Clash of Lords: Civilization Game Comes to Reality

Chapter 470 Dragon Riders and Dragon Riders

The moist and warm autumn wind swept through the dense forest with lush vegetation, bringing with it a bit of high-altitude cold current.

In the dense wilderness of hills, a red dragon was shaking off the brown mud stained by its wings and the fallen green plants, lowering its head to drink in the gurgling river water.

Even if it is walking on the ground, it can still carry a group of people on its back and run around the dense core of the outpost. From time to time, it will stop under a giant tree and dig out its fully mature roots.

This is a red dragon whose main body is physical strength.

Even when not spreading its wings, it can still maintain its high speed through the forest by relying on its physical strength.

There was still time to stop and dig out some life roots near the giant tree to fill his stomach.

Its actions directly disturbed the monsters that existed in the forest. A giant beast passing through their territory was enough to panic the native creatures of Pangu Island.

Once you get into panic, you will become stressed.

Once stressed, they will start attacking other things.

The dragon hunting team following the red dragon's traces was numb, and every step they took was surrounded by hostile local creatures.

The first one to pass will have nothing to do, but the ground personnel who pass behind will be in serious trouble.

Giant arthropods, extremely aggressive trees, and complex and changeable rainforest terrain.

In this case, the dragon-hunting team had difficulty walking on the ground, and the skyship's speed of 3km/h made it even more difficult for them to chase the 30km/h ground-walking dragon.

The skyship also needs to land on the ground from time to time to replenish resources and water, which is even slower.

Especially when the other party now realizes that they are unable to chase them on the ground...the elf scout troops who were barely able to chase them were unable to fight back in the forest.

That's right, the lord (He Xie) who didn't encounter Ji Lin at the outpost was also assigned to work with Ling Bo to deal with the dragon lord.

His elf scout force, the Round Island Alliance, was exploring the pillars of Sky Island. On the day when the battle at the outpost broke out, he was still consolidating the base of the lords on Pangu Sky Island.

Don't be one of the unlucky ones at the scene.

The second piece of information Lingbo got was that not only were there dragons on the opposite side, but there were also elven troops serving as the dragon's guards.

From the equipment style of the red dragon body and the equipment style of the elves, it is almost certain that their equipment comes from the same system.

Who would choose elves, 놌dragons, two completely non-complementary species? 놆Do you think your development speed is too slow?

After hearing the news, Ling Bo almost spit out blood.

No matter what the future holds, the superimposed troops of 놋Elven놌龙phase꾮 have really become a big trouble in front of him.

Elf guard means that it is difficult for you to send out extremely fast-moving elf scouts, and as for big's better if these big guys don't get bitten to death by other creatures in the dense forest.

Go fight against a young red dragon. Do you think the aerospace ship carries too many big bats?

It was impossible for Lingbo to send his own group of dragons to stop it. After all, a red dragon that measured at least thirty meters in height could be said to be the most developed dragon he had ever seen.

This developed red dragon means that if a dragon under 20 meters under him rushes over, he will only be stifled by the opponent.

He didn't even have a chance to resist and bit him to death.

The difference in size and weight cannot be made up by any amount...

I don’t know what he ate to grow so big. No dragon lord I have ever seen has raised such a well-developed dragon, and the best one under his command, backed by the Alliance around the Island, is only 25 meters tall. Long silver dragon.

‘Savage dragons, you have nothing to worry about. ’

When he asked this question to his silver dragon, the silver dragon stretched out its scales and tail wings and placed its golden pupils on Ling Bo's body.

The layered scales flashed dazzlingly in the sunlight.

‘I am proficient in magic, my wisdom is with me, and my body is just a supplement. ’

I don't know why, but the silver dragon under his command seems to have an unconcealed disgust towards the red dragon.

Ling Bo didn't know why, but he didn't want to delve into it. It was enough that this hostility and disgust allowed his silver dragon to display its full potential in battle.

However, the opponent can combine dragon elves together. There is no reason why the Island-Round Alliance cannot do this with so many resources. Their elven troops are not bad.

Ling Bo touched his chin, as if he had come up with a brilliant idea.

The unknown dragon lord can do this, so if he does this, can he easily chase the opponent and force the opponent to fight on his own?


A dragoon in the true sense of the word.

As for the issue of running-in, he really hasn't thought about it. It only takes a couple of days to get along.

If others can do it, then there is no problem if he does it.

"We can also learn from each other and form a team of elves and dragons. What do you think?"

He looked at the elf lord standing next to him, and He Xie's face showed the same smile as his.

The longhands in He Xie's elf army just lacked a platform that could carry them to the battlefield at high speed.

An alternative kind of cooperation allows the superior forces of both sides to complement each other.

Strong alliance.

Just use the dragon lord on the opposite side to train your troops.

꿯She only has one dragon...but I have countless dragons to attack and harass, and use her as a target to train my own tactics.

When the red dragon is exhausted, it's time for his silver dragon to take action.

A dragoon troop is definitely stronger than a simple dragon.

Bit by bit, he will wear down the red dragon's will and energy...

Thinking that the red dragon is now using its mobility advantage to brush them around, Ling Bo is furious.

Since it doesn't intend to leave and still treats them like dogs, then let them stay on this island forever.

A perfect plan.

Ling Bo looked at the setting sun sinking into the sea of ​​clouds in the distance and exhaled.

When his dragoon troop is formed, he will have a good time with the red dragon.

(Ji Lin, who is rushing with his troops at this time.jpg)

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