Chapter 451 Final Preparation

Countdown to regional resource integration is 1 day.

‘Please note that the connection point has been confirmed. The regional resource integration this time is 3-unit fragment area. ’

‘Integrate the two areas, and add some broken and unused sky islands. Reuse some regional resources to a total of 3-unit fragment areas. The ground area begins to deploy lords. ’

‘And use the remaining part of the sky island world fragments. ’

‘If you choose a ground lord, please note that the system will not guarantee your choice and the air threats you may encounter. ’

‘The wide-area suppression of all creature groups has been lifted, and the creature groups will be more active and prosperous. Please note that you will face higher pressure from primitive creatures. ’

‘Lords, please prepare for confrontation while building your own defense line and consolidating your own control area. ’

‘This broadcast is over. ’

‘I wish you all good luck in martial arts. ’


Countdown to regional resource integration 0 days, 1 day after regional resource integration.

The sky fell, and then rose again.

Everyone realized what had happened in the world they were in. The clouds rolled in the field of vision, and they could vaguely see that the position that should have been in the sky was suddenly covered by visible clouds.

The Fourth Era Forum fell into a brief frenzy after the countdown, or was worried about the future.

The broken balance is being reestablished, but no matter what... the territory still provides them with the final guarantee.

Then, every lord felt that the sky island where he was was shaking slightly, and the sky island was adjusting its calibration position to make the height deviation of all the sky islands return to the horizontal line.

That is the stable height that the natural floating stone vein can support.

Li Yan watched the system pop up a message in front of him.

‘A rough map of the new airspace has been sent for reference, please check it. ’

The airspace where the Ring Island Alliance is located is like the sun and the moon.

The super-large Pangu Sky Island in the middle occupies 90% of the mass of the airspace, and the extra 10% of the mass forms fragmented small and medium-sized sky islands that wrap around and protect Pangu Sky Island like a crescent moon.

The main base of the Ring Island Alliance is in the center of the crescent moon, the most densely populated area of ​​floating islands.

This makes all attacks on their main base either come all the way from the sky island jump point, or directly pass through the huge and amazing Pangu Sky Island. The latter is almost impossible for the current lords.

Vice versa, if the entrances of the two channels are blocked, it will be difficult for them to expand without the help of jump points.

The airspace opposite them is a discrete archipelago composed of three large and distant sky islands, and the distance between the two airspaces is 300 to 400 kilometers.

The leader of the Ring Island Alliance breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the map sent by the system.

This means that his decision to build a sky ship was correct.

However, the technical level of this technology is relatively low. The lords of the third era can only contribute to the alliance and join them to build a large number of ships.

The lords of the fourth era are only responsible for adding floating stone engines to complete the final installation.

Sky ships are mobile and solid platforms.

Its sufficient transport compartments can ensure the safe navigation of members for a thousand kilometers and carry enough food to sustain the voyage for up to a month.

The real big ships are already in place.

An administrator of the island alliance came running over and whispered to the leader.

A dragon lord sank three of their light carriers while escaping in the area they controlled... The light carrier airships could not catch up with the dragon's speed.

Forget it, it's just a dragon lord. There are always many people who fish in troubled waters when the regional resource integration is over.

There is a dragon lord in their alliance.

It's harmless.

He looked at the ground that had been filled in not far away. This was the foundation of the building that the orcs had cleared for the outpost.

Not very smart, eating a lot of different things, and being very capable, the orcs were quite popular.

The ratmen and orcs are responsible for the most basic building construction work, paving the way for the lords who are about to arrive, while the human work is to command these guys with little intelligence to work.

The leader of the Ring Island Alliance is very satisfied. Now the construction work is to prepare for their future construction - the system's building projection ability is limited, and rapid construction still needs to rely on their own troops.

The elite elf guards holding spears and arrows are roaming in the forest, nailing some amazingly long ants and beetles to the ground with spears, and shooting down the swarms of bees in the air with bows and arrows.

Their arrival means that the original creatures on the island have suffered a catastrophic disaster, and there should be no hostile life in the safe zone.

"Hey, we've set up defenses, let your treeman get ready."

Li Yan stood up and ran in the direction of the island alliance manager.

"Here we come!"

He looked away from the chat box and watched Ji Lin give him a very simple reply.

'The troops have been dispatched, please pay attention to your own safety and be ready to evacuate at any time. It is expected to arrive at the island in 24-48 hours. '

Unexpectedly, the system did not prohibit the lords from using the personal chat system to communicate on the sky island, which means that both sides have extremely fast information flow speed.

They are all adapted to this lord-specific combat form.


Regional resource integration day 1, early morning.


After the regional resources are integrated, each force needs some time to deploy itself and confirm the enemy's situation and position.

After the integration is completed, the floating island world.

A cruise fleet that has been on standby in the air is using its faster moving speed to move into the high-altitude clouds at a speed of 12km/h.

This is a high-level cloud layer above the waterline of the sky island. Although the high-altitude clouds can provide sufficient concealment and shielding capabilities, they also require higher-power floating stone engines.

They are waiting for the regional resources to be integrated and for a certain attack direction.

The method of confirming the direction is very simple.

Star map.

Determine your position through the position of the stars and constantly adjust your coordinates.

This is a skill that humans rely on in the Age of Discovery.

The moment they got the coordinate star map, they started to calculate their own data, and after confirming the relative heading, they started at the edge of the airspace.

These air transport ships abandoned a large number of members and material loads, and instead handed over all the carrying weight to the iron and wooden boxes hanging at the bottom.

Each air transport ship's five pods have been replaced with this iron and wooden box, and twelve air transport ships are sailing in the fog with sixty such disposable transport containers.

Lightweight thirty-meter-class airships are faster and more flexible.

Transport ships and cruise ships form a task force of twenty-four airships to push the power to the maximum.

Move forward along the established heading.

Speed ​​is the essence of war.

While getting enough long-range endurance, they can bring some "surprises" to their enemies with empty carrying mass.

From another world... a little malice.

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