Clash of Lords: Civilization Game Comes to Reality

Chapter 511 Mechanical Arm and Thermal Cutting Device

"Enlarge the steamer's arm?"

Ji Lin stared at the large mechanical arm fixed on the tower in the distance.

After observing for a long time, he reluctantly confirmed that the internal main structure of the robotic arm was similar to that of the steam engine arm... Maybe his scientific research director's understanding of improvement was slightly different from his own understanding of improvement.

The problem of high control latency is more difficult, which means that the robotic arm can only be limited to a few fixed industries.

Shipyards, maintenance ports, and resource recycling operations.

But compared to other lords who mainly rely on people now, it is already a technology that can be thought of.

Obviously just dismantling part of the structure to enlarge it...

"The control delay is high, and we are trying our best to solve this problem... We are already dismantling and bringing back the mecha remains... The technology inside is relatively backward, and it has some recycling value for us."

It's just that now, our current knowledge has been temporarily sealed, and reverse research technology saves time.

Mo Qi recorded Ji Lin's opinions and wrote down his opinions in his notes.

The corners of Ji Lin's mouth twitched.

After all, he is the strongest unit of others, surpassing 99.999% of the lords. Don't use such an understatement to pass it off.

The Island-Rounding Alliance was just a weak point for Ji Lin. If he was thrown into the Cold Weapon Age and beaten up by other lords, it would be a knife one by one.

"It will take some time to make breakthroughs in neural synchronization technology. Now the Robotic Arm Type I should be enough for industrial use. We have used Earth Vein Cleansing Technology to strengthen the main structure's buffering capacity and structural strength."

The scientific research director continued, explaining to Ji Lin while turning his wrist to control the movement of the distant robotic arm.

There is a link area left on the front of it, and the front end of its arm can be replaced with other equipment like a steam soldier... a hydraulic clamp, or an arc spear.

It seems a bit silly to install combat equipment. The only thing Jilin lacks is fire.

The role played by steam mechanized troops is also mainly focused on resisting the impact of enemy structures, impacting enemy front lines, and maintaining the front line.

However, hydraulic clamps can be installed on it to replace the crane... But I don't know the price. If it is too expensive, it is better to use people.

In many cases, although machinery can provide a higher operating limit, in the final analysis, it is found that it is better to hire two more people.

The required production capacity of a facility is limited, and any excess capacity will be directly wasted.

"The cost is about one and a half times the cost of raw materials to make a steam engine soldier, and the final production cost should be about one and a half times."

A bit high, but subsequent technical optimization will drive down the unit price.

Mo Qi tapped his notes and flipped through the files to check the data.

"Speaking of installable devices, there are some products that you might be interested in...check them out..."

But this is the result of us, not the product of other research groups.

A slender elf with pointed ears hanging down trotted in front of Mo Qi, his movements a little reserved.

"Well, you look familiar."

Ji Lin glanced at the blond elf and had a vague impression.

"Sir! It was the battle mage who helped you dismantle the ruins on the empty ruins island that day... Do you still remember?"

The Elf War Mage maintained a smile on his face, but he almost laughed and cried when talking about this matter.

Damn it, she was dumped by her own lord and thrown to other lords.

As soon as I got off the boat, I directly checked that this person was not there, and I knew where he had gone.

Leave them, a group of battle mages, in the gray reinforced concrete jungle.

Then they realized that their lord seemed to have packaged and sold his group of war mages who represented the highest level of elves...?

Before they had any idea, 늀 was pulled away by other people stationed in 놅.

He was dragged to be assigned a house, he sat with a group of humans to listen to lectures, and he was dragged to the White Tower of Fu to study.

I also ate a seafood dinner that I had never eaten before!

That night, the elves came into contact with the abundant sea fish for the first time in the Ai territory. The elves had a full meal.

"It's you, have you become a researcher?"

Ji Lin nodded and took a look at the clothes he was wearing. It was the silver feather armor that belonged to the battle mages.

Instead, it is more common in the territory to wear blue as the main color and as regular uniforms for researchers.

I didn't expect these elves to be so adaptable.

If the elf in front of her listened to her, she would probably protest vehemently. She was very adaptable but was simply betrayed by the lord!

Live a happy life in 997놅 in advance.

"Well, 놖 is responsible for the thermal cutting machine 놅 project... 늀 is now going to report on the 놅 project!"

The blonde elf lady is a little reserved.

"Thermal cutter?"

Ji Lin looked at this former elf war mage.

"Yes, yes, we use heating and diversion to allow the cutting knife to cut through the target metal material completely without too many residual traces."

She drew a strange prismatic blade from her waist.

"The main inspiration comes from the small cutting knife used when cutting the ruins machinery..."

Ji Lin took it and after briefly inputting energy, the light flowed on the talisman, and the heated blade began to flash brightly.

A light orange stream of light rises.

The air is heated.

Thermal cutting weapons are not that effective on the battlefield...but in the industry...

It can cut a variety of metal materials, and can also use a large cutting machine to directly dismantle large materials.

This is a special technology mastered by the elves, which can briefly heat the weapon to acquire a variety of killing capabilities.

What a mistake.

"Are you working on a large-scale thermal cutting machine?"

Ji Lin thought for a long time and glanced at Mo Qi. He knew why he called this elf from the territory of Ai alone.

The existence of thermal cutting machines is a great help for metal processing and mechanical maintenance.

These devices are installed on robotic arms and can quickly cut through the damaged areas of the aerospace ship's armor plate... at least much faster than humans removing nails.

The same cutting and dismantling method can also be used for structural damage to the aerospace ship. The entire additional armor is cut off to repair the interior. After the repair is completed, a new deck can be installed.

As for dismantling and scrapping armor plates.

Armor plates are valuable, forging presses mass-produce them, and when they get big enough, throw them back and re-smelt them.

꺲Engineer time is valuable.

Dramatically shorten maintenance time.

Very promising project.

"Yes, yes! We have developed an experimental machine that can be installed on a robotic arm!"

The blonde elf war mage girl stood up like a student whose name was called.

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