Clash of Lords: Civilization Game Comes to Reality

Chapter 439 Ears and Melee Engineering Weapons

Countdown to regional resource integration is 75 days.

"Can I touch your ears?"

Miss Elf blinked and blocked a bastard.

That bastard with white ears! A particularly rare species.

"Ah? Hey! That... is too good..."

The bastard she targeted took a step back and covered his ears with his hands.

Just like the elves would let other bastards touch their ears casually, the ears and tails of bastards are very sensitive parts

Miss Elf may go to some suitable places to find bastards who sell their bodies... Of course, there are no bastards within the control range of the leader...

And the bastards accepted by the leader are all those with their own technical capabilities, and even those with a higher level of knowledge.

In short.

The literacy rate is 90%.

It is known that after Ji Lin's long efforts, the literacy rate in the territory has stabilized at 30%, and most of the information transmission still needs to rely on word of mouth.

Because the population is growing too fast, there are not enough teachers in the territory, and every time the literacy rate increases, it is suppressed by a new batch of immigrants.

The literacy rate here refers to the ability to read and write to the level of communication ability, and even to be able to understand the words written on the notice board.

The people who can understand the words on the notice board and newspaper are considered literate in the territory.

After the literacy rate is improved, books can play their own role among the people in the territory... The probability of technical talents being born among the people who can read is too low.

Let's get back to the topic.

"Well, I can touch your ears, but I can touch your...tail!"

The Elf lady's eyes were on the girl in front of her. The tail that was swinging at the back of her clothes attracted her attention.

Wolf, dog...or fox?

No matter, they are all canines.

"In exchange, I will give you a lot of money."

Perhaps the Elf lady's appearance finally touched the girl. She hesitated and closed her eyes, letting go of her hands to reveal her trembling ears.

"I'll touch you..."


Looking at the students walking in the temporary trade market in the distance, they haven't started school yet, and everything on this large sky island is new to them.

"Why, do you want to go to school too?"

The person in charge of the sky island stretched and looked at the Minister of Trade, Jiang Liu, who was holding a piece of grass beside him.

Of course, the Minister of Trade is actually responsible for evaluating and selecting point-to-point transport captains... He also has three transport ships under his command to transport between Sky Island No. 1 and Sky Island No. 3.

Going back and forth between the Asian settlement and the Sky Island base of the territory.

Each takes what he needs.

"I'm thinking about how to maximize the benefits of the next batch of freight materials."

Jiang Liu was responsible for the Sky Island, stood up from the principal, and looked away from the children.

The territory can exchange the rare minerals, plants, and some maps they collected with cheap food and wine.

As well as the rune items that are common to Asians, Ji Lin found that placing orders with craftsmen in the Sky Island world is 50% cheaper than placing orders with the Holy City, and the defective rate is also acceptable.

The territory has drawn out so many rune craftsmen, and can only rely on external forces to improve the living environment.

However, the refined steel cold weapons produced recently have also gained some reputation among the Asian settlements, and there are also some healing medicines produced by the territory.

"The sales of distilled liquor are good, I plan to apply for more alcohol... Is there anything needed at the Sky Island Outpost Base?"

Alcohol has its own sales at all times, whether as an anesthetic or disinfectant, or even as a raw material for manufacturing.

More perfect, alcohol is a consumable.

This means it will always be in demand.

"Oh, the heavy hammer of Rune Culture is good, please help us purchase a batch more."

No floating stones were added, only the overall structure of the hammer was treated with runes to strengthen it, and a pure metal engineering hammer was obtained.

Only some military equipment orders, no special technical requirements.

The schoolmaster clenched it, as if holding the engineering tools in his hand.

The engineering hammer is much more useful than the short sword or long sword. It can easily smash some solid objects that block the way. The creatures on the sky island will be smashed to blood and bones.

It can easily break bones, or smash something completely.

The sharpened engineer shovel can quickly remove plants that block the way when clearing the way, and can also send away some creatures that jump out. It can be used to cut the corpse of the monster when necessary.

The wielding engineer shovel is more like a medium axe. No matter it is hit by the sharp side or the blunt side, it is good.

They have a certain degree of versatility, high reliability, and low cost.

They can also have good melee ability.

Even if these two things are left in a corner to rust, they can still be used to smash or break the heads of demons or other things with one hammer when they are needed.

Of course, they have large-caliber rifles, so they don't need to take risks to fight monsters with heavy blunt weapons.

As for where the fighting skills of the engineering hammer and the engineer shovel came from... they all came from the Crusaders.

Those big guys who like to use heavy weapons are not stingy about passing on their combat skills to these soldiers... They are bored staying in the army, and teaching combat skills is the only job they can find interesting.

"Ha, Lao Jiang, you really should go to the exploration team to lead the team for two days... Try out the equipment you brought back."

The captain took a small thing like a grape from his pocket and threw it into his mouth, feeling the sweetness spread.

He swung it in vain, and even if there was no weapon in his hand, he could feel the force and heaviness of his swing.

It was as if a corrupted wasp was smashed and exploded under the heavy hammer right in front of him.

"Maybe you can still find the feeling of waving a spear before, ha!"

Jiang Liu shook his head. They used to form a spear formation, and the spear was waving automatically without the bonus of blood purification.

Chang Heng led the centurion to swing with difficulty.

When there was no work task, they would sit here, watching the sea of ​​clouds rolling and watching the cloud-dwelling creatures rise and fall.

That was their daily life.

After picking up weapons and putting on armor, they were soldiers.

After putting down weapons and taking off armor, they were just a group of young people in their teens and thirties.

Xiao Xiao and Jiang Liu were the first to follow Chang Heng to this world, so how could they be considered... veterans?

And the system would make them too old, unlike soldiers and technicians, the decline of physical fitness would prevent them from successfully performing their own combat missions.

They served the leader and the goal of advancement in their golden time.

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