The whistle blew, and shadows poured out like waves.

The spiders dormant in the forest realized that they were starting to work.

Leaping from the forest into the natural sea of ​​flowers, he let out a terrifying scream before attacking.

The special leyline plants that flourished like reeds trembled, as if a chaotic wind swept across the ground, shaking the twigs of the plants and the blooming flowers at the top.

Quite a few members of the Gnoll collection team let out strange screams of panic after seeing their leader, the Gnoll Captain, having his head smashed inexplicably by an invisible attack.

Some ran directly backwards. The lucky ones were able to escape under the precise aim of the shooters and escaped into the dense forest that was enough to hide their figures. The unlucky ones were just like their jackal captain...

When a 12.7mm full-power bullet hits the torso directly, the question is how long you can survive.

Armor is meaningless. Copper-core bullets that spin at high speed to stabilize themselves have armor-piercing capabilities that far exceed that of lead bullets... Whether the rough armor on them can withstand old-fashioned lead bullets is another matter.

Some crouched on the spot, hiding their figures in the sea of ​​flowers, hoping to avoid the enemy's attack.

To greet these guys came the scout hunting spiders and the forest spiders from the sky island world.

They carry a small amount of iron armor to protect the heavy parts of the body. The thin, one-piece iron piece is fixed with a string on the chitinous carapace they acquire after development.

The sea of ​​flowers fell down, shaking off a burst of pollen that exuded light blue light, which represented that a battle was taking place somewhere.

The sharp teeth and sharp teeth of the spiders can easily tear apart flesh and blood. The hunting spiders equipped with special knives are quite deadly in close combat...

The fangs tear flesh, and the knife pierces flesh.

The battle between the Huntsman and the panicked Gnoll and the Big Goblin was closer to a... massacre than a long-range shot.

A bloody massacre.

Swarm tactics, the more hunting spiders, the stronger the combat effectiveness.

Among the smaller scout hunting spiders are some forest spiders with thicker carapace, stronger strength, and the ability to attack.

The soldiers in the territory have regarded this thing as a subspecies of hunting spider. It eats the same food and sleeps in the same place... except that it is fatter and there is no other difference.

The battle ended quickly.

After the battle, it was time to clean up the battlefield.

Cleaning was quite a troublesome task. The soldiers drove the hunting spiders out of this field of magical plants that appeared due to the earth's veins... These little guys can take away half the life of a plant without paying attention.

The good news is that the hunters have all fed the hunting spiders before departure. The bad news is that the hunting spiders have a bad habit of chewing things.

The hunters cleaned the battlefield, lifted up some fallen plants, and restored these plants to their original appearance - these are the property of the territory.

It’s just that the territory has not yet been developed to this point.

Then he collected the bodies as usual, cut down the wood, built a fire, and started burning.

Many hunters gathered around the fire to communicate. They threw the corpses and garbage, and the hunters called the captured cold weapons garbage, and threw them into the fire together.

No one was too close to the fire, and the smell of blood, flesh and grease was a bit too unpleasant.

"I have a question, can jackals be eaten?"

He was cleaning the barrel of the new rifle he got with precise shooting, looking at the fire set up not far away... Carrying fixed-load ammunition with cartridge cases no longer required 놚 cleaning up the residue after firing multiple times, taking a time a week Cleaning up was enough. He was just used to cleaning up the weapons in his possession after the battle.

"Why do you ask that? I'm not sure..."

The squad leader shrugged at him. After all, they were only soldiers, not biologists who focused on studying the ecological environment.

"But we don't have anything to eat, so why should we eat the meat of these jackals?"

Accurate shooting, I dare not say that I am close enough to smell the aroma of the barbecue. Jackals are different from demi-humans...the only relationship between them and the word human is that they are 놆jackals놆a kind of bipedal upright walking. biology.

His eyes were on the hunting spider. A forest spider was secretly pulling out a half-burnt thigh from the fire used to burn the corpse...Part 늁 of Captain Jackal.

This unlucky guy took five full-power bullets in one hour, including one to his head and four to his body. He couldn't die any more.

The soldiers were worried that the guy was too big to burn cleanly with fire, so they took out the sharp side of the engineer shovel to change it into a state more suitable for returning to the earth.

Just slash hard at the weak points of the joints, and use the sharper side of the engineer shovel to slash, cut off, and open.

Several scout hunting spiders ran over with their legs to enjoy this rare meal with their 'comrades'. They peeled off the skin that was burnt beyond use, revealing the half-cooked flesh and blood inside.

The forest spider hissed twice and gave up a piece of 늁 to the hunting spider who came later.

Tear, gnaw.

There was only one thick bone left, and these hunting spiders used their heads to push the thigh bone belonging to the Jackal Captain back into the fire.

Accurate Shot shook his head, forget it, they can eat this stuff if they like.

Huntsman spiders generally do not eat humanoid creatures because their owners do not like it.

Will be beaten.

After being beaten a few times, even the hunting spider knows that there are some things that cannot be eaten randomly.

Huntsman spiders look unattractive.

However, they have high poison resistance and adaptability to harsh environments, which makes them particularly fond of rummaging for plant roots and various small animals to feed themselves.

The soldiers were not worried that these hunting spiders would eat until they died, but eating randomly was not good after all.

The precise shooter touched a piece of brown sugar and put it in his mouth, asked the squad leader beside him if he wanted one, and shook his head.

The squad leader focused his attention on a very special plant next to him. Compared with the herbs beside him, it had a thicker rhizome, and a large number of rounded leaves with blue streamer patterns grew along the rhizome.

There were also several six-petal flowers hidden in the leaves.

The place where the flowers should have grown on the plant flowed out a light blue sticky juice, and the juice with blue light dripped on the leaves.

One less earth vein flower.


The company commander took off his military cap and sighed.

Instead of actively looking for it, it is better to wait for the wandering monsters to appear in the clearly visible weak ground veins and wait for them to appear.

They can wait and station near the rare resource points where the earth veins are weak, and there will always be enemies approaching.

Follow the traces left by the enemy, find their nests, and complete their work.

There seems to be a little accident in his waiting action. A guy took away a ground vein flower. Although he doesn't know the specific value of the ground vein flower... But the captain can clearly feel that the plant where the ground vein flower grows contains a lot of energy.

"Drive the airship over, let's go find it... Find the guy who escaped, and clean up their camp by the way."


The jackal is running.

It has no special skills, but it is born to run very fast... very fast.

Faster than those spiders, faster than the people chasing it.

In its arms, it holds a blooming, six-petal flower that is completely soaked in blue light... stained with blood.

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