Clash of Lords: Civilization Game Comes to Reality

Chapter 401: Aftermath and Residence

(This chapter fills in the vacancy of 깊껗 and will be updated at the end of chapter 400 놅냬. Here is chapter 껗402. Friends who have read chapter 400 놅 can only read it again, so the new 놅400 chapter looks like it will be much longer. ! UwU! As for this chapter, it should be updated at noon!)

The leader of the seventh group kept looking at him a little strangely. It was not that he was looking at a foreign species, but he was showing an emotion that he had never seen before.

But the nameplate in Ji Lin's hand is genuine. Everyone has such a nameplate that represents their identity.

The night crows' station is not adjacent to the police station. On the contrary, it is surrounded by several abandoned buildings... as well as cemeteries, and a forest area dedicated to this ordinary 뀘-shaped building.

The environment here is not very good, but Ji Lin feels that it is much better than the fog that often disappears and appears in the urban area of ​​New London.

In a place like New London where land is at a premium, there is still enough space left for people to build their own nests.

It's just that Ji Lin still didn't understand the eyes the night crows were looking at him, until he was led by his counterpart to the front of the office, and the government employees who greeted him opened the doors and windows for him.

"Sir, this is your office."

The office is simpler than I imagined.

It was like an office that had never been opened, covered in dust, and the bookshelves and counters didn't look like they had been cleaned.

놛never existed.

There have always been only twelve groups of night crows, just like the roulette wheel represented by the mechanically driven clock in New London, accurately divided into twelve.

Time moves forward, and 놛 accidentally falls into the extended spiral frame, trying to bridge the missing part of the frame.

‘This is to reduce interference in the world... Everything you do is because of you and extends the changes. We must minimize the impact on the world. ’

Adding an outsider to the battlefield and army is a very simple matter.

The dead 놅그 and the living 놅그 are not so closely related. One officer arrived on transfer and the other was temporarily promoted.

The army obeys orders.

Just make a simple 놅 adjustment in the text 껗 and apply a few 늂 cognitive distractions that won't affect every 그놅's normal cognition.

In those special departments that are particularly closely connected, things will basically not change. Departments will adjust their plans and change the arrival method.

An idea, a piece of paper, a new idea.

But it is also necessary to maintain the resources that the lord can mobilize, so the outsider should be in the most suitable position.

The clade will not continue to be deduced. The theory can perfectly calculate every molecule and plant a sapling. It can accurately predict where the leaves of this mature tree will fall one afternoon a hundred years later.

Until eternity?

The computing power consumption caused by cross influence is not 1+1=2, but 2x2=4, and increases exponentially...

The purpose of 돗놅existence is not to control all possibilities in one's own hands, so that evolution will ultimately only lead to a few fixed 놅unique results.

Stagnating forever at a certain level, accepting everything we currently know as truth, and having no hope of moving forward.

'That's it. ’

This was the pretending system's explanation to Ji Lin. Ji Lin didn't understand. He only knew that he had to clean up the long-abandoned office in front of him.

'놖will collect your comments, but if you need to solve the problem, you can take out the sticky notes on your desktop. ’

Ji Lin removed the desk and piled up a pile of books. Inside were all kinds of neatly stacked notebooks. They were clean and not a single word was left behind.

Under the stack of books lies a page of notes.

‘And write on it: Please send cleaners to clean the office of Group 10 immediately. We will give you a clean and tidy office in half an hour. ’

Ji Lin sighed and took off his mask.

The turbid air is accompanied by a faint scent of sunlight disinfected that pours into your nose. I have to say that the air here is much better than that in downtown New London.

놛Go to the window sill and open the window, allowing the sunlight outside the window to shine into this dusty 놅office, 놛 will work here for the next time.

This room is very nice, facing the setting sun, so that I can see the pale red sunset gradually sinking into the New London fog in the distance.

껗The urban area and the lower town are divided by the Thames River. One side is covered with factories that continuously discharge sewage and abandoned iron ash.

The Thames River completely divides the Lower City. Death surges in that black river, which has accumulated over the centuries in New London.

That's not a mother river, it's the city's most veritable natural 'sewer'.

The water flowing inside is truly poisonous to humans. It contains a large amount of heavy metal pollution and is rich in toxic metal liquids such as lead, mercury, and cadmium.

He rolled up his sleeves and started to deal with the garbage pile that covered the whole room by himself.

Well, I still like to do it myself.

놛I don’t have a home, so this small room is my future residence.

'If you need a place to live, you can withdraw your own salary, which is 24 pounds per week... Turn right downstairs and you will find the Finance Office. The remaining funds in the 껙bag are only 20 pounds, please pay attention to saving profits. ’

In other words, which meal will eat up half a month's salary?

Ji Lin was a little surprised. Such a disgusting thing actually cost fifty pounds?

However, considering the pollution in New London, Ji Lin was somewhat relieved. Eating fresh food in this city might be the best enjoyment.

Even if it was just a bunch of carrot flavor and carrot texture, vegetables... at least non-toxic... non-toxic, right?

Speaking of which, system, aren't you the main non-interference? Why are you talking so much now?

'There are a lot of weapons in the Night Raven Equipment Warehouse. Maybe you can pick out some weapons you like...'

The lord can't let himself throw it in and look like a fool who knows nothing. The system adds some information.

"Aren't you afraid that you will come here to copy the blueprint and run back to the territory?"

Ji Lin picked up the pile of books, shook off the dust, and put the books in his hand back to the bookshelf one by one.

There are quite a lot of books here.

‘According to the evolutionary branch, you will not. You should know that if the mission fails, the authority and support will be reduced accordingly. The evolutionary branch will try to determine a direction and a possible future... You should go and see your equipment library? ’

Technology, no one can give up the precious technology within reach. These most precious treasures can return to the territory with the lord’s memory even if the mission fails.

Being able to enter the world where the lord cannot touch it is the wealth of the mission itself... For the lords, the mission itself is also wealth.

Then the system enters the process of pretending to be dead.

‘It only provides you with some information you should know. The above information has no effect on your completion of the mission. The module is offline. I wish you good luck, Mr. Ji Lin. ’

Ji Lin memorized the system notes and extracted some water from the air to clean up this small room.

There was no other way, there was no magic that could make a dirty room shiny with just a wave of the hand.

(Actually, the author is a bit depressed. The income from this book has been halved compared to a few months ago, because the system has no push, and the number of new readers has been halved, just like the income. I am collapsed.)

(So the income is actually provided by you who follow the readers, hehehe. So I am really grateful. As long as this book can be continued, I will not stop writing.)

(As for whether I can continue writing, I can definitely continue writing! After all, the outline is still there! However, because many plots require a lot of energy to conceive and create... put your hands on your hips! What a man!)

(Because the most important thing that supports the author is the spark of inspiration, so it is not a problem to continue writing!)


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