, there are even many such lords.

The system will not mark them to tell which are the lords and which are the local natives.

Moreover, as far as he knows, the natives of the Sky Island World are in the sky... There are all kinds of monsters on the ground that are not even known.

"Hey, which lord's team are you from!"

The visitor is not friendly.

He can feel the cold eyes from the pupils of these soldiers. The cold eyes will not be relaxed until they confirm that Zhou Quan is a human.

The vanguard of the Holy Land did not answer. They knew that the legion behind them would give an answer to this unknown roadblocker in front of them.

Then Zhou Quan saw.

The landscape in the distance.

White, eroding the green of the earth, like a crack spreading.

The bright red crosses swaying in the wind occupied every hilltop he could see. They sang songs praising the gods in unison and sent their weapons into the hearts of their enemies.

Zhou Quan noticed the smoke rising from farther away. It was the base of another weaker orc lord of the first time. The small camp was extinguished as easily as throwing a gun into the ocean.

The pure white army flowed through the mountains like a tide, and the red and white cross flags moved forward in the army along with the white waves.

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