Chapter 47 New Entrance

(I can't see the author's words offline, and I just found out that the author said it would be uncomfortable to read without the lines. Sorry, I will add the settings to the text without affecting the fluency in the future, um!)

The baron recalled his memory. Their high-spirited pioneer group said they wanted to build their own city-state.

The team of 1,500 people at the start was now less than 1,000 people.

The only astrologer who accompanied the team said with a wry smile on the fifteenth day of the departure.

"The map we got was completely wrong. The terrain and topography were completely inconsistent with what we got from the map. There were monster nests waiting for us on the path above."

He didn't say the latter sentence, but everyone in the team knew this fact.


Their pioneering action this time has been completely declared a failure.

That day he burned all the maps in the team as fuel, and then started to draw maps again. The wrong maps had killed many of them.

Some people deliberately provided them with wrong maps to make them embark on a journey from which they could never return.

Should they turn back? Their way had been blocked by the migrating herd of horned beasts.

The food was almost exhausted, and ten people had fallen ill due to miasma. Just yesterday, they hastily buried a guard.

That was a brave guard who died fighting a giant wolf to protect the team. They only burned his body to prevent wandering wild beasts from digging out his body and eating it, and then buried his ashes.

The baron looked at the group of blacksmiths, carpenters, apprentices and unemployed people behind him. Their faces were numb, and panic would not spread again in these people who had experienced suffering. He found it difficult to imagine that he had led this group of people through the wilderness.

Until they saw a portal that suddenly appeared from the sky, and there was still an endless forest behind the door.

The astrologer did not give up. He caught the breath of the sea breeze from behind the door. As long as they found the ocean and the coast, they would have a chance to survive.

The baron did not refute the astrologer. Whether what he said was true or false, they all needed hope.

He couldn't even imagine how he would survive when he reached the seaside. Burning the wasteland, cutting wood, and farming, could they still do it?

Maybe the gods didn't want them to die, so they opened a door to life for them when they were on the verge of death.

The baron led his pioneer team through the suddenly appeared door.

The world behind the door was rich and harsh, full of extremely dangerous monsters, ghouls, ghouls, and wild beasts, but those monsters had a strong sense of territory, and as long as the team did not approach their territory, they would not be attacked.

They still followed the guidance of the astrologer. He fiddled with his strange, rotating instruments, saying that they could understand the direction of the sea breeze.

After they passed through the portal, they were lucky enough not to lose any more people, except for a few unlucky ones who were also infected with miasma and needed carts to drag them like corpses. They at least had a few horses.

Suddenly he felt the ground shaking, one step, one step.

The meat-eating demon.

The baron looked at the huge figure rushing out of the corner of the forest, with a greasy and wrinkled fat body, much taller than the human body, holding a thick stone stick.

The guards who came along this way were almost all dead, some died and some escaped. He was blessed by the goddess of luck to lead this group of powerless villagers on foot for such a long distance.

If he died, it would be regarded as atonement for his mistakes.

The baron drew his sword to meet the enemy, trying to stab the meat-eating demon in the throat and cut open most of his belly with a strong stroke.

A thunderous muffled sound passed through the air and reached his ears. The head of the flesh-eating demon burst like a smashed watermelon, and turbid liquids were all over him.

The baron looked down and saw that the half-grown spider had rushed to him, and he was in panic in shock.

A sharp whistle sounded, and the hunting spider stopped in front of him. The two giants were less than a meter away from him and turned to run towards their master.

In front of a soldier holding a long-barreled rifle and wearing a gray coarse cotton uniform, the soldier stroked the head of the huge hunting spider that was as high as his knees, took out a piece of white gel from his back and fed it to the hunting spider, which happily lay on the palm-sized gel and ate it.

Then more soldiers appeared from behind the hillside. They were hunting these flesh-eating demons. The flesh-eating demons did not charge at him at all, but just survived under death.

Looking at the soldier with a face similar to his own, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Months of fatigue suddenly came up, and the last thought came to him before he fainted.

They were saved.



A man in coarse cotton clothes recorded his information on snow-white paper, which looked a little funny.


Baron, Wubai said his name.



The man in coarse cotton clothes, which was different from the soldiers, was responsible for recording the identities of these people. After recording, they could go to the bathhouse behind them to take a bath. Each person could get a new set of clothes to replace the worn-out clothes.

The bathhouse can provide up to ten people to bathe together. Ji Lin built a bathhouse to provide nearly two thousand people with bathing in the future.

But that couldn't accommodate nine people bathing at the same time. He just asked Chongshan, Li Xiaolang, and Changheng to go to the bathhouse together, and each of them took a pen and paper to record the identities and occupations of these people. Each piece of paper recorded ten people, and ten people just formed a house. Every time ten people were recorded, they were asked to go to the bathhouse to wash and change new clothes.

As for why other people were not asked to help, it was because there were only a few people in the territory who could read, not to mention the identity record. Some people knew a few words, but they couldn't help with a slightly more complicated word.

The system generally wouldn't send them people with huge cultural differences to harm these lords.

I won't go into details about what would happen to the two waves of people with huge cultural differences.

Although he was very deceiving at times, he didn't deceive to this extent.

"It's not about your position, but about what you can do."

Chongshan tried to keep a distance from the baron covered in filth. He was the leader, so he was lucky to enjoy the benefit of being the first to have his identity recorded. However, given his situation, he should also be the first to have his identity recorded and thrown into the bathhouse.

"You, I can read, and I have worked in territory management."

Wubai said.

Ji Lin can see his identity information, but routine questioning records must be made. It's not that he won't record it just because he can see the information directly.


[Affairs Officer (Level 2)]


Determined Will: When this character serves as a general, morale +4. If suffering has already been inflicted on him, then the road ahead will no longer be fearful.

Contentiousness: Loyalty +10. He is very adaptable to the status quo and will not complain too much about it.

Seeking Knowledge: Experience Gain +10%. Seeking knowledge is the nature of human beings, and he is even more so, hoping that this desire for knowledge will not consume him.

A flash of inspiration: When this creature serves as a research supervisor or an equivalent position, it can provide +3% research speed for all ongoing positions. He always has sudden inspirations to guide the experiments he is conducting.

Chongshan looked at him, and he nodded to Chongshan to indicate that it was okay.

Wubai rushed into the bathhouse.

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