If the monster infantry can still use their bodies to slightly block the progress of the flesh turbine, then the obstacles caused by ordinary foot infantry to it will not be much higher than the barbed wire.

Whether it is ratmen or orcs, humans or elves, the difference in population cannot erase the original fear of creatures.

When all your attacks have no effect on the enemy.

The collapse of morale is inevitable.

The flesh turbine strode forward in a straight line, pointing directly at the bombardment artillery group behind the front line. The artillery group did not hesitate to project enough mass and heat to these monsters in the center of the front line.

Even though the number of friendly troops killed by the artillery group itself has a tendency to exceed the flesh turbine.

Occasionally deal with those small things that hit themselves madly... Because the recovery speed of small units is much faster than that of large units, they cannot obtain too much biomass from these line-filling consumables.

Most of the line-filling troops they killed were those who were corroded by the heavy metal poisonous mist and could not help but commit suicide.

However, those line-filling troops that blocked its path would be ruthlessly crushed, and the extended flesh and blood tentacles quickly absorbed the thrown biomass to repair their bodies and complete their growth.

Those heavy heavy machinery, the boiling energy they nurtured attracted them.

Since the birth of life, they have been thirsting for energy.

The elemental energy stored in those long-range heavy attack units is as bright as a star in the perception of the flesh and blood turbine. Their hearts drive them to the direction of energy enrichment, which is better than letting them deal with the breathing biomass around them.


new light spots appeared in their vision.


‘Arcane Mecha Construct’

‘The advanced construct equipped with the rune core coordination device, the expensive cost in exchange for its crew characteristics, has sufficient firepower and protection capabilities. ’

‘Assistance Core: This core is adjusted to assist the driver in control. With the help of many runes and magic technologies, the control reaction delay can be reduced to 0.5 seconds. ’

‘Action reaction speed is increased by 80%. ’

‘Control Mecha: Each Arcane Mecha construct will be assigned a driver. The ability of the mecha is limited by the ability of the driver and will also be amplified by the driver's ability... But it is faster, more sensitive, and smarter than ordinary constructs. ’

‘Requires a driver, all attributes increased by 25%’

‘Arcane Structure: This mecha has a set of built-in long-range attack weapons dedicated to it, which can release miniaturized high-temperature magic fireballs, and at the same time make its melee attacks carry corresponding fire element damage. ’

‘Ion Fireball, 120 range, 300 weapon power. Melee attacks increase elemental damage by an additional 20%. '

'Precision, efficiency, perfection, let the Arcane Mechs clear all obstacles for you...if you don't cry because of its cost. '


Zhang Ao watched the six-meter-class controllable arcane mechs carrying drivers walk to the front line. Their heavy steps left deep marks on the ground, and the silver-white armor reflected the brilliance in the sunlight.

Six-meter, two-story-high mechs moved along the ground, like a silver-white army formation lined up in the artillery group.

Each driver was carefully selected from the army and was an excellent driver with both magic and warrior talents. Only with magic ability can they control heavy armor with ease, and only with warrior ability can they be invincible in the battle on the front line.

Ordinary constructs, even quite cruel wetware constructs, are not opponents of this unit.

Human intelligence is not as good as specially trained fighter pilots. Those machines that rely on programming to fight will be defeated by fighter pilots at a very fast speed... The delay of a few seconds when the constructs are fighting will become a fatal lifeline.

It is precisely with this special force obtained from the A-level mission world that he can become the leader of the Island Alliance.

There is also a top pilot brought from the A-level mission world.

Then, with the resources obtained from the Island Alliance, this special construct force is mass-produced. After this force is built, it does not need to be iterated, and it can be modified until the end of the sixth era.

Because of the reaction speed and the high requirements for the operator, the normal construct force will generally be directly installed with the rune core as a substitute. (A certain dean who collapsed after walking two steps with a steam machine soldier.)

The ability to carry people makes it jump into the forefront of excellent constructs, and it is simple and strong.

Zhang Ao took a deep breath, looked at Audrey standing beside him driving the mecha construct, and then set his eyes on the flesh turbine that was charging and approaching while spewing scarlet smoke.

Those monsters are indeed quite terrifying. If they hadn't encountered their main force, they would probably have suffered heavy losses here today.

He raised his head and looked at the fleet floating in the distance.

His A-level troops have arrived, and it's time to stop the wanton charge of these monsters, and your offensive will end here.


"Oh... Is that your special force... Interesting."

Ji Lin looked at the bipedal heavy constructs walking from the artillery line in the distance. Their design style is very different from the surrounding troops.

Under the silver-white heavy armor are limbs that use a large number of floating stones as support structures. The humanoid body makes it look more majestic and powerful as a human. The stream of light that flashes from the surface of the structure from time to time proves that these walking armors are not just for show.

Compared with ordinary structures, they have another biggest difference...

Carrying people.

Those humanoid bipedal and quadrupedal structures are manned. Under the silver-white heavy armor engraved with azure lines, a driver controls the driving and transforms the rune core into an auxiliary core to assist in combat.

Or? A mecha in the fifth era?

Sixty disposable flesh turbines can force the opponent's hardened troops to come, which makes me quite satisfied. At this point, the established goal of making the flesh turbine cause certain damage to the enemy has been completed.

This wave of attacks is enough to paralyze the opponent for a month, or even longer.

Then, let's see how long these blood turbines can move forward.

He waved his hand gently and issued the order to the ten escort airships attached... They still brought a little bit of weapons.

"Let the snipers get ready..."

The fleet opened the hatch, and a long-range 20mm anti-armor rifle was placed on the firing hole opened in the bulkhead, and the telescope made in the territory was used to complete the calibration and aiming work before firing.

The manufacturing requirements of the barrel of a barreled artillery are much higher than that of the gun barrel. The chamber pressure it needs to withstand and the demand for materials cannot tolerate any carelessness. The larger the caliber of the weapon, the more stringent the requirements for parts processing will be.

Even a little aftermath when firing is enough to directly break the parts that are not hard enough.

Ji Lin does not have enough qualified advanced long-range artillery. The technology of barreled artillery requires the establishment of a barrel factory and production line, and the employment of qualified and trained technicians.

We can no longer mix production lines. We can only use infantry and auxiliary weapons production lines to produce artillery.

So we chose short-term infantry weapons to replace expensive high-tech artillery positions, and the ship-borne artillery was replaced with lighter, more ammunition-rich, and longer-range 80mm mortars (900 meters) and reloaded rockets (600 meters).

But the range of these weapons is not as long as the anti-armor rifle that relies on inertial kinetic energy to cause enough damage at a distance of one kilometer.

If this weapon can still be called a rifle... Even soldiers with purified blood need a shock-absorbing frame connected to the inside of the airship before they dare to pull the trigger.

I am not here to do charity. These controllable mechas that look expensive must be expensive to build.

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