Clash of Lords: Civilization Game Comes to Reality

Chapter 465 Tenglin Fishery (with a million-word speech and leave request)

Crab cage.

The unique vines on the island and the steel wire carried by the engineering team are woven into a one-way funnel-shaped square box, and the fruit is placed in the box.

Then it hangs down to the gaps in the lower vines, waiting for herbivorous animals to take the bait.

The lower part of the vine island is composed of a large number of interwoven vines to form a plant network that excludes people. The territory has no intention of exploring these dangerous areas for the time being-they haven't even explored the large sky island they control!

Unlike the active fishing of fishing nets, the fishing method of crab cages is a passive trap.

In this area, the stupid cloud dwellers will rush to the cage when they see food. The outpost only needs to lift the hanging cage after a period of time to harvest some edible small animals.

Then throw their remains into the crab pots and continue fishing.

Perfect cycle.

Going deep into the vine forest to hunt is still dangerous without resurrection... No one can tell whether there will be any big guys jumping out of the dense forest vines.

The first batch of engineering teams in the territory did not carry spider scouts, so the exploration work was not easy to carry out. The death of a spider is quite different from the death of a person - the essence of exploration is to use resources to fill the gaps.

So they built a large number of temporary crab pot fishing platforms and put them deep in the vine forest to provide sufficient food supplies for the troops to complete the mission.

‘Crab Cage Fishing Platform’

‘A medium-sized trap made of steel wire and vines, which can be placed by the operator into the cracks between the vines to obtain food from the deep vines... Sometimes when you lift it up, you will find that there is nothing at the end, don’t be too worried. ’

‘You can always get some food from the deep vines? Right? ’

The food output is quite good, which is more than enough to maintain more than 100 permanent staff at the outpost, and not many people are needed to operate the fishing platform.

Just find a bottomless crack in the vine island to start producing food.

Every time you work, you will hang a crab cage in the nearby cracks, and collect the crab cage after walking around.

In theory, this method can also be popularized in other sky islands. The fishing cage method is safer and more stable than hunting by yourself to get food from the vines at the bottom of the sea of ​​clouds.

Only the agricultural area built on the large sky island in Jilin has been harvested for two seasons, and the orchards continue to produce fresh fruits and vegetables, which is a more stable source of food than the crab cage fishing platform.

The two leaders watched the soldiers turn the rope rod, lift the crab cages in the deep, and then open them one by one to pick out the edible things inside.

The inedible ones were thrown back into the crack with a knife to attract more animals to gather at the bottom of the crack-of course, the crack is a light area, and the number of animals gathered below it is not small.

The tree man next to him moved his body to help the soldiers retrieve the long rope hanging down, and extended the vines to roll up small animals that can be eaten or not eaten.

Li Yan temporarily deployed his outpost core on the vine island, and briefly opened the portal so that he could mobilize some tree people to arrive at the vine island.

He could also use the power of the system to quickly build buildings belonging to the territory.

For example, using the power of the system to build a temporary tree man wooden house, this thing has many advantages over ordinary houses, such as this tree house with a base height of 1-10 meters... and it can also restore blood and has its own mosquito repellent effect.

After planting plants that can identify the enemy, it can also hit people.

Just deploy the outpost core to directly deploy the blueprint you have.

Ji Lin couldn't risk losing the outpost core and deploy it everywhere with the outpost core, and the outpost core that maintains the transportation of materials between the sky island world and the territory would directly and indirectly lose hundreds of gold even if it was closed for an hour.

Two tree people have arrived at this vine island through the portal, and planted their roots directly on the giant vine, directly extracting nutrients stored in the vine's nutrient pipes.

Then deploy Li Yan's special building: 'Branch Beehive'

'Cannot lay eggs, but can provide a safe living environment for the bee colony. '

'Can store food and produce honey. '

'Provide 200 worker bee cabins, which can automatically expand as the number of bee colonies increases. '

The eggs here are enough to hatch 100 worker bees.

It is not cost-effective to hatch worker bees in the territory and then transport them here. It is better to use the materials that the vine island already has to cultivate worker bees that adapt to the environment of the vine island.

The larvae transported here only need one month to complete the metamorphosis if there is enough material, grow into young worker bees that can start working, and slowly grow into adult worker bees over time.

The worker bees will fly to the vine forest at a height that humans cannot reach to get food, and when they encounter threats, they will also use their sharp teeth... The combat power of this little thing is actually about the same as that of a human holding a shovel.

It may not be able to beat a human holding a shovel.

But they grow fast and can be used as flying laborers to work in the territory.

After putting down two tree people and a branch beehive the same size as a small comprehensive port, Li Yan nodded with satisfaction as he watched the bee colony gradually adapt to the new environment and slowly fly out.

The existence of branch hives and treemen improves the defense and self-sustaining capabilities of this outpost by more than one level.

As long as the treemen don't encounter any troublesome things, they have quite strong support and defense capabilities in the middle stage.

In this way, I still have a lot of tricks.

(Fang Ai is eating fruit on an island.jpg)

The following is a comment on the one million words:

The Civilization Construction Guide has been serialized for one million words (the best book title in the system, this book even has one name, and may even have two names soon, so it is normal that your names are different).

Let's celebrate the one million words first, yay!

In any case, this is the author's first novel, the first novel that successfully made money! The previous ones are all black history!

Let's just write a comment on the one million words, which is more or less a staged success, just like filling the content like a leave application.

As for how long this book can be updated... I don't know, but the current outline says that it is not a problem to write two million words (maybe?).

There are so many holes to fill in, and there are so many intermittent plots. Because of the novel, many things going on at the same time must be written separately.

Ah, anyway, I can write for a long time.

Also, I have a cold, so I will take a day off on Monday.

You can all see that I will definitely not take a day off on Monday! So I will take a day off on Monday (hands on hips).

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