Sugar is an essential substance for producing heat in the human body.

Sugar addiction.

If you are in a terrible environment, only excessive sugar can cover up the bad taste of the food itself.

Then people with a little wealth will quickly turn into people who can't live without sugar for three meals.

At least the desserts in front of Ji Lin all show their high sugar content. The light white thin bread that becomes fluffy in the oven makes people's appetites tempted, but the maple syrup that is about to overflow from the bread like a puff makes him stay away.

The golden coffee-colored viscous liquid slides on the transparent bone china plate, and after spreading out, it slowly solidifies in the air.

Maple syrup.

Ji Lin gently tore a piece of white bread and put it in his mouth. The softness and slight sweetness almost made him burst into tears. Such simple and ordinary food made him begin to realize that there are foods that normal people can eat in this world.

No one would want to be creative with white bread as a staple food... just like rice tastes good when it is made according to the established process.

The almost pure and simple production process allows the maker to have more creative ideas but can only stop at the simple process.

How is this possible.

But just add a lethal amount of sugar to the white bread, that's all.

He can see that the chef is committed to making everyone who visits this restaurant and orders this dish suffer from diabetes... but the people around are still happy to enjoy the sugary food in front of them.

These nobles, these Victorian jazz are dining elegantly surrounded by classical music.

New London, the urban commercial district.

Clean and bright streets, the streets are planted with a large number of green leafy plants that can survive in relatively harsh air environments, and professional four-legged robots move and spray water to keep the leaves green at all times.

The pedestrians on the road wore their own decorations, and their clothes were complicated and neat. There were no railroad tracks or steam trains on the streets, only the large locomotives decorated with brass and gears took them through the roads.

The majority of people on the road were still men and women wearing woolen clothes, but their faces had more emotions that they had not seen at the junction of the inner and outer city.


And he was sitting in a restaurant on the side of the road. This was a restaurant hotel that received knights. In the next few months, he would stay here and maintain the safety of the area.

The word "ensure safety" may not be appropriate, it means to eliminate threats.

Of course, the government of New London may prefer him to ensure safety.

"First, your coffee, and the sugar cubes."

So he came here to be responsible for the security of the knights.

Together with the guards of New London, he was responsible for the security of these knights from various knights and even from another country.

Tear off another piece of white bread separately, put it in the sun and observe the scattered white sesame seeds and the folded cavities on the surface.

Press on the maple syrup, and the moving bread falls on the maple syrup flowing out of the soft bread.

Just a little bit, this piece of bread is still very sweet.

Sweet to the point of bitterness.

But the coffee in this high-end restaurant is still unpalatable, like the water that the chef directly scoops out of the pot... and it is specially heated.

After seeing the water source of this city, Ji Lin did not add milk. His knowledge told him that when a city is polluted to this extent, the water source of the city and the nearby plants may not be safe.

When he was in the Holy City, he liked to add milk to his drinks, and the animal husbandry in New London... is fresh milk products, which have a very short shelf life.

Except for a very few people, it is impossible to enjoy fresh milk from the ranch far away from New London.

Taking off the short-beaked mask from his body, he looks like a traveler who arrived here from the East.

Carrying the same rectangular "violin case" as the night crows, he can carry his weapons with him without being watched by everyone like a special person.

And through the clear glass curtain wall that isolates the inside, he can see everything on the street outside and feel the unique style of this era.

As the meal time is over, there are more knights in shining armor in the flow of people outside the window. They are all knights who have finished their meals at the hotel and go out-Ji Lin thought knight was an adjective before, but now it seems that these people are real "knights".

It's just that a group of people wearing armor with different decorations in this modern style gives Ji Lin a very strange feeling.

It's like a fully armed Templar holding a Kalashnikov.

Ji Lin stirred the cup of coffee and realized that only sugar could save this cup of pot washing water. No wonder the newsstand owner kept adding sugar to the coffee that day.

The four-legged sprinkler robot on the road was still moving slowly. When he got closer, Ji Lin saw that there were several young workers in tattered work clothes standing on the head of the sprinkler robot.

If the cost of machinery is not as good as manpower, and the complex part of the function can be replaced by humans, they will use humans without hesitation.

Save costs.

This restaurant is less than three kilometers away from the industrial area in a straight line. If he wants, he can go to the Thames River at any time to appreciate this new London waterway.

If there is no intention, his task is to sit by the window of this restaurant all day and wait for changes.

He vaguely felt that there seemed to be something strange about his transfer, just as if someone realized that he should not participate too much in the clearing mission of the Flesh Turbine as a visitor.

For example, the Duke named Charlie, well, there are always a lot of newspapers in the hotel.

Ji Lin took a few newspapers in his own identity and put them in front of him, checking the content about the Duke in the newspaper.

‘Duke Charlie received the downtrodden knights. Is the knight system a backwardness today? The government should not waste taxpayers’ money. ’

‘Duke Charlie visited the industrial area, paid attention to the growing number of deaths of workers in New London, and proposed a plan to set up a new London orphanage. ’

‘Duke Charlie met with the royal family to discuss the specific arrangements for inviting knights to hold a party. ’

A powerful official duke who connects with the royal family, Ji Lin read the report in the newspaper and thought so.

There is a lot of information, and Ji Lin’s fingertips stopped on a page.

Maybe the night crows don’t have the habit of reading newspapers, but he does.

A newspaper that was not really a newspaper, he finally found out what else the duke did.

‘Duke Charles visited the Industrial Institute, where will the Empire’s war machine take us? ’

A duke who only engaged in charity and management work visited the Industrial Institute. Although the content was all conspiracy theories and nonsense and unreasonable absurd conjectures common in newspapers, Ji Lin still cut this page of newspaper with a knife.

Industrial Institute... The design bureau that created the Type 2 differential engine.

He had a lot of time, so he became a detective. I wonder if he can find a super detective named Sherlock Holmes in this world.

There were also a lot of newspapers that he needed to deal with. The inventory of newspapers in this hotel could even be traced back to 1885... The newspapers that could not be sold were piled up deep in the hotel warehouse.

A low exclamation interrupted Ji Lin's thoughts. Ji Lin looked up and saw that it was a lady. Following her gaze, he saw a group of knights in armor kicking a street kid begging on the roadside.

Ji Lin frowned and prepared to go upstairs to stop their behavior.

At least this was still within his jurisdiction.

An old knight in simple armor stood in front of them, blocking the mockery of these knights and their servants.

(This book is updated twice a day, new books are updated once a day, and new books are updated at 12 o'clock, UwU!)

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