Clash of Lords: Civilization Game Comes to Reality

Chapter 427: Misty Yu Hua (Instance Settlement)

‘Data entry file completed’

Ji Lin stepped into the void platform, and the light curtain flickered and opened in front of him again.

It was still the same mission platform as always. He was the only one standing here, waiting for the system to make the final settlement of his mission.

‘This intervention in the world is over. ’

‘Intervention: Sunset and Rising Sun’

'Task evaluation: X'

There is no unit settlement, no building settlement, what is replaced is the support permission.

‘Your support permission has been increased to 3/3, please use it in time. ’

‘You can use this permission to add permanent basic resources to your territory. You can use this permission to increase supply bandwidth in the war zone. The support permission will be restored every exercise cycle. ’

‘Complete calculation. ’

Ji Lin looked at the rotating screen. After the system's rating was completed, it was time to reward him.

I did a good job this time, so it should give me something good.

‘Central Intellectual Intelligence Core’


‘꺲The operational ability is equal to the intellectual core of a level 4 heroic unit, with 95% growth potential. ’

‘You need to think about the circuit to design, and the computing power is related to the carrier. ’

‘Although there is no gift, part of 놖 is here... But according to your human power, is part of 놖 actually 놖... or is it the heir of 놖? ’

With 95% growth potential, the growth potential of this intellectual core is actually close to that of a normal hero.

Gestalt-type intelligent cores generally only have 60% of the growth potential of humans, but in exchange for growth, they can directly expand and improve their computing power as time goes by.

Due to the limitations of the human body, no matter how powerful it is, there is no way to compete with the processing power of a supercomputer matrix covering an area of ​​hundreds or even thousands of square meters.

95% growth level four hero unit, rounding it off is that he finally brought back a hero unit.

Ji Lin smacked his lips.

This time, the system is finally willing to bring him a unit to assist in the territory's operations. The territory's future government operations will have a very strong backing.

An intellectual computer that can think should not have to worry about the government affairs of the territory for a long time.

‘Special item detected, special annex to the Town Hall has been unlocked. ’

‘Town Hall—the auxiliary rune mechanical computer array has been unlocked, and this annex will be upgraded over time. ’

‘It can be equipped with a central intellectual intelligence core, improve information processing capabilities, and improve administrative efficiency by 100%. ’

Ji Lin nodded with satisfaction. The system still had some conscience, and the attached blueprint and items were given to him.

He stretched out his hand to select one of his three choices, but found that the system did not close the interface, and new items were revealed after he confirmed it.

Any more?

This time it was actually a double item.

'Knight's Dull Sword'


‘It’s just an ordinary long sword, but if you like it, can I give it to you? This is the only thing that a friend can give you. ’

‘The holder gets a 33% physical bonus. ’

‘Ability: Glory and 놖’

‘An ordinary human unit will immediately receive a 300% physical fitness bonus and a 300% special ability bonus based on the current basis. At the same time, the unit will be promoted to the only special unit. ’

‘This effect can only be applied to ordinary human units, and only one can exist at the same time. ’

‘3 days cooling time. ’

Ji Lin took a deep breath. This effect was simple and powerful, 300% bonus, 3 times.

With a 3-day cooldown, does that mean that he can create this kind of superman without limit and lead a team to penetrate the opponent's front? And the systematic resurrection means that he has no losses.

Three times the number of ordinary soldiers should be able to dismantle a steam spider with cold weapons.

땤 provides the holder with a 33% physical bonus, regardless of race or unit. Even he himself can use it.

‘You can choose to take away the dangerous technology of this world: flesh and blood-rune automaton technology. ’

The system showed the new information to Ji Lin, allowing him to see the information in front of him. The system did not withhold his dangerous skills.

But with dangerous technology, it will not be provided directly to Ji Lin.

‘Of course, 놖껩 can treat this technology harmlessly to a certain extent like Ley Lines. ’

Harmless disposal is the solution provided to him by the system, providing him with the same dangerous technology in a controllable way.

‘Echoes of the Fog Bell: Obtain an enhanced building [꺲Industry Clock] that increases with time. All completed rune cores can be sent here to improve their thinking ability and can produce uncontrolled flesh and blood turbine troops. ’

‘+20%꺲Engineering research and development speed, +20% Runicology research and development speed. ’

‘The performance of all structures is increased by 10%, and the dodge is increased by 10%. Special flesh-engine troops can be obtained through subsequent projects, and these flesh-engine troops can be improved through technology. ’

'These things can attack any target on the map at any time if you need to...'

‘Endowed with vitality: Obtain an enhanced building [Transformation Center] that increases over time. You can mass-produce transformed flesh-and-blood mechanical soldiers and unlock mixed commandos. ’

‘+20% biological research and development speed, +20% soldier weapon research and development speed. ’

‘The transformed flesh and blood mechanical soldiers have extremely strong combat power, strong environmental adaptability and negative resistance, but they will suffer intellectual loss and cannot be restored. The negative effects of soldiers can be improved through subsequent projects. ’

‘Transformer troops, obey your orders. ’

‘Iron Gray Sky Curtain: Get the enhanced building [Gray Sky Curtain] that improves over time, and can revive the dead life and transform it into a controlled flesh and blood mechanical unit in a certain area. ’

‘You can deploy the offensive sub-node [Fog Tower], which has the same transformation ability of resurrecting corpses, and can use special beacons to guide troops to attack the target location. And unlock the battlefield support ability, immediately select a battlefield area, and transform all the corpses in it into flesh and blood mechanical units. ’

‘You can enhance the transformed flesh and blood mechanical units through technical research and development, and give them new weapons. Please note that they will attack other units around them indiscriminately anyway. ’

‘+20% material research and development speed, +20% biological research and development speed. '

'They will become an insurmountable barrier. '

Although I really want them, the transfer center must be eliminated first.

In general, Ji Lin was still reluctant to turn the soldiers who would not die into monsters.

And he felt that making too many would definitely lose the experience of the army. He was very satisfied with the current infantry, and the combat power would be enhanced at the cost of lowering the upper limit... He had the source material and didn't need it.

Then it was [Institute Clock] and [Gray Sky Curtain] to choose one.

The three harmless sub-techniques of this dangerous technology attribute were so terrifying that Ji Lin had no intention of using this dangerous technology.

He was not the kind of guy who would upgrade when he needed it urgently, and would sacrifice his territory to catch up with the progress.

As for the [Gray Sky Curtain] given by the Iron Gray Plague, it was probably something that would be encountered in the normal development of the later period... Fortunately, he handled it quickly enough.

He really couldn't imagine how far human malice could develop.

The best choice is definitely to take all three harmless technologies...

Except for the Institute Clock, which is slightly biased towards territory increase, these three are basically buildings that serve the war.

The system has been harmless, even if he chooses it, the harm will not be that great, but his enemies will suffer.

And it gives him a feeling that it is not easy to deal with it in the century before he crossed over...Not to mention that these three buildings can be upgraded with time, and can also research and develop special forces bonuses.

‘The strategic support permission has been increased to 3/3’

‘[Central Intellectual Intelligence Core] and [Knight's Blunt Sword] have been delivered to the warehouse. ’

‘[Institute Clock] has been added to the building list. ’

“Settlement completed, wish you good luck.”

“The return program is starting.”

(Updated a little late because the author is not feeling well these two days, QWQ)

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