(놊I know why I logged into the web version and switched to the mobile version to update. I will update this chapter tomorrow. More people will read it during the day. More updates will also attract people. I will add an update tomorrow to compensate. I will add it tomorrow. There should be more updates here.

Thank you for your support!


He lifted the gun blade and sent it into the head of a wild orc, and then pulled it out after confirming that the sutra was not alive.

The gunmen in gray uniforms checked the downed wild orcs one by one, and the notification from the system came belatedly after the last hit confirmed that they were all dead.

With this reminder, 놊 uses the monsters that are worried about missing to sneak attack, and rewards 늀놊 if they are not finished killing.

‘Cleaning up, resource level: medium’

After the kill, no reward was given. Ji Lin sighed and said that he must wash his face before coming in every day from now on.

Today, the resource point was full of wild orcs. He felt like he had stabbed the orc nest. Today's crackdown has advanced from the flood plain area to the swamp area. Those bandits were even more embarrassing than he thought, and they were only fifty unarmored soldiers. He really wanted to collect these people and put them in the front row.

But as if they had taken some medicine, they screamed and rushed towards the muzzle of the gun, and they all fell down after a volley of fire.

If these people are brought back to the territory, their own people will definitely have objections, and Ji Lin will be at a loss if they all die.

His idea was correct. When he brought back the news that all the rogue bandits had been wiped out, the villagers who immigrated showed expressions of revenge, and the territory gained a 'stable land' that lasted for 꺘months, + 10% production efficiency.

This gain will increase every month until the highest increase is 25%. The casualties of one in a thousand people will disappear and stack up from scratch. Although there are no stability figures for him in this era, it is stable. The degree of addition exists at all times.

During yesterday's cleanup, a spearman was lucky enough to fall into a swamp and was slowed down and eaten by a wild orc. He almost died after being hit by a wild orc. The orc's weapon was rough and affected its power. He was sent back to the newly built herb house for treatment, forcing Ji Lin to Slowing down the advancement speed, the progress of the clearance was slowed down again.

He put on the equipment of this spearman and assisted beside the line.

This day's cleanup also yielded nothing, except for a little blood recovery resources, which were two building blueprints, a herb house and a temple.

The herb room is a rare building that unlocks the collection and storage of herbs and provides hospital-like treatment effects. After entering the doctor profession, it can also produce medicines. If there are corresponding technology options, you can also use 돗 to research them. The system only provides a little bit of basic technology, and other technology research options require you to fight monsters and obtain copies yourself.

늀Like the second-generation steam core technology projects.

That thing requires at least five crystal mine research stations to start the first stage.

The temple can be used to put various bonus items in it to provide some territory bonuses and learn low-level spells. It can be regarded as a low-level version of the altar. Ji Lin has no items to put in it.

He built a herb house and sent it to the injured soldier, and exchanged herbs and gauze for the herb house to transport it. Since there were no professional doctors in the territory, he could only let the affairs officer do it for him.

In addition to the two blueprints, there are actually patches of natural rice fields in the floodplain. They are green rice fields. With simple care, you can have a good harvest. They stretch on the rich land on both sides of the river, and the richness is The reserves even allowed him to temporarily find a location to put the town center.

Ji Lin is very happy. He is very accustomed to eating wheat, and as expected, rice is in line with his eating habits.

When the wheat in the territory matures, the mill can produce flour.

When you upgrade to the third era, clean up these nearby monsters. They will also improve as the era increases, increasing their quantity or improving their quality.

Clear them now, and a new wave of monsters will appear in the first era.

He just found a medicinal herb growing area in this swamp area. A variety of recovery herbs grow together and can be collected. Unfortunately, the one he chose is the age of magic. The magic will start to grow unique resources, all kinds of super fast Restorative food. I know that I can find other biological resources in this swamp.

A piece of green bamboo resembled a green bamboo, but there were several slender leaves on the top. The plants on the surface appeared in front of him. They stretched out their slender leaves and swayed in the breeze. He seemed to smell them in the air. Due to the sweet smell of sugarcane, his common sense confirmed the plant in front of him faster than the system.

Green skin 녠cane.

The corresponding information naturally appeared in Ji Lin's field of vision.

(놖I am thinking that the introduction can be simpler and more comfortable. Try a new introduction. If you feel good, go and change the previous ones)

【녠Cane Forest (medium size)】

【Production of sugar】

[Needs plantation improvement]

Sugar, also known as carbohydrate, is a substance separated by humans. It is an important source of calories and food additives, and can be used as industrial raw materials.

The territory now owns both resources, salt and sugar, and the coast will inevitably produce salt mines. He just has insufficient manpower in the territory to develop the coast, and now he has found sugarcane. When the resources of the territory are subsequently developed, Don’t worry about your needs, you can be self-sufficient.

The system store only sells one kind of seeds in each era, which still allows the lord to plan his own route in each era and choose suitable plants for planting. If he needs other types of plants, he can only find other players for trading permission, or When new plants are discovered on your own territory, the circulation of seeds depends on the seeds themselves, but on something called seed permission.

Or you can get seeds from the creatures grown using resource items and plant them.

In order to allow the lords to adapt to the environment according to local conditions, the biological control system is very strict. The fruit cores obtained through trading cannot grow, leaving no opportunity for the lords to exploit loopholes.

Ji Lin has already exchanged wheat for planting in this era. He plans to exchange it for sugarcane in this era. Now he has found a medium-sized sugarcane forest directly in the swamp wetland, saving an important resource transformation opportunity.

He opened the map interface, which showed that the entire swamp had been completely explored, and Ji Lin had a good harvest.

He ordered people to break off a piece of sugarcane and carry it back to the camp. The harvest of these sugarcanes boosted the morale of the soldiers who had been hunting for a day. They cheered and ran towards the sparse sugarcane forest.

Without using bayonets, which would be stained with blood and contaminate the pulp of the sugarcane, the soldiers raised their rifle butts and smashed the roots of the green-skinned sugarcanes to break them. They carried a pole on their shoulders. Such a wild collection method soon made everyone carry five or six green-skinned sugarcanes on their shoulders.

The swamp geology was soft, so it was easy to put them in the swamp to avoid contaminating the sugar-rich sugarcanes that had just been collected. They carried them on their shoulders first, and the rifles were strapped behind them.

Chang Heng, as a centurion, carried twenty cans by himself, and Ji Lin could see where his head was.

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