It has seen the people standing on the wall.

Based on his many years of experience in looting, human beings will have many archers sneaking around the wall to shoot arrows.

The crossbows of human beings are very annoying. If they can't hurt them, many fart spirits will die at once. These dying fart spirits might as well become his shields. Even the stronger and wilder orcs will be killed by arrows, which really makes it hate it. Humans only rely on fortifications and are unwilling to come out to fight with them.

He grabbed two fart spirits to block in front of him, as a temporary shield to resist the rain of arrows.

The orcs are not afraid of arrows, but being poked will make them very uncomfortable. The arrows will pierce them, but it doesn't matter if the fart spirit dies.

If the fart spirit is pierced, just replace it with a new goblin to block in front of you.

Unlike the line infantry mode in the field, these soldiers have a shooting stand specially provided for them on the city wall, which provides a safe and stable output environment, allowing them to adjust their weapons for a longer time and obtain shooting with far higher accuracy than in the field.

They can slightly adjust the charge in their gun chambers to make it more powerful when the recoil increases.

At present, long-distance aiming still depends on the soldiers' vision. He has no telescope or anything to provide these musketeers. The element of luck is greater than the element of aiming when the distance is far.

The ruling power of the light crossbow militia is handed over to the heavy officer. The affairs officer can lead the team like the general, but enjoys different bonuses. When the upper-level officer group appears, these equipment can be distributed to the troops by the officers. After the light crossbow militia becomes his subordinate, he will be equipped with the burning flag guard, and its bonus effect will not be dispersed to the musketeers.

Give each militia light crossbow the effect of burning the flag... The iron arrowheads on the wooden light crossbows in their hands slowly surround a touch of red luster.

Ji Lin pinched the timer in his hand, and the 20% cooperation ability has begun to take effect on the team. Although the cooperation ability bonus has no effect in the early era, the value of 20% is too sufficient. This value is sufficient to play a significant role in this simple army team.

What is cooperation? It means that you know what you should do at what time.

And when you don’t know, you will always suddenly understand your responsibilities from the depths of your memory and perform them.

When cooperating with friendly forces, he suddenly realized that he should charge with friendly forces at this time; a team will get support faster than when it is in a hurry; and the artillery's slow barrage and the air force's support strikes will become extremely deadly due to the improvement of the coordination ability. When you dodge the suppressing firepower, the infantry has already pressed on your face.

The improvement of coordination ability will make your troops more like a whole, bridging the rift caused by the information fog.

The first shot was fired by Chang Heng, who was lying on a wooden platform built specifically for him. As a hero unit and a captain, his vision is stronger than that of ordinary soldiers, and his body can also withstand stronger recoil, but the gun may not be able to withstand such a large amount of charge.

Ji Lin directly arranged the best shooting range for him, a watchtower.

One soldier was still resting, and his weapon was handed over to the heavy platform to perform sniping duties. The training in the dungeon brought his subordinates valuable combat experience. There was also a soldier beside them who was specifically loading bullets for them.

After each shot, they could directly switch to a new gun with bullets.

The firing efficiency of these two hero units was improved by rotation.

Ji Lin was good at shooting at a distance and hitting the target, but as for long-range sniping, it was better to leave it to more professional people.

Before he came here, the vision loss caused by long-term use of computers made him even worse at seeing things in the distance than the group of light crossbowmen who were temporarily trained.

The thunderous sound spread.

What happened?

The orc was distracted for a moment, and only half of the fart spirit that had come to resist the rain of arrows fell to the ground, and with it came the pain on his palm. He looked down and found that one of his fingers had disappeared. Only the dripping blood could prove that the finger had existed.

The despicable human was using something new, loud, and powerful to hurt him from a long distance. It was not that he had never seen a musket before, he was a well-known smart guy in the gang, but this was the first time he had seen something that could attack him from such a distance.

Uncontrollable greed and anger rose from him. He was very interested in this powerful and noisy thing, and the despicable human thing actually attacked him.

Two guns.

The orc old man was not stupid, he was still very smart. When he saw two guns firing at him, he realized that he couldn't walk over so slowly, and he had to order his men to charge.

"Men! Men! Let's rush over and kill all those despicable human things! Take their treasures!" He waved his iron rod: "Charge! Charge!"

So the orcs who wanted to save their energy began to launch their desperate assault.

'Distance, a little closer'

Chang Heng's crosshairs followed the orc old man's bloated body that gradually began to accelerate, and he concentrated his energy to eliminate all sounds.

Three points and one line.

He was a hunter, he never forgot his identity as a hunter, a hunter should have a keen observation, a state of mind like water, and a complete plan of hunting targets. It's just that the arrows were replaced with muskets and a sharper spear.

The crosshairs slowly turned, his hands were steady. The most important thing for hunting wild animals is to find a time when it reveals a flaw, and then shoot it to death.

Just like an agitated wild animal.

A quiet beast is the most terrifying. If you can't guess its intention, you may make mistakes.

The agitated beasts are different. They have given up their advantage of calm thinking and put everything on the instinct of survival. When the unknown becomes known, they only need a final conclusion.

Many people regard hunting as a game to show off their strength and ability, and evolve this pure survival behavior into a tool to please themselves.

He is just a simple hunter, hunting for survival.

All the ballistics knowledge flashed in his mind and disappeared. Through the first calibration shot, he has confirmed the current falling distance of the weapon and the moving speed of the orc old man. A certain dotted line connects him and the orc old man.

The orc old man seemed to realize something at the last moment and turned his head to avoid the shot.


Hunting to protect.

Changheng pulled the trigger.

The sturdy figure fell down.

Killed in one shot.

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