Clash of Lords: Civilization Game Comes to Reality

Chapter 443: Tree Lord Planting/Cultivation Guide

Countdown to regional resource integration in 50 days.

What is needed for planting

It needs sunlight, land and water.

The snow on the veins gathers into a river, passing through the settlement of the tree people. The cold river water enters the roots of the tree people with the clarity and chill of the melted snow.

Do the tree people have the same... sense of taste as humans?

Can that thing be called taste?

They will tell me what kind of river water tastes good, and they will also discuss the difference between rainwater and river water.

In short, Li Yan doesn't want to think in sync with them anymore.

These seven-meter-tall guys and I don't perceive the world at the same latitude... I, the lord, may not even be as big as their palms.

These two thousand tree people gathered in the valley under this vein, using their roots to continuously make this land more fertile.

Ordinary plants were removed and replaced with new plants that could bring more benefits to the territory.

Plants that become more suitable for their survival.

The biggest difference between this valley and when he first arrived is that the average height of the trees has risen by 15 meters.

Li Yan waved at the nearest tree man, and the tree man slightly waved his branches to return the favor.

A tree man can manage a five-acre forest garden, and a big tree man can take care of a fifteen-acre forest garden... responsible for watering the plants and using the roots to directly supply nutrients to the trees.

Li Yan focused his eyes on the tall tree in front of him. The main source of income for this territory, the 'Sencypress Tree', has grown more than 10 meters tall.

'Sencypress Tree'

'Length: 74%'

'High-quality wood: The quality of the wood produced has improved, and the yield has increased. '

'Food for bee colonies: There is a bee colony taking care of the sencypress tree, which can provide them with pollen and food. The bee colony will secrete a special liquid to improve the sencypress tree. The quality of wood is improved by 10%, the growth speed is increased by 10%, the fruiting rate is increased by 20%, and a certain number of bee colonies are provided with food supply. ’

‘Tree colony protection: The park is under the charge of a tree man, and the careful care of the tree man will make them grow quickly. The growth speed of forest cypress trees is +40%. ’

‘Forest of Elves: Elemental elves are active in this forest, which significantly improves the activity of forest elemental energy. The growth speed of forest cypress trees is +15%, the fruiting rate is +10%, and the pollination speed is +400%’

‘Cypress trees that grow in an environment with abundant elements have tougher wood and faster growth speed than other cypress trees. ’

And forest cypress trees can bloom and bear fruit.

The fruit is not delicious and the shell is hard. Li Yan chose to give up after trying it twice.

The taste is far inferior to the various fruits and vegetables specially cultivated by the tree people.

This not-so-delicious cypress tree species is the main food for the bee colonies that have evolved with the tree people. These oil-rich fruits can provide heat for the bee colonies...

In fact, more pollination work is done by the elves, and Li Yan has seen them secrete a kind of mucus that falls on the cypress wood to increase its own fruiting rate.

The cypress wood that has been exposed to the mucus will bloom more flowers and produce more fruits, and for some reason the wood will also become better.

The tree people have also used this secretion, and they said that they felt nothing but a little warm.

But the system panel doesn't say so.

'Caregiver' worker bee secretion'

'This unit gains a one-time permanent enhancement, and the effect decreases gradually. '

'Armor strength +5, structure value +5%, movement speed +5%, casting ability +5%. '

'After using the worker bee secretion, the tree man recovers 0.5% of his health every minute. ’

‘A precious and rare bee colony secretion that can enhance the characteristics of plants... Using too much may make plants puffy. ’

“Have you harvested anything from the recent beehive?”

Li Yan looked at the tree man standing next to him and began to rub his hands.

The system gave him bees, and worker bees can produce honey.

Each large area of ​​cypress trees has a beehive, and the worker bees rest in the beehives during the day and make honey in their beehives.

And their pollen is used to make honey.

Of course, these bees are too big...naturally, they can't fly around holding pollen like little bees, so they use a collection method that is quite suitable for animals.


Li Yan had seen them regurgitate plant pollen and liquid once, with crushed petals and pollen and liquid flowing from their claws...Honey is delicious, so just pretend you didn't see it.

The delicious beeswax is also made up of their secretions.


'Shared bee colony: This bee colony shares with the tree people, and they will pick some flowers and fruits from the tree people to increase and improve the taste of their own honey. '

'Honey production increased by 10%, honey texture increased by 20%, and honey of different flavors can be customized according to needs. '

'Elf Blessing: Elemental elves will occasionally visit the hive to make some improvements to these exquisite and pure liquids and inject elemental energy. '

'Honey texture increased by 20%, and after use, a small amount of life value is restored, and a small amount of energy is restored. '

'If you want to gain weight, then it is your first choice for food additives... But it is really delicious. If you want to change the taste, remember to let the tree people bloom different flowers. ’

On the contrary, buyers cannot see the production scenes of these products...

It tastes so good that he considers making honey a special product of the territory... After all, no one can have too much of honey.

That’s high-quality sugar!

Walking in front of the five-meter-high giant beehive, a worker bee that had just finished collecting cypress pollen floated out and flew in front of Li Yan.

He looked at the lord in front of him with his compound lens eyes.

‘worker bee’

‘Shared bee swarm: The bee swarm is cooperating with the tree people, and its work efficiency is improved. '

'Work efficiency +10%, attributes increased by 20%, survival rate increased by 40%'

‘Hive builder: Worker bees can use secretions to build special buildings belonging to the colony. This feature can be used to build battlefield buildings. ’

‘Currently, it is possible to build a beehive (with habitable soldiers and worker bees), and sow seeds (the tree people create plant seeds, and the bee swarm is placed at the target location)’

‘Swarm efficiency: The work efficiency/combat efficiency of worker bees increases with the increase in the number of bees, up to 누30%. It can be used in collaborative operations with other races, but the efficiency is attenuated. ’

‘Worker bees can transform into soldier peaks through 괗 mutations, but soldier peaks cannot be transformed into worker bees. ’

‘Such a cute little thing, please treat it well. ’

Li Yan touched the worker bee that lowered its head to itself. The fluff on its body felt like animal fur.

Very soft.

I don't know why, neither the worker bees nor the soldiers regard him as an enemy, and they even want to get closer to him than the tree people.

He was so embarrassed that he went to steal the queen bee's eggs and eat them.

The newly hatched bee pupae are really delicious. Each one is as long as a forearm, like a lobster without a shell.

Sprinkle a little seasoning on it and bake it for 꺘늁 on the fire.

놙 can be described as delicious.

But beekeeping is not considered animal husbandry at all.

Li Yan fell into thinking.

When the worker bee flew out of the hive again, there was a light yellow hexagonal block on the two small jointed limbs.

It cut off a fist-sized piece of beehive filled with honey and placed it in Li Yan's hand, and thoughtfully sealed both ends of the beehive with secretions.

All are edible.

He hugged the bee grid and waved to the worker bee, letting it continue its own collection work.

Li Yan did not let the queen bee he owned produce soldiers, but instead tried his best to hatch worker bees to meet the planting needs of the territory.

If he could develop the tens of thousands of acres of forest land in his current territory into a bee farm... he could become rich just by selling honey.

He stretched out his hand to poke through the beeswax that was not too thick on the surface of the beehive, and smelled the unique plant fragrance of the honey.

If necessary, he can ask the queen to start producing troops at any time, providing the territory with a fast-moving air force.

They make up for the treants' slow movement by being fast and deadly.

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